
The Walking Dead: Story of Charlus Bohannon

Charlus Bohannon is a US Marshal. Because of his advanced Instinct, he finds himself in North Carolina when the world ends. He changes fate by saving an Aussie Actress, who leads him to King County, Georgia. Where Charlus will be taken on journey led by his family gift, the divine gut. I do not own the walking dead.

D_Blackwell · TV
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13 Chs


Bohannon, Sasha, Jimmy, and Tilly were all bathing in a water hole. The four stuck close to each other during the winter. Jimmy, Tilly, and Sasha even became good survivors.

"Bohannon!" Jimmy called out.

Bohannon ignored him as he went underwater to wash the soap off of his body. When Bohannon resurfaced, he left the water first. He dressed in clean clothes, left the dirty ones for Sasha and Tilly.

As Bohannon fastened his thigh holster and belt, he looked over at Jimmy. The boy had grown some muscle and a whole lot of mass under Bohannon's tutelage. While many people starved during the winter, Bohannon's divine gut kept them fed, so their hard work bore physical results.

"What do you want, Jimmy?"

" Winter is done for. The old man is most likely dead." Jimmy then stepped out of the water and began to dress. "We need to think of ourselves. The search has to end."

"Boy, have you been starving? No, you must have been cold all winter. But that's not right either. So you must have been fighting off walkers all winter, with your bare hands." Bohannon took a step closer.

Sasha got Tilly's attention, and the women left stepped out of the water and went for their clothes. Bohannon pointed at them without a look. "Yall stay right there!" he roared.

The ladies froze with their clothes in their hands, the bare breast on full display with hardening nipples as the breeze grazed them.

"My gut is never wrong. And it has led us to live a great and beneficial winter. But it is still pushing me. So I will follow it because a Bohannon always follows his gut. Now you can stay, or you can go. But I don't want to hear any bitching. Load up." Bohannon walked away.

When he was gone, Tilly threw her boot at her brother. "What's your problem? He has a point. That winter was cold as shit. Most people were probably eating each other to survive! Just keep quiet, he knows his limits, and we can't survive without him," Tilly chided her brother as she slipped into her clothes.

She then grabbed her boot and gave Jimmy one last glare.

Before they knew it, they were on the road again. About 10 miles into it, the group came upon a small strip of stores.

"Suit up, complete blackout," Bohannon spoke, and the group put their vests on, tactical gloves, and full head masks.

Bohannon smirked. "Look at that. You're all little warriors now."

Bohannon was a bit tense due to his gut sending him in circles all winter. The feeling of being close to but so far from finding the old man.

Bohanon stepped out of the truck, and the team raided the stores for what they needed and, of course, a little more.

"Hey, Bohannon, we should be clear all the way south," Sasha spoke from the hood of the truck as she looks at the map and all of the marked locations they added throughout the winter.

Bohannon lit a match and puffed a cigarillo. He then scratched his beard as his gut went wild. "Get in the truck. I found the Old Man."

The crew looked at each other with odd looks, though they kept their comments to themselves.

Bohannon spun the truck around, we eventually came upon a fork in the road. Bohannon took the left lane without any hesitation.

"Bohannon, there's a herd this way."

"Trust me, darling."

"Don't I always?" Sasha replied as she put the map away. Tilly smiled at the two lovers. They were nothing like her parents, but then again, that's probably why her parents got divorced, she thought.

Eventually, Bohannon stopped the truck when they came upon a chain of abandoned cars on the road. "They were here, and looks like a lot of them."

"But where did they go?" Tilly asked Bohannon.

Bohanon looked around, and before he could deduce anything, gunfire could be heard in the distance.

"That's a lot of guns. Who they hell make so much noise out there?" Jimmy asked no one in particular.

"The old man," Bohannon spoke.

Jimmy laughed. "He's a pacifist."

"No one's a pacifist in the apocalypse... We wait here."


When Morning came, Bohannon's group woke an hour before dawn like usual. They did their morning ritual by stepping out of the truck and stretching their bodies. They then suited up and scattered.

About two hours later. A rustling could be heard. It was too fast and controlled to be walkers. When the first walker groaned to death, Bohannon knew the people had come for the vehicles.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. You see that?" Rick Grimes pointed out.

Bohannon smiled to himself. He was happy to see the old law dog put his badge down.

"I see it. We should fan out." Adelaide Kane added. Bohannon's heart thumped when he saw the Aussie beauty. She still wore her boots and dressed for combat like Bohannon had taught her.

