
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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70 Chs

59 - Trouble (1)

Jonathan looked again in the files of the computer where he was logged in, but nothing about the current location of patient 0 appeared. He knew that Alice, the famous patient 0, was here, so he knew that eventually he would find some kind of trace of her exact location. 'She's here, on this base, I just don't where exactly.'

Yet, after looking through ALL the files on that computer, nothing about the location came up. So, he got up and looked for another computer, unperturbed.

No one there realized that Jonathan was an imposter, and he didn't act like one. 

It didn't take long for him to find another vacant computer and he repeated the process. Put in the USB, unlock all the passwords, and look through all the files until he found what he wanted.

However, after repeating the process a few more times and coming up empty, Jonathan, who knew that infiltration was a one-time thing, didn't have many options left.

' I can literally search all the computers here when they eventually become vacant, something I find difficult to happen given the current situation, or I can simply press the fuck button and improvise everything.'

Jonathan knew that as soon as, and if, he chose the second option, things would get totally chaotic for him. He was confident of escaping alive if necessary, but it would only be worth it if he found patient 0 and escaped with her.

After a while reviewing his options, Jonathan sighed, ' God damn it!'

Discreetly but under the gaze of anyone paying attention to him, Jonathan equipped himself with even more weapons and hid them. He added a few more things for protection, such as the round titanium shield he had made some time ago and placed on his back.

After that, Jonathan simply climbed up on the desk where the computer was and said in a loud voice, "Excuse me.''

Only the Umbrella guards turned to him, but they only found the situation strange, since they would never have imagined that someone would break into Umbrella and reveal themselves so easily. And Jonathan's weapons were hidden, so he just looked like an executive making some kind of announcement or something like that.

A little bit annoyed that those hostages/ scientists didn't pay attention to him, Jonathan once again, but this time with a little bit more force, shouted, '' EXCUSE ME!''

Finally, that did the trick and everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and looked over at Jonathan with annoyance. Some looked surprised at what an executive-looking guy was doing down there and his weird actions such as climbing onto desks, but still paid attention.

Nodding to himself after finally grabbing their attention, Jonathan slowly started talking, '' Hello to you all. You must be curious about who I am and what I'm doing down here, right?''

'' Yes.''

Jonathan received a few nods and a few yeses. He smiled and said, '' I'm here to save all those who have been kidnapped by Umbrella.'' By his calculation, 99% of the people down here were kidnapped scientists with their families being taken as hostages, the rest were guards whose jobs were to monitor them.

Silence. Only the guard moved, finally noticing something was definitely wrong.

However, Jonathan ignored them and continued talking, '' I'm someone from far away with a mission to find Alice or Patient 0, and bring her towards a safe place where we can finally make the cure. Don't worry, I can protect you if necessary.''


The guards opened fire immediately, and Jonathan turned his back towards them. The bullets hit the shield but didn't manage to pierce it and after some time, they stopped shooting.

While the guards were distracted because of it and the need to reload, Jonathan turned around with a rifle aimed at them. He smiled and said, '' Look, I can kill all of you easily, so do me a favor and drop the guns, will you?''

As no one in the higher ranks of Umbrella would've thought someone would infiltrate their base, let alone arrive at the basement basement', only three guards were stationed there, and seeing as Jonathan was smiling during this whole ordeal, they dropped their empty guns.

'' Good. See, that wasn't so hard, was it?'' Jonathan then pointed at a scientist close to the guards. ''You.'' 

'' Me?'' The said scientist pointed at himself.

'' Yes, you.'' Jonathan grabbed a rope from his INVENTORY and threw it at the said scientist, '' Use this rope to make sure they don't do anything weird.''

Under the shocked gazes of everyone down there, and after the guards were secured, Jonathan looked over at them once more, '' Now, where are we?''


After minutes that felt like hours, everyone down there finally believed Jonathan's words. But they were still preoccupied with their family members up there, so Jonathan asked one of them, '' Does anyone know the Seller?''

One of the scientists, a woman, raised her hand, '' I do.''

'' Send a message to him, to start evacuating everyone from Paris. I warned him a few days ago to start preparing for something like that. Let's hope he listened.''

The woman immediately took out her phone, to send a message to the seller. After she sent it, Jonathan felt it wasn't enough so asked for her phone.

After receiving it, Jonathan sent an audio, '' Seller, I'll call you that since you didn't say your name. Anyway, this is the guy who wanted information on Umbrella, I think you will remember my voice.''

