
The Walking Dead: Riley's Journey In The World Of The Dead

The walking dead telltalegame series FANFICTION (I'm not killing lee, but i will delete some of the character to keep the tragic element of the game, i added one character as the mc and there's no gender bend OG game Characters. Unlike in other fan fiction where they turned clementine male The only Gender Bender here is our MC I also added a bit of supernatural just so i could explain how riley was sent to that world

PEKABOT_2005 · Video Games
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Chapter 7: Dairy Foul Diner

The sun had fully set, signaling the approach of night. Suddenly, a bell rang, its sound resonating through the air.

The familiar chime indicated that dinner was ready, prompting everyone to make their way towards the house. They entered one by one, finding their seats as Brenda addressed them.

"Everyone, please have a seat and make yourselves at home," she said warmly.

Following her invitation, we settled in, with Duck eagerly claiming the first seat and expressing his excitement with joyful jumps.

"Oh boy, I can't wait!" Duck exclaimed, his anticipation palpable, eager to enjoy a satisfying meal.

"Now, now, honey, please try to sit still," Duck's mother Katjaa gently admonished, holding him down.

Meanwhile, Kenny and Lilly exchanged tense glances, their eyes filled with unspoken tension.

On the other hand, Larry took the opportunity to flirt with Brenda, regaling her with tales of his past and reminiscing about his youthful good looks.

Brenda listened attentively, amused by Larry's stories, playing the part of a gracious hostess.

"Is everyone present?" Brenda inquired, scanning the room.

Kenny looked around and noticed a few absent faces. "Well, Lee and Mark haven't arrived yet," he remarked.

"I'll go fetch your friend," Andy offered, volunteering to find Lee.

"That guy should never cause any trouble for these people," Larry muttered, referring to the missing member, Lee.

Kenny asked, "By the way, where's Mark?"

"Your friend is fine; he already had dinner upstairs," Brenda reassured Kenny, providing some relief to the concerned group.

"Thank you so much," Lilly expressed, her smile radiating warmth and gratitude.

Brenda returned the smile. "It's what we do. We're here to help people," she said sincerely.

"We never imagined we would have a warm meal, one that could truly fill us up," Kenny remarked.

"Don't worry, y'all. I cooked plenty just for you," Brenda reassured them.

Lilly spoke up, "Um, where's the bathroom? I'd like to wash my hands before we eat."

"Just outside the hall. Make sure to clean up thoroughly. You've been out in the dirt for quite a while," Brenda directed, gesturing towards the location.

"Thanks," Lilly replied, standing up and heading in the opposite direction from Kenny.

"I'd like to wash my hands too. I've touched various things, and I don't want to risk getting an upset stomach later. Better safe than sorry," I chimed in, following Lilly's lead.

"Me too," Clem added, tagging along with us.

Katjaa turned to her son and asked, "What about you, Ducky? Don't you want to wash your hands first?"

"My hands are clean. See?" Duck proudly displayed his hands. "I didn't touch any dirt."

One by one, we washed our hands and returned to the dining room. Lilly took the opportunity to explore the surroundings while the rest of us settled back into our seats.

Just then, Andy and Lee entered the house. Everyone was already seated, except for Brenda, who had just gotten up.

Andy took a seat, while Lee remained standing, a smile gracing his face. He felt a sense of happiness seeing the group in high spirits.

Looking around, Lee failed to spot Mark and inquired, "Where's Mark?"

Kenny explained, "Brenda said he already ate and is sleeping upstairs."

Looking at Lee, Kenny gestured in a way that seemed to ask, "Did you check on it?"

Lee paused, his smile fading slightly, but he nodded in response, confirming Kenny's unspoken question. Kenny gasped softly, his concern growing.

"I'd like to hear more about it later," Kenny whispered to Lee.

Lee nodded, understanding the need for discretion in their conversation. Andy, noticing their secretive interaction, couldn't help but inquire.

"What are you two talking about, my friends?"

Lee quickly responded, "Nothing."

"That doesn't seem like nothing to me," Andy pressed, growing suspicious of the exchange between the two.

Larry chimed in, his voice laced with anger. "Don't pay them any mind. They always have their own little world. Nothing good ever comes out of their mouths."

Kenny seethed with anger but held back, forcing himself to remain silent and in control.

"If i ever get the chance, i will smack that sonofab*tch" Kenny muttered cursing to larry

Before Brenda could walk away to get the food, Lee asked her, "Do you mind if I wash my hands first?"

Before Brenda could respond, Lilly returned to the dining table and gestured to Lee, indicating where he could wash his hands.

Brenda turned and made her way to get the food. A few minutes later, she returned, but Lee was nowhere to be found.

"Enjoy your meal, everyone. Dig in," Brenda smiled as she took her seat.

Everyone eagerly served themselves, filling their plates with delicious barbecue.

I placed a couple of pieces on my plate and also gave some to Clementine.

