
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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51 - The Beggining of the End (1)


Due to the evolution of the zombies, which happened out of nowhere, the group was barely able to prepare. They did, however, good, and only lost half of a group, Patrick's, but the expeditions out into the world came to a complete halt.

Only a few patrols were being carried out. And what they discovered on these patrols was not good. 

Basically, the information Jonathan had given them was correct. The zombies were getting faster and the camouflages that worked before, like covering yourself in zombie blood to disguise the smell, no longer worked.

Other than that, things in the prison were okay. Negan surprisingly adapted quickly and, even with his foul mouth, was being looked upon favorably by everyone. Lucille started her treatment, but the outcome is now in the hands of God.

Samantha recovered well enough to leave the infirmary, while Hope would have to stay a few more days, just like Judith.

The rest of the group was a little shaken up by the evolution, and also bored. Luckily for them, Jonathan had already prepared a few things like TVs with a few old movies, card games, etc, to distract them. If anyone asked where he found those things, he would say it was luck.

And while everyone in the group was fighting boredom and their fears, the leaders were preparing for what was coming. Rick knew they would have to eventually fight the zombies, so he was making preparations for that.


'' Enter.'' Rick stopped looking at the paper in front of him and focused his attention on the person who had entered the meeting place, formerly known as the director's office.

''You called me?''The person who had come to speak to Rick was Abraham.

"Yes, please sit down.''

Abraham did just that, ''What do you want to talk about?''

Rick went straight to the point, '' Can you make more layers of fences?''

Based on the documents Jonathan gave them regarding the zombie evolution, things did not look good for them, so Rick wanted more protection. 

Their decision to take out the internal fences might look dumb now, but remember that the evolution was sudden. They were in a state of normalcy until a few days ago, so removing the internal fences was seen as a normal thing.

'' Yes, but we need materials. More than what we have now.''

While the group removed the internal fences, these had already been used previously to make fences on the outside, so there was no material left.

'' Hmmm...'' Rick was out of options since Jonathan was out of commission.

Yes, Jonathan, due to the high flow of information that came into his brain, had passed out days ago and hadn't woken up until now. 

Rick could remember the moment he was found passed out. 


Jonathan had recently arrived at the prison and suddenly, without telling anyone, he disappeared. Everyone thought he had gone to explore the world outside the fences, just like he had done so previously, but when they noticed that no cars were missing and he hadn't informed anyone about leaving, some people started looking for him after a day of no contact.

They quickly found him passed out, as he was literally in his cell/room. They took him to the infirmary immediately, but he showed no signs of waking up.

''His vital signs are fine, and apart from the expression of pain he makes sporadically and the spasms, everything indicates that he's fine.'' Hershel and the doctor from Woodbury came to the same conclusion. They had no idea what was happening with Jonathan.

Jonathan was healthy as a bull, l but for some reason in a coma.

"What can we do?''

Hershel shook his head bitterly, "There's not much we can do except wait for him to wake up.''

Usually in these cases where there is no explanation as to how the person simply fell into a coma, it is normal to wait for them to wake up on their own while providing assistance to them so that they don't die of thirst or hunger.

And that was Jonathan's situation right now. In a coma that no one knew the cause and no signs of waking up yet.


Stopping thinking about Jonathan's situation, Rick said to Abraham, ''We don't have a lot of materials, but with what we do have, how many layers of fences do you think you can make?''

Abraham thought, ''Do you want to protect the outside or the inside of the prison?''

'' Both.''

Abraham laughed, ''Ha. Impossible. With what we have here, I wouldn't have enough material. If it were only on the inside, we could protect practically everything.''

Rick contemplated the options, 'Jonathan was in charge of finding the materials, and we don't know when he'll wake up. Abraham will have to do his best with what we have... When Jonathan wakes up, I'll ask him to get more materials.'

'' Use all available materials to improve your internal defenses. Make door/ gates so as not to limit internal walking.''

Abraham nodded and left the room to do his work.

Rick then turned his attention to the documents at hand, ''I hope Jonathan wakes up soon...''


To Rick's misfortune, another week passed and Jonathan didn't wake up. And to make matters worse, the second evolution was about to take place.

The prison group prepared as best they could, but the fear and apprehension was palpable. All because of what had happened.

Out of nowhere, a huge horde of zombies suddenly surrounded the prison, causing mass panic. Everyone went into their position, the kids, the old, and those who did more harm than good trying to help, went inside the prison.

Eve and Nathanael acted quickly when they heard the warming through the radio, '' ZOMBIES HAVE SURROUNDED THE PRISON.''

