
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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15 – Prison Takeover (1)

Although they found a place to stay, the problem was that the place was infested with zombies. By Jonathan's count, at least 100 - 150 zombies. However, this number didn't matter so much to Jonathan, since he had to be careful not to let one of them get too close. The rest, weapons would do.

Jonathan had already experienced being surrounded by zombies when he left Nathan's house so, this time, he will prepare himself better. The problem, however, is trying to hide the heavy weapons from Eve and Nathanael.

' I should have put some rifles in that backpack I gave Nathanael...' The backpack Jonathan was talking about is the one where he 'found' guns in his neighborhood. He only 'found' pistols, faces, and bats.

'There's no use crying over spilled milk.'

As Jonathan didn't want to reveal the SHOP to Eve and Nathanael yet, he decided to go with the pistols anyway, 'And I just said I wouldn't risk it anymore...'

Jonathan got out of the car, followed by Samantha, Eve, and Nathanael. They were still a bit away from the prison, so the Zombies didn't notice them.

''Give me your weapons and let's see what we're working with.'' Jonathan put his pistol on the hood of the car. It was an ordinary Glock with a silencer.

Nathanael put another two Glocks on the hood, followed by two more Glocks, this time from Samantha and Eve. Although they had 4 pistols, the group preferred to use only the pistol with the silencer, to avoid the noise.

''That's enough. I'll keep two, and each of you will keep one.'' Jonathan then went to the trunk alone and took the bag of weapons. He put a lot of ammunition in it.

''Now the ammunition.'' Jonathan showed the ammunition to the group, who were shocked by the quantity.

Eve was amazed, 'I check this bag every day, and I've never seen this much ammo before... What the hell happened!?'

Jonathan didn't know that Eve, who was already suspicious that something was going on between Jonathan and Samantha, was now even more alert because of what she saw.

Doing a quick count of bullets, they have more than 600. The problem was reloading, which could take a long time. The gun could also fail, so Jonathan was thinking of a plan that would cover all kinds of mistakes, but so far he couldn't think of one.

'The zombies are spread out a bit, some inside and some outside. We will have to eliminate the outside first and then the inside, but I am sure that the commotion of the gunfire as we kill the ones outside will attract the ones inside. So it has to be all at once.'

'Cover yourself with zombie goo and attack? Too risky, it would take too long, and again, too much can go wrong. A zombie could perceive someone attack and then it's over.'

'What if we do it as if it were a training exercise? We attract the zombies with the car horn and, while they are coming towards us, we shoot them. It's a good plan that takes into consideration the precision of everyone in the group.'

Eve and Nathanael were not very precise, Samantha was an unknown, and Jonathan was passable.

'But the problem would be if the zombies didn't come from only one direction... but we already have the solution! The car itself!'

'In that case, there would only be three of them shooting, since Samantha would need to drive the car. And if the zombies start getting close, we get in the car and drive around the prison until we kill them all!'

After a long time, Jonathan finally came to the conclusion that this plan was the safest. ''Okay, I've thought of a plan.''

The next few minutes were of Jonathan telling the group the plan. Eve and Nathanael quickly agreed since this plan would keep their mother safe and had a very high probability of going well.

''That's the best I could think of. If anyone has any other plans, speak now.'' Jonathan

Everyone nodded, '' We agree 100% with this plan.''

Jonathan nodded, '' So get ready! We'll start in five minutes. Check your weapons, and leave a knife nearby in case of emergency. Don't mind the bullets, we have enough.''

Eve asked as soon as Jonathan stopped talking, ''Can I practice with your pistol with the silencer?''

Although the silencer made less noise, it wasn't as if it didn't make any. But the plan was to attract the zombies anyway, so Jonathan didn't care, "Try to aim for the farthest ones. Nathanael, if you want, take turns with her.''

Nathanael thanked him, "You got it.''

Eve started to shoot, and Nathanael watched her sister. Some zombies looked in the direction of the noise but didn't come.