Lilly and the others had already started eating, savoring each bite.

"Barbecue, wow!" Duck exclaimed, his mouth full as he chewed on the flavorful meat.

The aroma was enticing. Clementine carefully inspected her food, preparing to take a bite.

Just as she was about to eat, Lee rushed in, shouting loudly, "Don't eat that!" Fear was written all over his face.

"Huh?" Lilly, Kenny, and Larry exclaimed, caught off guard.

"Lee! What's going on, man? Did you find something?" Kenny asked, concern evident in his voice.

Brenda, Andy, and Danny turned their attention to Lee, their faces filled with worry.

But then, his next words shocked them all. "It's people!"

Everyone initially took his words as a joke or a strange comment about people eating together. Brenda responded, "Yes, Lee, it's all people here. Sit down; your supper is getting cold."

However, as I saw the pale expression on Lee's face, I knew something was terribly wrong.

I held Clementine's hand, preventing her from taking a bite.

"What? Hey!" Clementine pouted, unhappy with my interruption.

Katjaa, noticing the tension, asked Lee, "Lee, what's wrong? You're scaring the kids."

"Yeah, Lee, what is it?" Kenny pressed, eager to understand the sudden disturbance.

Larry, displeased with the commotion, unleashed his anger at Lee. "Get your ass back in your seat before I nail you to the damn chair!"

The room erupted into chaos as tensions escalated. Lee shot back at Larry with a fierce glare. "Will you shut it, old man? I'm trying to save your asses here!"

"Save us? Save us from what? These good people cooked a meal for you. Did hunger drive you insane? Why don't you appreciate the food on the damn table?"

Lilly quickly intervened, holding her father back before his anger could escalate further. "Dad, calm down. Lee, what the hell is going on?"

"YOU'RE EATING HUMAN FLESH!" Lee declared bluntly.

Everyone was left in shock by Lee's claim. Kenny, trusting in Lee's words, pushed away his plate, while Katjaa took Duck's food and set it aside.

"Mom! I was eating that!" Duck protested.

Larry, however, remained skeptical and defiant. He took a large chunk of meat and put it in his mouth. "This woman cooked you a homemade meal, you ungrateful shit! Show some respect!"

"I'm showing no respect to a cannibal! Everyone, arm yourselves!" Lee shouted.

Kenny swiftly grabbed his rifle, but before he could react, Danny stood up and shot Kenny in the shoulder. "Ack!" Kenny cried out in pain as blood splattered across the wall. He slumped down, gripping his wounded and bleeding shoulder.

"DAD!" Duck screamed in terror.

Clementine covered her ears, tears streaming down her face. Meanwhile, I discreetly grabbed a knife and concealed it in my pants.

Katjaa shielded her son in fear, determined to protect him from any potential harm.

The gunshot sent everyone into a state of shock. Lily quickly grabbed a knife from the table, but her attempt was futile as Andy aimed his rifle at her head.

"Now, nobody moves," Andy declared.

Brenda looked disappointed, her expression filled with regret.

Larry experienced a mix of emotions-anger, betrayal, sadness, and surprise. He stared in horror at the people who had served them and at the meal he had been eating.

Lee's words had turned out to be true, and Larry was at a loss for words. "I... I can't believe it. But..."

Lee, being close to Danny, attempted to snatch his gun, only to receive a harsh blow from Danny that rendered him unconscious. He lay motionless on the ground.

Lilly confronted the three captors, her voice trembling with anger and disbelief. "You sick people! Tell me this isn't Mark!"

They remained silent, refusing to answer her.

"Stand up and slowly move. The vet stays," Andy commanded, his gun still pointed at them.

"What? No!" Kenny screamed, refusing to leave Katjaa behind with them.

"If you don't comply, we will rain bullets down on you," Danny threatened.

Duck clung to his mom, crying in fear. "Mom..."

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, they were forced to stand up and slowly move away, except for Kenny, who stood his ground.

Danny glared at Kenny, sensing his intention to make a move. He pointed his gun at Kenny's head. "Don't try," Danny warned.

Kenny sent another glare of defiance, but Katjaa intervened, stopping him from taking any action.

"Kenny, please, just follow them. I'll be fine," Katjaa assured him. "Take Duck with you."

"But..." Kenny protested, not wanting to leave his wife.

"Please," Katjaa begged, her voice filled with desperation.

"Leave the kid behind. The rest of you go to the barn," Danny commanded.

"What? No!" Katjaa objected, worried for her son's safety.

"You son of a..." Kenny cursed under his breath.

Danny continued, "Don't worry, we'll take care of your wife. We need her, after all."

"What about my son? Duck!" Kenny pleaded.

"Just follow before I pull the trigger. My finger is starting to itch. Oh, and also, take your friend," Danny added, gesturingbat the unconscious lee on the ground.

