
The Walking Dead: Reborn as Leon Kennedy

In a world ravaged by the undead, one man stands tall amidst the chaos. Meet Leon, a survivor like no other, armed not only with his skills and determination but also with a secret weapon: memories of The Walking Dead show. As he navigates through the horrors of the apocalypse, Leon's mind is filled with vivid images and strategic insights drawn from the beloved TV series. He knows that in this brutal new reality, the greatest threat lies not in the hordes of the undead but in the darkness that resides within humanity. With unwavering resolve, Leon uses his knowledge to forge a powerful society, a sanctuary amidst the ruins, where the weak are protected and hope thrives. Drawing inspiration from the show, he understands that survival is not just about physical strength, but about unity, trust, and the indomitable spirit of the human race. ----- [Why It Was Canceled] ----- Update: Failed experiment of mine testing the utilization of ChatGPT in producing and writing a novel. The consensus was that ChatGPT wrote each chapter as though it was the end of the story, cramming in lines right at the end about hope and humanity and all that junk. This brings up another point, without even bringing it up the AI seemed more inclined to spread positive morals and messages unprompted. As noted by some readers, the constant spewing of such subjects ended up feeling too artificial. On a side note, I attempted feeding in one of my drafts for a different novel without prompting the AI to do too much to it other than editing and optimizing it and the results were relatively positive. It kept most plot points and refined them with minor tweaks, like the addition of vivid descriptions and detailed character processes. Never did it feel like the AI was hijacking the story as it didn't try forcing in ideals of hope and morals, instead like intended, it only edited and optimized my story. Consensus, ChatGPT is ideal for editing a story and not creating one from scratch. Even feeding in the AI an outline to follow doesn't exactly work as the AI ends up hijacking the story to come up with some vague ending or continuation that leans on positivity and hope thanks to its procedure to stay away from dark topics. Only very minor mistakes were made by the AI in editing, like how it sometimes confused he/she or that it rarely gets confused as to whether the story is in first person or third. Nothing too serious that can't be cleaned up by Grammarly or a careful rereading to make sure everything's alright.

_Hachiroku_ · TV
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

「Unveiling the New World」

Rick Grimes groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, his eyes blinking open to reveal the sterile white walls of a hospital room. The memories of the chaotic world outside flooded his mind, leaving him disoriented and groggy. Trying to make sense of his surroundings, he noticed a faint ray of sunlight peeking through the partially closed blinds, casting a dim glow over the room.

As he attempted to sit up, his head throbbed with a piercing headache, and he winced in pain. To his side, he spotted a vibrant bouquet of freshly bloomed flowers, their colorful petals radiating life. Beneath the vase, a sheet of paper caught his attention. "The World's Gonna Need Rick Grimes." The message felt cryptic yet strangely comforting, as if someone had taken care to bring life and hope into the otherwise bleak room.

Feeling a surge of determination, Rick swung his legs over the side of the bed, his unsteady feet touching the cold linoleum floor. Clinging to any semblance of stability, he steadied himself against the wall, his mind racing with questions about what had transpired during his unconsciousness.

Navigating the dilapidated hallways, the once sterile hospital had transformed into a macabre maze, littered with overturned equipment and remnants of hurried escape. Rick's footsteps echoed eerily as he stumbled forward, his hands trailing along the peeling wallpaper for support. The stale air carried the stench of decay and abandonment, a haunting reminder of the world he had awoken to.

Finally, Rick emerged from the crumbling hospital, stepping into the desolate street, lined with abandoned cars and debris. His eyes scanned the desolation, searching for signs of life or any indication of what had become of civilization. It was then that he noticed a figure standing nearby, leaning against a black sedan, as if contemplating his next move.

Approaching cautiously, Rick's weariness gave way to a glimmer of hope. The man was dressed in a tailored, dark outfit, his posture confident and alert. His short, styled brown hair caught the faint sunlight, and his piercing blue eyes met Rick's gaze, radiating determination and purpose.

"Hey," Rick called out, his voice hoarse and uncertain. "Do you know what's going on? What happened to this place?"