The rest of the group nodded and scattered. As they walked the area and cleared it, they stepped right over; Tilly, Sasha, and Jimmy were all in shallow dug holes, covered with camo tarps. They had no idea that they only had to look up to see Bohannon in a tree.

When Rick's group converged on the road, they all relaxed when the area had been cleared. Bohannon took the moment to repel from the tree. He then calls his three warriors to follow him.

With their entire body covered, they drew their weapons on Rick's group.

"Don't move!"

"Don't you fucking move. We'll put one in the pregnant lady." Bohannon shouted. Rick's group froze as they saw four people with riffles.

"They have us boxed in. All they have to do is pull, and we're done." Adelaide spoke to the group.

"Just take what you want! We don't want any trouble." Rick projected his voice.

"Well, I want some fucking trouble, Sheriff!" Bohannon replied. "I've been looking for that old man all goddamn winter!"

Rick's group looked at Hershel. Bohannon walked up to the group and pulled his mask off. "Old man, I brought your kid back. Kept him safe all winter. I tried to get back to warn you about the herd, but the idiot lost the fucking map."

Bohannon laughed, and Hershel shoved Bohannon before pulling him into a hug. "Boy, I thought you were dead!"

Jimmy, Tilly, and Sasha then pulled their masks off. The men started slack jawed as Glenn spoke out first, "Holy Shit, we were going to be robbed by Sasha Grey."

"I told you she was Bohannon!" Beth sang. She then walked past the group and gave Jimmy a big hug.

Bohannon looked over to his right. "Adelaide, it's been a while."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I knew you were looking for us," she replied.

The group gave her odd looks.

"Oh? And how'd you figure that?"

Adelaide put on a serious face. "Just a gut feeling."

Bohanon tittered as he pulled her in to warm embrace, "That's my line, Miss Kane."

She squeezed the man as hard as she could. "I missed you—a lot. I heard you were in town, but you never returned with Jimmy. Hershel thought the worst."

"But I see you protected the girl." Bohannon referred to a healthy-looking Amy.

"I did what I could. We lost Andrea, though. When the horde came, we got separated."

"Damn shame." Bohannon Then greeted Amy, Maggie, Beth, Glenn, T-Dog, Carol, Lori, and Carl. They were the only survivors of the Atlanta group.

Bohannon shifted his attention to Rick. It was something different about the man. "You ever serve in the military, Rick?"

Rick glared at Bohannon.

"It must have been a long winter…" Bohannon spoke softly as he handed his weapon to Adelaide. He moved closer to Rick and pulled the weary-looking man ino hug. Bohannon just told him, thank you. He thanked him for taking care of Adelaide.

Bohannon then whispered, "The first war is always hard, but it gets easier."

Bohannon leaned back and took another look in Rick's eyes. "That's better, Sheriff."

Rick nodded in thanks as he partially understood what Bohannon meant. Rick thought maybe Bohannon had similar pressures when he was on the battlefield.

"So, it looks like you lot could use some food." Bohannon gestured towards his truck.

The two groups joined and talked about everything that happened throughout the winter as they ate. Bohannon and Adelaide sat together on his truck's gate as they spoke around what they really wanted to discuss.

"So…" said Adelaide. "Sasha Grey?"

Bohannon chuckled, "Yes, Sasha Grey." Bohannon took a deep breath, "We're transparent. She knows about you, but all this death and danger makes you put old-world thinking aside and live with your heart on the sleeve."

"And what does she know about me?" Adelaide asked.

"Oh, Miss Kane. Love is a strong word. But I can say that I have never stopped thinking about you..."

"And if your gut and my will separate us again?"

Bohannon held out his arms, "May I?" he asked.

Adelaide nodded, and Bohannon pulled her close. "We'll find each other again. Or next time, you can just follow me."

Adelaide giggled. "Do Bohannons ever follow their hearts?" she asked.

"Not that I know off. But I can try it out for a while if you'll have me." Bohannon replied.

Adelaide blushed a bit. "We'll see. Maybe you aren't the man I parted with back in Atlanta."

"You take all time you need. But for better or worse, I'm all yours, darling."

Bam bam. Rick tapped on the truck.

"You thinking of sticking around this time, or are you here to drop the kid off?" He asked.

"I may call him Boy, jackass, idiot, kid. But Jimmy is a man. You treat him like one, and he'll get the job down." Bohannon corrected Rick. "But, Yes, I can stick around for a bit."