
The Walking Dead: Story of Charlus Bohannon

Charlus Bohannon is a US Marshal. Because of his advanced Instinct, he finds himself in North Carolina when the world ends. He changes fate by saving an Aussie Actress, who leads him to King County, Georgia. Where Charlus will be taken on journey led by his family gift, the divine gut. I do not own the walking dead.

D_Blackwell · TV
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13 Chs

Fort Valley 1/3

"Umm, Adelaide? What the fuck is that?" Bohannon asked with genuine concern.

"My knife." She replied.

The group looked at Adelaide with worry. Bohannon had led his team through a second breach. There were multiple halls and many dead spaces that left the team vulnerable. Bohannon decided to keep the group tight and use melee weapons.

However, Adelaide had pulled out an ice pick.

"That's an Ice pick... Okay, the first order of business is to get a decent blade for Adelaide when we get back."

"Shouldn't we be heading back now?" Adelaide asked.

"Are you tired?" asked Jimmy.

"Noo..." Adelaide replied, and everyone just shrugged.

"Then let's keep going." Said Bohannon.

Bohannon was currently looking for a map of survivor post. During their exploration, the group had found a few bodies with bullets to the head, execution-style.

Either the warden gave the order, or the warden received the orders. But Bohannon thought, if he couldn't find information in the warden's office, it would be in the guards' station or whatever part of the prison they designated to house operations.

Unfortunately, the deeper they went, they passed the residential area, Gaurd House, and Library. None of which had what Bohannon was looking for.

Tilly then noticed that where near the cell blocks again.

"Let's head back then. We can count our tallies, and whatever we still need, we can make a run to get."

The group nodded at Bohannon's word. They then moved steadily through the halls and was surprised to find a Laundry room full of dead fellow corpses and a fresh body.

Tilly and Sasha swept the room while Jimmy felt the body. "Bohannon, he's still room."

The moment Jimmy stood up, the group could hear footsteps coming their way. Bohannon held his hand and spread his fingers, telling the group fan out.

The suspense made the air muggy, and Jimmy had a laser focus on the door. A few moments later, a Colt Python .357 Magnum bent the corner, followed by Rick, a crossbow-wielding Daryl, and T-dog with a pistol too small for his stature.

The two groups were wound up as they faced off. Rick's eyes were big and shit. Adelaide shot lept forward with her hands up to stop everyone from killing each other.

"Wow! Wow! Hol up!" She shouted.

"Adelaide?" Rick asked.


"I thought you were on the far side of the prison." He said.

"We were; the breach leads straight here. I mean, open a few doors, but that's not the point." Bohannon stepped in.

"So who killed the inmate?" Jimmy asked.

Rick's group got all coy.

"He tried to kill me," Rick replied.

Jimmy nodded his head with pursed lips. "Nice hit," he said.

"Hey, I thought the Old Man was with y'all." Said Bohannon.

The reaction from the group made Bohannon's stomach turn.


Sometime later, Bohannon's group stood in Hershel's cell. The Old Man was unconscious and missing a leg. A dead fellow had bitten him. Rick had to amputate it to save his life, but even now, he still might die.

Bohannon looks at the nervous Lori and the emotional Green sisters. From what Adelaide told Bohannon, most of Lori's emotions couldn't be trusted. Bohannon figure that she was more worried about her baby than the loss of Hershel.

However, Bohannon couldn't ignore the unborn child in Lori. It wasn't the child's fault that its mother isn't worth shit.

"Rick, We need to talk." Said Bohannon.

The group glanced at the two men as they walked away. In the yard, Bohannon gave it to Rick as real as he possibly could.

"If Hershel dies, Lori is in deep shit. Adelaide told me that Carol learned a few things, but Lori had a C-section when she gave birth to Carl."

Rick ran his hand through his hair as he nodded.

"Then, to make this as easy as possible, we need to get Carol the tools she needs to be successful, for the child's sake. Those breaches also need to be sealed up. If you want to do this properly, I need to go out for supplies. Not a run, I have some places in mind, and it will take a while." Said Bohannon.

