
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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53 - The Beggining of the End (3)

When Jonathan approached the place where his parents were, he quickly noticed that it was indeed Commonwealth and their situation was not good, 'That's a lot of zombies.'

For the first time since the zombie apocalypse began, Jonathan was shocked by the number of zombies below him, "I can probably kill them all, but the damage to the territory would be enormous... But it seems I have no choice.''

The mark that indicated where his parents were was precisely one of the last places where there were no zombies yet, but that was about to change as Jonathan noticed that the gate giving access to this place had been broken by the zombies.

With no other option, Jonathan prepared to wipe out the entire zombie horde, trying his best to hold on to the houses of Commonwealth.

He stopped the replay of Rick's recording and used the loudspeakers, '' ALL HUMANS, GET OFF THE STREETS AND GO TO A SAFE PLACE. I WILL BOMB THE ZOMBIES AWAY.''

With no time to lose, Jonathan started throwing grenades that he had taken from his INVENTORY from the pilot seat.


It was clearly having an effect, but there were still a lot of zombies. Jonathan sighed, "Let's take a chance.''

Making the helicopter stable, Jonathan put it on autopilot and positioned himself towards the door and to where the zombies were. Then he took out the big guns from his INVENTORY, mainly a Rocket Launcher and a .50 caliber with a lot of ammo.

Immediately after that, the rain of bullets started to hit the zombies. 


Every time the .50 needed a reload, Jonathan put the gun with no ammo in the INVENTORY, used the Rocket, and then grabbed another .50 caliber with ammo to continue shooting.

It was working amazing. The horde was getting thinner and thinner, and Jonathan could see the zombies that were far away not approaching.

' So they really are smart now, huh.' Everyone, either a zombie or human, could see that Jonathan with his gun was quite literally a wall that no one could pass easily.

So, the now zombies with intelligence probably decided to retreat.


After a few more times of shooting and shooting, the area where the mark of his parents was, was finally safe with all the zombies dead.

Jonathan could see in the distance the horde going away. He even wanted to go there right now and finish them for good, but the priority where his parents. So he sighed, returned to the pilot seat, and used the speaker, '' The zombies have retreated.. It's safe now.''

Then, he decided to land the helicopter. It was easy to find a place to land, and with the KNOWLEDGE he brought, Jonathan was an expert, so it was a smooth landing.

After getting out of the helicopter, Jonathan took a deep breath, ' It's been almost a year since I last saw my partner... let's hope nothing bad happened to them.'

Of course, as they were in Commonwealth, a place that was a paradise in the apocalypse, they should be okay. But Jonathan, as a son, could not help but worry.

' ... Maybe I should have searched for them earlier.' Jonathan knew that he had no choice on this matter, as the SHOP only liberated the option to find his parents after the upgrade. Still, he was guilty.

Pushing his feelings aside, Jonathan could see people getting out of the basements around the area. ' There should be around 50k people alive in here, so the number of basements around helped a lot.'

The basement saved a lot of people, as Jonathan bombarded the area with grenades earlier.

After everyone saw the massacre around the area, some people slowly approached Jonathan. He recognized the person at the front, ' Pamela... so she is the leader.'

Jonathan already knew that his actions had changed a few things in the status quo of the universe, so seeing Pamela as the leader was a surprise and not a surprise at the same time.

Pamela could only stare at the pile of corpses around the area, and she slowly turned her attention to Jonathan, ' He doesn't look older than 18... what the hell is this situation!?'

One moment they were at death's door then immediately after they were saved by someone using a helicopter, bombs, and many other things. And the person who saved them looked young.

But, proving her soul as a politician, Pamela recovered and adapted, ' Doenst matter his age or where he comes from. He saved us and that deserved at least a thank you.'

After that fast observation, Pamela approached Jonathan and offered her hand, '' I can only thank you for saving us. The people of Commonwealth own you a lot.''

Jonathan shook hands with the leader of Commomwheatl, '' We are humans and we should be helping each other against those things.''