'' Remember the thing I ask you to prepare? Yes, it will happen today. Start evacuating Paris now, as it will become a war zone in a few minutes or hours.''

Jonathan didn't know what Umbrella would do when they discovered that Patient 0 was kidnapped, but he expected a huge number of enemies to attack him. 

After hearing Jonathan's words, everyone there relaxed a little, seeing as their family would be safe, but maintained their tension. It had to be expected, as they were still in a shit situation.

Finally, after sending the audio, Jonathan returned the phone to the woman, '' Thank you.''

'' Now, I need to know where Alice/Patient 0 is.'' Jonathan once more asked about her location, '' Where is she?''

Everyone pointed to a place on the wall. Jonathan clicked his tongue, '' Of course, another hidden door.''

'' Anything more I need to know?'' Jonathan asked the scientists. ' Umbrella must have some trump card protecting Alice. Only three guards down here doesn't make sense, even more so when you know there is Umbrella behind it all.'

Jonathan was cautious, and rightfully so, as he knew Umbrella was a snake.

But, the scientists said that only scientists that belonged to Umbrella were there. ' So they should be evil people, as they didn't say they were kidnapped people like them.' 

Of course, Jonathan knew they didn't have much clearance and didn't know much, so he still maintained a high alert. ''Thank you. Now, I need you to hide here and wait until I'm done to leave this place. Don't do anything stupid in the meantime, and just wait. Please.'' He didn't know if they would listen, but he hoped they would.

After those words, Jonathan arrived at the wall and started to put his card that bypasses any checkpoint, all around the wall. Soon, it opened, revealing another corridor.

Jonathan didn't hesitate and entered it.



After Jonathan's conversation, the Seller, or just Math, started to ask around about newly transferred people. When he found out that no such things had happened, he began to wonder what the hell was that then?

But, he didn't report anything to Umbrella, as he felt the situation was too weird. And, thanks to Jonathan's warning, he did start to prepare for something, he just doesn't know what.

He already had all the food needed to last for a long time, the path to escape Paris, and guns. Now, he was just waiting for something to happen.

And, he didn't have to wait long.

Math was drinking in the middle of the day, as even with the internet he was bored, and no one was selling information nowadays, as everyone here knew about everyone's lives. He wanted more shocking information, like what happens inside Umbrella, but no such luck.

Just as he was about to drink another cup of whiskey, he noted his phone vibrating, '' Hmmm?''

After he read the first message, he found it weird, but soon after an audio appeared. The content of the audio made his blood cold and all the alcohol in his system disappear.

' ... Thank God I trusted my guts and prepared for the worst-case scenario. Now, let's go be the hero!'

Math knew that if he survived what would happen today, whatever that is, he would be rich, as a lot of people would owe him their lives.


Every single of his men already knew about the preparation their boss was doing, and after hearing him say that, they knew shit was about to hit the fan. So, they acted fast.

Of course, they would focus on their family and friends first, then the rest. But it would be somehow easy, as there weren't that many people living in Paris.

Math armed himself to the teeth and did the same to his men. They headed towards the safest place and waited for to shit hitting the fan.



Jonathan expected the corridor to suddenly be filled with lasers, but no such thing happened and he traversed it with no trouble, once more arriving at a door.

He just put his card where he thought was correct and the door opened. Inside, Jonathan could finally see Patient 0.

' FINALLY!' Jonathan recognized her from the videos, but now, she wasn't looking in great shape.

Alice was in a water tank, her eyes bloodshot and with heavy dark circles below her eyes, almost looking like she hadn't slept for months. ' What the hell happened to her?'

Jonathan had stopped looking at the place after he found Alice, but now that he did so, he started to look around the area. No one noticed him yet, so he was still acting brazenly.

He could see that, strangely enough, there were really no guards here and only a handful of scientists were around. ' Weird...'

Regardless, Jonathan acted, '' Excuse me, you evil people.''

When everyone in the area, including Alice, turned their attention to Jonathan, they could see him alongside a rifle aimed at them, '' Drop your pa-, I mean, stop what you were doing and hands in the air!''


After making sure no one could escape the place, Jonathan randomly picked a scientist and started to interrogate him, '' What is happening here?''

The scientist stayed quiet, as Jonathan continued to ask questions.

Sighing, Jonathan grabbed something from the INVENTORY and shoved it into the man's mouth, '' You can only blame yourself for it.''

The man could only be horrified as he felt the pill going down his throat. He thought it was poison, but in reality, it was a TRUTH SERUM, courtesy of the SHOP and costing 500k dollars.