"Lori could have the baby any day now. "

"That's why we need to get on this. That baby is the future of Humanity. There are not many of them being born. We need to do this right, Rick." Said Bohannon. "I'm leaving Tilly and Jimmy here. Sasha also needs a rest."

"So, you want to take Adelaide."

"Yeah. I don't know how much you've depending on her, but I need her now. Things can get hairy out there, and I know she can make it back on her own."

"Yeah, sure, do it. " Rick sighed.

"Coo, stay frosty, Sheriff," Bohannon spoke as he ran off to get ready.


Bohannon was loading up the truck with ammunition and two weeks of rations for four people. Though Bohannon tried to convince Sasha to stay and rest, she insisted on going with him.

Unfortunately, Amy was the same way. She stuck to Adelaide like glue. Bohannon was worried about the girl nut Adelaide assured him that she could handle herself.

When the new team was ready, Bohannon hit the road to get to Fort Valley State University for medical supplies.

"So, what are we doing here again?" Amy asked.

"We need a few things to make sure Lori doesn't die giving birth," Bohannon replied. "We go in, and we don't split up. We take medical supplies and medicine first!"

"Why are we doing this?" Adelaide finally asked in a hushed voice directed at Bohannon.

Bohannon tossed his half-inch cigarillo out the window. " Rick is on the edge. If Lori dies, it'll break him. If she decides to put her life over the baby, it'll break him, and then he will kill her... Winter was long and made me realize that a lot of the world is already dead. A lot more than I thought."

"You want to protect life." Said Adelaide.

Bohanon licked his lips and sighed. "Yeah. "

Adelaide leaned back slightly as she noticed the odd look on Bohannon's face. It was she had never seen before—a face that made her skin feel itchy and her nerves' foreign and uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you?" Adelaide asked with high pitched tone conjured from surprise and concern.

In the back seat, Sasha had seen the face many times. Every time she saw it, it forced her to remember the time when Bohannon nearly died during the winter months.

Sasha leaned forward and caressed his shoulder. "Everything will be okay, Charlus," she said.

Bohannon took a long blink and shook the feeling off. It wasn't the time to face his demons.

After the group exited the car and entered the college, it was a straight shot to the campus clinic. As Bohannon said, the group stayed together and collected the pain killers, antibiotics, and antivirals. Amy carried the scalpels, bandages, disinfectants, and a shit load of condoms.

The group tried to stifle their laughs as Sasha managed to ask the girl what if she had a secret man.

"He-he, you laugh now, but when you end up like Lori, I'm not going going to take care of your pregnant ass." Amy spit.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Babies weren't the best route in the current situation.

With the object of their mission complete, the group went back into the college to explore.

"I think we should go to the gym." Said Sasha. " My school offered classes and clubs for martial arts. Bohannon can forge, but I think a bigger selection of melee weapons could give him a basis to work on with limited resources."

Bohannon smirked, pulled her close as he kissed her forehead. " Genius. That makes a lot of sense. Bullets won't last forever. We can also take what information they have on the martial arts."

Adelaide rolled her eyes. " In that case, we should hit the chemistry department. Bullets won't last forever. Then we should make as many as we can. Between both of us, I'm sure we can figure it out."

Sasha rolled her eyes this time and said, "Bohannon could manage just fine on his own. He made the bullets in your weapons." Sasha stated a matter of factly.

Adelaide was pleasantly surprised that Bohannon could make ammunitions.

"Aye. The chemistry building is first. We can hit the gym next." Bohannon announced.

"What about botany? Hershel wants to recreate his farm, and we need sustainable food. " Amy added. Besides Adelaide's and Sasha's vie for Bohannon's praise, Amy wanted to make the prison the last place that settled.

Bohannon chuckled and said, "Let's just raid this bitch."

The chemistry building was easy pickings, but it was a tough fight, and the group rested for the rest of the day when the truck was loaded with the right compounds for black powder and incendiary ammunition.

The next day, the group hits a snag during the exploration of the biology department.

Bohannon was panting heavily as he held his stomachs tightly in his hands. His back was against the thick wooden classroom door, and his body soiled with the coagulated fluids of the dead folks he had slain.

Bohannon looked around, and his body quaked when he noticed his greatest fear might of come to fruition.

"Where is Adelaide?" he asked.