As we were escorted outside, our hearts sank at the sight of Mark descending the stairs, crawling with his hands and desperately calling for help. A trail of blood followed him, revealing the gruesome state he was in-his legs had been clearly severed.

"Mark!" Lilly cried out.

"Move it," Andy commanded, urging us forward.

We were led to the back of the barn, where a horrifying scene awaited us. The room was a bloody mess, a testament to the violence that had taken place.

They opened a heavy metal door and locked us inside in another room, leaving us trapped and helpless.

"Oh my God, I feel sick," Lilly gasped, turning away as she coughed and vomited, emptying her stomach.

Larry, regaining his composure, quickly shifted from shock to anger. He began banging on the door and screaming, "You can't keep us in here! Open up! I'll tear you apart with my bare hands, you fuckers!"

Kenny, aware of the urgency of his situation, tore off a portion of his clothes and tightly tied it around his wound to stem the bleeding. His arm was drenched in red, the blood slowly trickling down his skin.

"I need to find a way out of here," Kenny muttered, pacing anxiously, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any possible escape route.

Meanwhile, Larry continued to pound on the door, his voice filled with rage. "You sick, fucking bastards! Open this door, goddamn it! I'll knock it down myself!"

Lilly desperately tried to intervene, shouting, "Dad, stop!"

Minutes passed, but Larry's relentless banging continued.

Realizing Lilly was unable to control her father, I approached him, hoping to calm him down. "Please, Mr. Larry, calm down," I pleaded.

I had heard from Katjaa that Larry had heart problems. If he won't stop banging, he could have a heart attack and die.

"Back off, kid. I don't have time to babysit a brat," Larry snapped, his face filled with anger as he continued to pound on the door. "Open up!"

Lilly, still recovering from her earlier sickness, managed to walk over to her dad and tried to soothe him. "Please, Dad, stop. Think about your heart."

But Larry remained stubborn, ignoring her pleas.

Growing increasingly frustrated with the incessant banging, Kenny snapped, "Will you stop that noise?! We need to find another way out of here!"

"Shut it you big fuck, you and your friend always ruins everything!" Larry said to kenny

"He saved us! Or you want to finish that meat" Kenny shot back

I turned to Larry, my voice filled with desperation. "Please, we're begging you. We don't have your medication right now. You could really die. Help us find a way out."

"Dad please" the begging sound of his daughter soften larry.

Finally, Larry seemed to realize the gravity of the situation. He took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down.

Meanwhile, Lee stirred awake, slowly surveying his surroundings. Larry sat quietly by the door, no longer making a sound.

Kenny, determined to find an escape route, examined the air conditioner, searching for a way to remove it.

"Does anyone have a coin?" Kenny asked, hoping someone could assist him.

I checked my pockets but found them empty. I vaguely remembered having a couple of coins when I woke up in this world, but in the current zombie-infested times, they seemed useless, so I had to trash them.

"Anyone?" Kenny asked again, looking around.

Annoyed, Larry reached into his pocket and threw a few coins on the ground toward Kenny. "Here," he grumbled.

Kenny replied, "Could've given it a bit more nicely."

"Can it, asshole," Larry spat.

Upon seeing Lee wake up, Clementine rushed to his side.

"They tried to make us eat a person," she said to Lee.

"But you didn't?" Lee replied, to which Clem nodded silently.

Larry interjected, "The rest of us did, goddamn it! If you hadn't dragged your feet..."

"If I hadn't, you would have human meat in your stomach"

Larry was speechlesss after that talk.

"Kenny found a way out while you were out," I informed Lee, as he watched Kenny unscrew the air conditioner with a coin.

Looking at Kenny, Lee expressed concern, "Are you okay? Your arm is in bad shape."

Kenny replied, "This is nothing. Just help me here, alright?"

Slowly, Lee stood up and went to Kenny, assisting him in removing the air conditioner unit and placing it on the floor.

As they did, a small gap in the ventilation was revealed.

"Looks like it's about the size of a kid," Kenny said, looking at me.

"Oh, come on, man," Lee exclaimed.

Kenny reasoned, "I didn't want to do this, Lee, but we need to be fast. They have my family with them, and I'm not just standing here doing nothing. I have to save them."

During their conversation, I raised my hand, volunteering. "I'll do it."

"Are you sure you can?" Lee asked, concerned.

Confidently, I replied, "Yes" I'm slowly getting used to seeing blood anyway, so even if I end up in another blood-soaked house, I won't be fazed

"Of course, I can," I assured them.

Lee instructed me, "Hide if you see them, don't get caught, and move fast."

Reluctantly, he supported me, lifting me toward the vent as I crawled my way out.

Eventually, I found myself back in the blood-stained room. I quickly ran to the other side and unlocked the door.

The first one to rush out was Larry, who quickly got up, seething with anger.

"Dad, NO!" Lilly screamed.

Sorry if theres some error/mistake on this chapter, i kind of did this drowsy at night

PEKABOT_2005creators' thoughts