After a few more minutes of exchanging pleasantries, Pamela asked, '' Can I ask you something?''

'' Go ahead.''

'' Forgive for doubting you, our savior, but what were you doing in this area?'' Pamela was genuinely curious and her intentions were not malicious.

Jonathan didn't mind telling her a mixed lie, '' I'm searching for my parents. I lost them at the beginning of the apocalypse and now that I had found the helicopter and learned how to pilot it, I decided to look around the area.'' He explained to Pamela about the letter his parents left them, which was true, and how he searched around the area they mentioned.

Pamela accepted what Jonathan said, even the part where he learned how to pilot the helicopter, as it somehow made sense, '' I see... Do you mind telling me your parent's name? As a matter of fact, I remember the name of all inhabitants of Commowheatl.''

' She looks proud about that... which she should because that's amazing! Remembering the names of 50.000 plus people was an incredible feat. Jonathan then said his parent's name, '' Daniel and Natalie.'' 

He also said what they looked like, and Pamela soon started to remember, '' Daniel and Natalie... a couple.... Wait, I do know a couple with that name and looks!''

Pamela could only be amazed by Jonathan's luck if it turned out it was really his parents.

Jonathan already knew they were here, but he faked a hopeful and surprised face, '' Really!? Where are they?''

'' Follow me.''

Pamela led Jonathan to the middle of the habitants of Commowheatl, who looked relieved to see the zombies dead. 

Commonwealth literally was saved singled-handed by Jonathan, and all of them looked at him with gratitude.

After walking a few hundred meters, Pamela stopped at a house, '' They were assigned to this house/basement here. I will leave you to it, as I have a lot of things to do.''

'' Sure.'' Before Pamela left, Jonathan called her, '' Wait.''

Pamela turned to him, '' What is it?''

'' Do you have enough cars to transport the people here?'' Jonathan knew the zombie horde just went away, which meant they could still come back. He wanted to see if Pamela had enough cars to transport everyone to the prison area. ' We should have enough space to house everyone.'

Pamela didn't know why he asked that, but answered anyway,'' We do, but we don't have much gasoline.''

'' I can solve the gasoline problem... But, if I told you my place was safer than here and we have more than enough space for you and your people, what would you say?'' Jonathan could easily grab his parents and leave this place on his helicopter, but he could remember in the comics that Micchone daughter was here and alive, so he wanted at least to give them a chance.

Pamela made a quick calculation in her head, ' This place is not safer anymore. Literally, all of our defenses were breached and we survived by luck... We don't have much of a choice.'

Still, she said, '' Let me talk about this to the people here and see what they think.''

Jonathan nodded, and Pamela left the area with a lot on her mind. 

After taking a deep breath, Jonathan knocked on the door. His parents, just like everyone else, should have already gotten out of the basement and were inside the house.

Soon after, someone opened the door, '' Hello?''

Jonathan already recognized the voice, but after the door opened, he could see his mom. She was a lot different from before but she was still her.

Jonathan could only smile widely after seeing her, '' Hi Mom.''

Natalie, who was happy already for surviving this whole ordeal, could only stare at Jonathan, almost as if not believing her eyes.

Chuckling a little, Jonathan hugged his mother, '' I missed you and I'm glad you're safe.''

That made Natalie break from her catatonic state. She could only stammer, '' Jo--- Jonathan, is that really you?''

Her voice was filled with emotion, and Jonathan responded, '' Yes Mom.''

Natalie, after finally convincing herself this was real, started to cry and hugged Jonathan even tighter, '' It really is you...''

Jonathan didn't mind being hugged by his mother like that, ' It seems I missed her too.'

After fighting and losing against the tears, Jonathan could only thank God that made him be born in this world, ' The world is fucked, but ... I'm alive and my family is safe. That's enough for me to be happy.'

After a few minutes of them hugging, Natalie broke the hug and looked like she just remembered something, '' Daniel! I have to tell Daniel!''

Jonathan stopped her before she could run inside, '' Don't need to rush, let's go together.''