The siblings looked at each other and sprinted towards the watchtowers. 


Using the watchtowers, Eve and Nathanael were killing as many zombies as possible, but the number didn't seem to be decreasing. To their horror, some of the zombies were dodging bullets, through pure luck or skill, while others were using the bodies of their 'friends' as a shield.

Regardless, the group's luck was that this was the first evolution and, after everyone had pulled together to deal with the threat, shooting non-stop at the horde, the situation had normalized.

It took a few hours to kill all of them because of the sheer number of zombies. The clean-up was also a nightmare.

The group also learned that the person who was supposed to warn them about the horde had died, probably ambushed by the zombies.

Everyone was worried about their situation, 'If, in the first evolution, they had mobilized practically the entire prison to deal with this horde, imagine the ones in the future?'

They weren't so naive to think the zombies would simply stay put. Everyone began to prepare for the worst. Abraham had already finished building the fences inside and was now waiting for further orders and more materials.

This brings us to Samantha, who was in the infirmary with Hope, looking after the unconscious Jonathan.

Samantha was the only one who knew what was happening to Jonathan, 'He said he was going to do something risky that might put him out of action for a while, but two weeks... that's a long time.'

She had thought that Jonathan would be out for a maximum of 5 days, not 2 weeks, " This whole situation just shows that we are still dependent on him.''

Yes, the group, although united and strong, was only safe because Jonathan regularly stocked their arsenal with ammunition and other things. If it hadn't been for that, they'd be screwed.

' Please wake up soon.'

Samantha was hopeful that Jonathan would wake up soon since his spasms and expression of pain had stopped two days ago.

After looking after Jonathan for a while longer, Samantha left the infirmary, unaware that Jonathan was on the verge of walking up.



' I probably fainted. Not because I wanted to, obviously, but I think I overloaded my brain.'

While he doubted the SHOP would bring him harm, he still bought a lot of KNOWLEDGE. A lot.

And no human brain was capable of withholding all of that information, so Jonathan speculates his fainting was a defense mechanism for him to adapt.

' The problem is... it is taking too long.'

Yes, while he was absorbing all the KNOWLEDGE, he still could hear the people who came to visit him. So, he knew 2 weeks had passed and the time until the second evolution was in 2 days.

' Only one more KNOWLEDGE and it's over. I think I will wake up as soon as this is over.'

But, if you think Jonathan did nothing but absorb KNOWLEDGE, you would be mistaken. For two weeks, Jonathan formulated a plan. He thought of every possible scenario, as he didn't have much to do in his head except feel pain.

So, as soon as he came out of the coma, he would act, 'I'm going to buy the cure.'

That would trigger a domino effect, but Jonathan was finally prepared for it, "The evolution will certainly change and accelerate as soon as I buy the cure, that's why I have to leave before the 2nd evolution starts.'

Now he was just waiting. And finally, after three hours since Samantha left, Jonathan opened his eyes.

'' GROAN.'' 

As he had just woken up, the headache was still present, but he ignored it and got up with difficulty, ''I have no time to lose!''

'' HEY HEY HEY. Easy there!'' Glenn, who had lost his 'job' as an explorer, volunteered to look after the infirmary while Jonathan was there. When he saw Jonathan stumbling out of the infirmary, he rushed to help.

'' Thanks.'' Jonathan smiled bitterly, as he was weaker than he thought, 'It's understandable, I was out for 2 weeks after all.'

After helping Jonathan to sit up, Glenn asked, ''Are you okay? I mean, you were out for 2 weeks.''

''As much as possible. And you, how's your life?'' It was normal for Jonathan not to have much information about other people's personal lives, since he had been away for two weeks, and although he remembered what people talked about in his room in the infirmary, hardly anyone talked about his personal life.

Glenn smiled, "I don't know if you know, but Maggie and I were trying for a baby. However, due to developments, we stopped trying. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she's a few weeks late.''

Which means that Maggie could be pregnant. '' Congratulations.''

Glenn looked really happy, '' We don't know yet, but thank you... By the way, do you perhaps have -''

Before Glenn finished speaking, Jonathan reached into his 'back pocket' and pulled out a pregnancy test, '' Here you go.''

By this point, Glenn knew not to ask and just go with the flow, '' Thanks again.''

After a quick chat between the two of them, catching up, Jonathan was finally allowed to leave by the doctor who arrived shortly afterward.

''Don't push yourself too hard, you're still weak.''

''How long until I'm 100%?''