The man's lips curved into a reassuring smile, a mix of sympathy and understanding. "I wish I had all the answers, but I'm as lost as you are. My name's Leon. Leon S. Kennedy. You're Rick Grimes, right?"

Rick nodded, relief washing over him as he found someone who seemed to know his identity.

"I found a note back in the hospital. It mentioned my name, said the world's gonna need me. Do you have any idea what that means?" Rick asked, a glimmer of hope returning to his weary eyes.

Leon's expression softened, his eyes reflecting the weight of the world they now inhabited. "I can't say for sure, Rick. But I believe we've been chosen to survive, to make a difference in this new reality. There's something out there, something that needs us to keep fighting."

Rick's mind shifted to the bouquet of alive flowers, and a sense of wonder washed over him. "Who brought those flowers? They're alive... someone's been taking care of them."

Leon nodded, his voice filled with empathy. "There are others out there, survivors who have found solace in nurturing life amidst the chaos. At our camp, we have a group of people who've come together to support one another. Your family, they're there too."

Rick's eyes widened in astonishment and suspicion. "My family? How do you know them?"

Leon's gaze held steady, his tone sincere. "When I arrived at the camp, they told me about you, Rick. Your wife, Lori, and your son, Carl, they're waiting for you."

A mix of emotions flooded Rick's mind—hope, disbelief, and a sliver of trepidation. Could this stranger truly be trusted with the knowledge of his family? The weight of the unknown loomed over him, but the flowers and Leon's reassuring presence offered a glimmer of trust amidst the uncertainty.

"We should get to the camp," Leon continued, gesturing toward his car. "Your family needs you, Rick. Together, we can find the answers we seek and forge a path forward in this world."

With a swirl of conflicting emotions, Rick took a deep breath and made a decision. He would trust in the unlikely bond forming between them, trusting in the vibrant flowers and Leon's unwavering conviction.

As they walked towards the waiting car, the echoes of their footsteps marked the beginning of an uncertain but hopeful alliance. Rick Grimes, awakened from his slumber, and Leon S. Kennedy, a survivor driven by duty, united in their quest for survival, family, and the elusive truth hidden within the chaos.


As Leon drove Rick down the barren and chaotic streets, the remnants of civilization lay in ruins around them. The once-thriving neighborhoods now resembled ghost towns, haunted by the specter of death and decay. Leon's voice filled the silence, recounting the events that unfolded during Rick's two-month coma.

"In those two months, the world turned into a nightmare," Leon began, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "The dead started to rise, feeding on the living. It spread like wildfire, infecting anyone they bit. The government collapsed, chaos reigned, and survival became our sole purpose."

Rick's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "Two months? I was out for that long? How is it possible? How did you all survive?"

Leon glanced at Rick, empathy etched on his face. "It wasn't easy, Rick. Your best friend, Shane, and I, we did what we had to do. We protected each other, fought off the walkers, and scrounged for supplies. We made a promise to keep your family safe until you woke up."

Relief washed over Rick, mixed with gratitude and apprehension. "Shane... he's still alive? I can't believe it. Thank you, Leon, for everything. For taking care of my family."

Leon nodded, a sense of camaraderie forming between them. "We're in this together, Rick. Now more than ever, we need to stick together and fight for survival."

As they continued their journey, the desolate streets seemed to grow darker, and the air hung heavy with an oppressive sense of danger. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, its shambling gait and decaying flesh revealing its true nature—a walker.

Rick's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the abhorrent creature before him. Its skin was pallid and stretched taut over decaying muscles. Its clothes hung in tatters, stained with dirt and dried blood. Its milky eyes lacked any trace of humanity, replaced by a ravenous hunger that fueled its relentless pursuit.

Leon tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his voice steady but filled with a somber weight. "That's a walker, Rick. They used to be people, but the infection has turned them into mindless, flesh-hungry creatures. When someone gets bitten, they have only a few hours before turning into one of them. The only way to stop them is by destroying their brain."

Rick's face contorted with a mix of horror and disbelief. "Destroy their brain? But they look... they look like people. How can you bring yourself to do that?"

Leon's voice was tinged with sorrow as he spoke. "It's a harsh reality, Rick. Against walkers, hesitation is a death sentence. If we want to protect ourselves and the ones we love, we have to be willing to make the tough choices. It's the only way to survive."