Soon after, the man's eyes turned hazy and Jonathan asked a few questions to see if it was working.

''What's your name?''

'' Boris.''

'' Age?''

'' 45.''

'' Tell me a secret.''

'' I cheat on my wife.''

A woman scientist suddenly shouted, '' YOU MOTHERFUCKER.''

Jonathan looked at her, then at Boris, '' She's your wife?''

'' Yes.''

Smiling evilly, Jonathan asked, '' With whom do you cheat on her?''

'' Everyone here.''


The wife of Boris looked around at the room that had 5 men and 3 women. '' ... How could you guys do that?''

' Yikes, heavy. I regret it now.'

After feeling bad for the cheated woman, Jonathan said, '' Ok, it's working. Why is Alice that way?''

'' We found out that as long as she is awake and thinking, the zombies in 100KM stay still and don't react to sound, attack humans, etc. They just stay put.''

'' Do you know why?''

'' No.''

'' How long has she been awake?''

'' She has 5 minutes of sleep every day, as it would be the limit before the zombies start to be active, but that's it. She hasn't slept for more than an hour a day for at least 6 months.''

Jonathan looked at Alice with sympathy, '' So, you mean that if she somehow fell asleep, Paris would be attacked in 6 minutes?''

'' Yes.''

After putting Boris aside, Jonathan arrived close to Alice, who was listening to everything. '' I'm sorry about your situation. My name is Jonathan and I came to rescue you.... You are the last hope of humanity. I know you must have heard it before, but you are the key to finding the Cure.''




That meant Jonathan and the rest of the survivors would have to face the evolved zombies for a week more. And, based on what Jonathan knew, Nemesis would definitively appear in that time frame. 

Resuming, regardless of whether Jonathan managed to escape with Alice, they were in a bad situation. Regardless, Jonathan still had to do what he came to do.

Alice looked at Jonathan hopefully, finally seeing her chance to escape this hell. The people here put something in the water tank that made her weak but never let her sleep, and she didn't even have the strength to break free.

So, Jonathan was a ray of light in the darkness that was her life.

Suddenly, Jonathan heard a BIP sound and looked back. Somehow, the wife of Boris managed to free herself from the rope and pressed a button that was on a nearby table. She had a crazed look on her face, '' You guys made me do this. I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL!''


'' WHY!''

Everyone in the room, especially the scientists, was shocked by what she had done, as the button she just pressed would unleash hell into the whole world once more.


'.... What?'


To Jonathan's horror, a nearby wall was suddenly burst open by Nemesis. It was a behemoth, with at least 6 meters of height, easily towering everyone in the room. Its face was hideous, with teeth showing everyone.

The wife laughed seeing the despair on everyone's faces, '' SERVES YOU RI-''

Before she could finish, Nemesis pressed her to the ground with his hands, killing her instantly.

Jonathan knew he had to act now, and he looked over at the tired Alice, '' ... I know it's too much to ask of you now, but, can you help me?''

He knew that she must be superhuman based on the footage he watched of her, and would be a great help in the fight he would have against the monster in front of him.

Alice nodded and Jonathan shot the water tank, freeing the woman after months of imprisonment. 

Jonathan helped her get up, and seeing her weak state, he grabbed a pill from the INVENTORY, '' Take this.''

It was an adrenaline shot in the form of a pill. It would give her a needed boost, but afterward, she would probably fall asleep. But Jonathan didn't have much of a choice, as he couldn't use the heavy guns in this enclosed space and he didn't think he could kill Nemesis without using a rocket launcher. Or two... or even three.

'' Thank you.'' After Alice took the pill into her mouth, she was surprised to be filled with energy, '' What you gave me?''

You might ask, why was Jonathan helping Alice, who initially was on board with Umbrella? Well, Jonatha doubted the woman wanted to be put in a tank and be forced to stay awake for months. Besides, he was sure they must have put something that made her weak but not sleepy, seeing as she couldn't escape from the tank.

So, Jonathan knew the possibility of Alice having a grudge against Umbrella was 99.9%, therefore, his ally.

'' Secret. Now, let's kill that thing and escape this place.'' At the time they were talking, Nemesis killed every scientist in the room. It now had set its eyes on both of them.



While Jonathan knew it would be useless right now, he still shot a couple of rounds on Nemesis's face, who didn't even flinch.

' ... FUCK!'

Let's see how Jonathan will handle Nemesis!

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