''A few days if you eat well and rest.''

'I don't know if I have days...' But Jonathan still thanked the doctor for his help, ''Thank you.''

''Take care.''

Jonathan then returned to his room and was ready to go out and start putting his plan into motion, but as soon as he sat down on his bed, sleep came quickly and he had no choice but to rest.

Before that, however, he bought some things from SHOP, which the description said helped him recover from mental and bodily fatigue.



This time, when Jonathan woke up, he was 100%. He immediately went to talk to Rick.

'' Rick, I need a favor.''

The man in question was at the director's office. He looked at Jonathan, '' Funny, I was going to say the same.''

Jonathan tilted his head, '' What do you need?''

'' No, no. You first.''

Jonathan nodded, '' I need your voice.''

'' Explain.''

After Jonathan explained his plan to Rick, the man looked at him oddly, '' Why not ask others?''

'' ... Your voice is better...?'' Even Jonathan knew it was a strange thing to ask, but he had no choice, ' Rick is literally the protagonist of this world. I don't know how much, but his voice must have a bigger impact than a random person.'

Rick, while thinking it was weird, had no problem making a video with his voice, '' No problem.''

'' Good. Now, what do you need?''

'' Materials to build fences. This time, we will need a lot.''

Jonathan simply nodded, '' Give me a few hours.''

Rick said okay, and Jonathan left. Hours later, he returned, '' Done. You have enough material to coat the entire prison if you want.''

While dumbfounded by this, as they didn't know where Jonathan always found those resources so fast, Rick just accepted. '' Ok, so I presume I maintain my side of the bargain?''

Jonathan nodded and pulled his phone out, '' Please.''

'' What should I even say?''

'' What your hearts tell you. I believe in you.''

Rick took a deep breath and started his speech, '' My name is Rick Grimes. Before the apocalypse, I was a police officer, but that doesn't mean much now. What really matters is staying alive, and the world we live in seems to not like that, as it literally evolves to kill us.''

'' Yes, you heard it right. To whoever is hearing this, if you still haven't noticed, the zombies have evolved. They were smarter, stronger, and faster than before, and the camouflage using blood didn't work anymore. While we can still handle them, we will not be able to in the future.''

Rick then said about the evolutions, and the time frame they were supposed to happen, all in order to make the person who listens have a better chance of survival. He then encouraged everyone to keep fighting.

After saying all that, Rick looked at Jonathan and continued, '' We have a safe place. We welcome those who want to survive with open arms.'' He then said the prison location and Jonathan didn't opose.

The speech was coming to an end, '' ... This world is ours by right, the zombies... they are death incarnate, and they are coming for me, for you, for all of us. We don't have a chance if we are alone, but if we stay together, we can- no, we will win against them... This was Rick Grimes, I hope to whoever is listening to this, that you find us or another safe place.''

Jonathan was touched by the speech. ' While simple, it delivered the message well.'

Even before this, Jonathan viewed Rick as one of his role models as a leader. The decisions the man had to make, both in the Comics and the TV show were difficult, but he always managed to do his best to protect his loved ones. And the speech just now was the cumulation of that.

A leader, not just for the prison group, but for all people. 

Jonathan put his phone down, '' That was amazing.''

Rick waved his hands, '' It wasn't. I was just trying to convey what I felt... Do you need more?''

After putting the phone in his pocket, Jonathan shook his head, '' No, this is all.''

'' Glad to help.''

Jonathan was almost out of the door when he remembered something, '' How is Negan? I heard he is adapting well.''

Rick nodded, '' He is a nice addition to our family. While his mouth may be a problem, he compensates by being charismatic.''

After that, Jonathan left for his room. First, he made a few copies of the video, passed one to Eugene, and said to turn the radio. He then told to the man put the video on a loop on all radio stations.

'' Can I ask why?''

'' Hope. This tape will be hope to the ones who heard it.''

Eugune wanted to say that all radio stations were dead, but complied anyway. It wasn't that big of an asking.

After that, Jonathan went to his room, opened the SHOP, and stared at the cure option. He was feeling extremely nervous.

' This is it... I hope everything goes well.' 

He wanted to buy before the second evolution started, that way the mutations wouldn't be as strong. Or so he thought.

Jonathan didn't have information about the mutations and how they happen, so he was doing this on a whim. 

After a few more random purchases, to make sure he spent as much as possible, as he will be left with no money after buying the cure, Jonathan hit buy.

Jonathan lost the option to buy things in the SHOP, but the INVENTORY still work.

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