Before Rick could ask another question, Leon pulled the car to a stop in front of Rick's old house. The memories flooded back, a bittersweet wave of nostalgia and grief. The once-welcoming facade now bore the scars of abandonment, its windows shattered and the front door ajar.

"We need to make a stop here," Leon said, his voice filled with determination. "There might be supplies we can use, and it's important for you to see the reality of what we're up against."

Rick swallowed hard, mustering his courage. "Alright, let's do it. But Leon, promise me that we'll make it out of here alive."

Leon's gaze met Rick's, unwavering in its resolve. "I promise, Rick. We'll get through this together."

With that reassurance, Rick and Leon stepped out of the car, their eyes scanning the desolate surroundings.

Rick stood in the doorway of his old home, his heart heavy with the realization that his once warm and inviting sanctuary had been reduced to a hollow shell. The absence of family photos and the emptiness of the cabinets and dressers echoed the void that had been left behind. It was as if the remnants of his previous life had been erased, a testament to the devastating impact of the new world they found themselves in.

His eyes settled on the cabinet where Lori had kept their cherished family photos. As he opened it, his breath caught in his throat, fearing the worst. But to his relief, the photographs were nowhere to be found. A glimmer of hope flickered within him, reassuring him that his wife had made it out of the house safely, taking those precious memories with her.

Tears welled up in the corners of Rick's eyes, emotions threatening to overcome him. He quickly wiped them away, his face hardening with determination. The world had changed, and he had to adapt. He couldn't afford to let grief consume him. He had to fight for survival and reunite with his family.

Leon, who had been standing idly by, watching Rick closely, spoke up. "You done?"

Rick nodded, his voice steady. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Leon walked back to the sedan and rummaged through the trunk, retrieving a bundle of clothes that had once belonged to Rick and a Colt Python along with a simple army knife. He handed them to Rick, his gaze filled with a mixture of sympathy and resolve.

"We couldn't risk having you put them on at the hospital, but now that we know this place is secure, you can change into them," Leon explained. "Put these on and get ready. Our journey is far from over."

Rick accepted the clothes and weapons without question, a renewed sense of purpose washing over him. He knew he couldn't dwell on the past or succumb to despair. There were still challenges to face, dangers to confront, and a future to fight for.

With steady hands, Rick changed into his old clothes, feeling a sense of familiarity and strength in their worn fabric. The weight of the Colt Python in his hand provided a sense of security, a tool to defend himself and those he cared about.

As he stepped out of the house, his gaze met Leon's determined eyes. "I'm ready," Rick declared, his voice filled with newfound resolve.

Leon nodded, a small, approving smile gracing his lips. "Good. We have a long road ahead of us, but we'll face it together."

The world beyond the walls of Rick's old home awaited them, a harsh and unforgiving landscape. But armed with determination, loyalty, and the will to survive, Rick and Leon ventured forth, ready to overcome the obstacles that lay ahead and find their place in this new reality.

With the engine of the sedan roaring to life, they set off, their destinies intertwined, as they navigated through the treacherous journey of the unknown. In the face of darkness and despair, they carried a glimmer of hope, fueled by the enduring spirit of humanity and the unwavering belief that, somehow, they would find a way to persevere.

---------「Author's Corner」----------

Guess who's back! Am I back in it for sure? Who knows, I can't read the future... But in any case, a sudden burst of inspiration hit me after an also sudden urge to rewatch The Walking Dead (TWD). Pair that together with a brilliant fanfic of TWD that I've been reading and boom--- a couple of drafts into ChatGPT later and here I am. For reference, the fanfic I'm referring to is "The Walking Dead: Survivor" by BookOfMystery.

Now, cause I'm confident I could do it this time, let's have a little challenge. I wanna be in the rankings by the end of this week and I need your guys help. Specifically, I need some reviews and stones. I forgot the minimum for reviews but I'd greatly appreciate any, if you feel uncomfortable leaving a review so early just know you could edit it later.

So if we reach 100 stones by the end of this week, I'll give you guys 2 extra chapters next week in exchange~! Sounds like a good deal, no?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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