Jonathan then went to Samantha's side, who was already in the driver's seat, '' Don't worry. By tomorrow you'll be in bed. Well, a prison bed, but a bed all the same.''

Samantha smiled at Jonathan, '' I wanted to help more.''

'' Are you kidding? You're going to be one of the most important parts, if we didn't have the car nor you driving it, the plan wouldn't work.'' Jonathan then handed Samantha another pistol, this one he took straight from the inventory, ''Keep this. If something goes wrong, use it without hesitation.''

Samantha was not very surprised when she saw the gun appear out of nowhere. She just thanked Jonathan, "Thank you.'' She now had two pistols, the same as Jonathan.

Jonathan nodded, got out of the car, and called Eve and Nathanael, '' Let's get started! Come closer!''

Eve and Nathanael walked towards the car. Jonathan could see that they were nervous, because he was too, '' Don't worry and just shoot.

The two nodded, and Jonathan took a big breath, '' It's now or never. Samantha starts walking in a circle while honking the horn. If you see a zombie in front of you, yell, and one of us will take care of it. Everybody ready?''

The answer was yes. '' Start!''

Samantha drove the car closer to the zombies and left one hand on the horn and the other on the wheel, driving the car. The plan worked, as the zombies outside and those inside began to follow the noise.

Jonathan noticed that the zombies inside the fences were trying to get through them, but without success, ' Which means the fence is strong!'


As soon as a zombie came within range, Eve and Nathanael would shoot. Jonathan was doing the same.


Samantha walked a little, but the number of zombies only seemed to increase. It was still a number the group could handle, but Jonathan kept thinking of various possibilities where it could go wrong.

''I need to reload!'' Eve shouted. Jonathan began to use his second pistol to cover for Eve. It didn't take long for her to shout again, ''Done!''

Jonathan used that opportunity to reload his pistols, while Nathanael and Eve were shooting. Then it was Nathanael's turn to reload.

Up to this point, the plan was working very well, the outside zombies were being eliminated quickly. The problem was with the ones inside the fences, they were not going out through the opened gates, but were inside, staying on the fence following the sound.

'It looks like we'll have to take care of them separately.' Jonathan had already seen this problem and knew that he would not be able to eliminate the two groups of zombies at the same time.

''Guys, the zombies from inside aren't coming out! We'll have to eliminate them another way.'' Jonathan shot and killed another zombie. Now there were very few of them outside, and they were no longer a big concern.

Samantha backed up and stayed close to the three outside, who were tired of shooting so much. Jonathan did a quick count, 'We shot at least 200 times and killed at least 60 zombies outside. There must be at least 50 on the inside... we still have plenty of ammunition.'

''What's the plan?''Samantha was close to them, but she was still on the lookout for any other kind of danger. If a zombie appeared out of nowhere or in positions that those outside the car couldn't see, she would warn them.

''Honestly, we don't need one. Now that we've killed most of the zombies outside, we just need to take care of the ones inside. And this,'' Jonathan pointed at his gun and shot a zombie that approached, '' Is enough. We just need to look out for zombies who get too close.''

''What about the car?''

''We will use it as a tool to protect us if the need arises. You'll follow us inside, get behind and walk forward with us. If you see a zombie that's approaching our back, just shoot it or warn us.''

Eve and Nathanael approached the gate that was already open. They quickly killed the zombies that were nearby. "Let's go!''

Samantha nodded and slowly began to follow the three into the prison, taking care not to damage the fences.

The layout of the prison was as follows: It had 2 layers of fences. One inside and one outside. That was to be expected since it was a prison, a place meant to keep people inside. The entrance had two gates, both were open, and there were more gates inside. 4 towers were scattered around the terrain.

Everything was in perfect condition. Jonathan could bet that few things could destroy the fence and gates. Maybe a tank could do it, but who would have a tank in the apocalypse!?

The group entered through the gates, which leads right inside one of the fences. Jonathan looked behind him and noticed that if the gate continue open, they would have to constantly take a look behind.

''Nathanael, close the gates, use whatever you find in the car to keep it closed. I'll cover you.''