Natalie looked at her son, who looked a lot more mature than before even though only one year passed. ' Before, he was already more mature and different than his peer, but now, he seems like an evolved version of himself... I could not be more proud.'

Nodding to her son, Natalie went ahead towards Daniel. '' Honey, I have a surprise.''

'' What is it?'' When Daniel turned around and saw Jonathan, he too was speechless.

'' Hi Dad.'' 


After a tearful reunion, Daniel and Natalie told in detail how they and other members of their family survived.

Jonathan did the same and was surprised by how well they adapted, ' They did well.'

Finally, after hours of talking about their lives and how they were, Jonathan felt it was time to talk to Pamela about them leaving, ' I don't have much time... the evolution will not stop and I have to travel the world more than 2 times if the first location isn't the one.'

IF Pamela says yes to the offer to go to the prison, Jonathan will lose at least a day or two in the travel between the prison and the Commonwealth.

'' Mom, Dad, I will go talk to Pamela about all of the people here going to my place. As I said before, there it's quite literally the best place to survive.''

And it was not a lie. The prison, at least for now, it's the best place to be.

'' Go. We will be waiting.''

Jonathan gave them a quick hug and left to talk to Pamela. He found her soon after and she also noted him.

Pamela got closer and before Jonathan could talk, she said, '' When do we leave?''

Jonathan could only be amazed by her quick and fast way of taking a definitive decision, '' Right now. I can give you the gasoline in a few minutes and we can leave.''

Pamela nodded, '' I already talked to every citizen here and the large majority decided to stay. They want to try their luck, and there's nothing we can do to change their mind.''

'' That's ... a shame.'' Jonathan knew those people would more than likely be dead soon, ' The majority of guns don't work anymore... I can only pray for them.'

After an hour or more, Jonathan gave them enough gas, no one asked where he found so many liters in the apocalypse, and the people gathered all their things in a rush to leave this unsafe place. Every single citizen who decided to leave left Commowhealt on the same day. 


'' Rick, are you there?'' Jonathan used the radio to talk to Rick.

Soon after, Rick answered, '' Jonathan, what is it?''

'' I may be bringing a lot of people to the prison.''

'' ... How many?''

Jonathan could only bite the bullet, '' 10.000.''

Rick was quiet on the other line.


'' The prison is ahead, you just need to follow the map I gave you. I already told my people to have someone to wait for you and guide you when you get close, so don't worry.'' Jonathan gave Pamela and his parents a map of the prison. They were close, but Jonathan already wasted a day of his time to bring them here and he wanted to rush to China.

'' I see. You said you're going to get your helicopter, right?'' Pamela looked at the map and asked.

'' Yes.'' That was the lie Jonathan was going with.

'' Okay, see you soon.'' Pamela then left Jonathan with his parents.

'' So... where do yure really will go?'' Natalie said as soon as Pamela left.

Jonathan could only sweat, ' It seems everyone that knows me knows what I feel...'

'' For now, it's a secret, but I will come back soon.'' Jonathan will not tell them the truth, at least not now.

'' I see... Since the beginning, you do your thing and we could only watch. We always be here, waiting for you.'' Daniel said that and looked proud of Jonathan.

Natalie too looked proud. '' I will miss you, please come back soon, as we just met again.''

They had met less than 3 days ago and were parting once again. Daniel and Natalie knew their son, and could only give him encouragement.

Jonathan gave his parents a hug and prepared himself, '' See you soon.''

After watching the caravan of people go towards the prison, Jonathan searched for an open field for him to use a trump card he had bought.

He found it soon after and took out an X15, the fastest jet in the world. He jumped in the cockpit and prepared himself to take flight, '' China, here we go!''

After this chapter, and as mentioned before ( If you didn't know, I lost motivation to write this Fic for some time), I'll go away from the main cast and plot. Some might not like but I legit started to have fun writing this Fanfic again after I went in a different direction from the normal story.

As always, thanks for the support!

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