Nathanael nodded, then went to look inside the car for something to keep the gate closed. He found something and went to close the gate. All went well, and no zombies entered, '' Samantha, it looks like you won't have much to do.''

Samantha gave a small smile.

The group kept walking inside the fence. There were a few zombies, but since the fence was limited in width, it was easy to hit them. And with the gate closed, they didn't have to worry about zombies from behind.


It didn't take long for them to reach the gate that leads inside the patio of the prison. Luck for them, the gate was closed and inside it only had some zombies.

'' My arms are tired.'' Eve was the one who said this. Her arms were almost giving in.

'' If I'm being honest, mine's too. Can we wait?'' Nathanael was tired too.

Jonathan was tired but not so much, '' What if the gate behind breaks? We need to kill all of them now, while we still have sunlight.''

Jonathan knew that the probability of the gates breaking with just a few zombies is small, but it was still a possibility. Rest is just ahead, and he didn't want to risk being surrounded.

It was almost 6 P.M, and the sun was starting to fade. If they want to retake the courtyard, it must be done now.

'' Come on! We can do this. If we manage to do it, we will sleep on the courtyard, with all the gates closed and no zombies around! Doesn't that sound nice?'' Jonathan was trying to convince his group to go.

' If they won't go, I'll have to do it alone.'

But it wasnt necessary. Eve and Nathanael accepted, "Let's get this over with!''

Jonathan nodded, '' I'll open the gate then.''

This time it will be different, since the zombies already know where the group was, due to the noise. Just to open the gate, Jonathan already found difficulty, since it was crowded with zombies.

''When I open the gate, they'll come in a straight line! Get ready!'' After shouting and counting to 10 in his mind, Jonathan opened the gate and started running towards his group, '' Don't shoot yet!''

As soon as Jonathan got close enough to not get hit by a stray bullet, he turned around and started shooting, '' Shoot!''

The zombies looked like bowling pins, falling without stopping. Sure, the group's accuracy wasn't the best, but with so much ammunition in stock, they just kept shooting. And let me tell you, it was working well.


But even with everything going in the group's favor, some zombies were getting too close, forcing them to back away little by little, '' Samantha, back up a little.''

The woman did as she was asked, and the group retreated alongside the car.


After shooting for quite a few moments, Jonathan realized there were less than 10 zombies left in the courtyard and 10 in front of them. Wanting to get this over with, he went on the offensive.

Eve and Nathanael hesitated a bit but followed Jonathan. After quickly killing the 10 zombies in front of them, now the only zombies left were the ones in the courtyard.

''Reload and take care of the closer ones. I'll go after the ones further away.'' Jonathan gave the easy task to Eve and Nathanael.

The siblings nodded and went on the attack. They stood with their backs to each other, Nathanael took care of the zombies in front of them while Eve kept an eye on every corner, in case a zombie came from the sides or from behind. When Nathanael or Eve needed to reload, they would change places.

Jonathan nodded seeing this scene, 'They're adapting... it's about time.'

Going to the deeper corners of the courtyard, Jonathan quickly killed the rest of the zombies, '' Finally.''

Looking at the place, even though it had bodies scattered all over, Jonathan knew it would be a great place to live, 'Safe and there's room to grow things. That's already a luxury!'

Jonathan didn't have time to check the whole prison, since he had just cleaned the yard, but he was pretty sure that there was a place to plant things, 'I have the SHOP to buy land, seeds, and whatever else is needed. I know that with my SHOP here, that wouldn't be necessary, but I don't want to spend too much.'

Yes, although Jonathan wouldn't mind spending money, if he can spare it, he will do it. And it's always good to have more food.

Jonathan turned around and looked at where Eve and Nathanael were. Samantha had driven in and closed the gate to the patio. The family was hugging each other, seeing that the plan had worked, and now they had a safe place to stay. Jonathan began to go in the direction of his group, who waved at him. He smiled at them.

Jonathan then looked past his group, at the door to the prison block, 'We have to see how it is inside... but for the moment, let's enjoy our deserved rest.'