
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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70 Chs

11 - Consequences (2)

AN: This chaptes has lemons, so if you dont like that, just skip that part.


Immediately, it was as if time stopped for Jonathan. Of course, the time hasn't stopped, but Jonathan's brain was working at 100% of its capacity, trying to think of a plan for the current situation.

Looking at the room, Jonathan noticed a window.

'If we jump from here, we will take damage, but we will survive... please don't let there be zombies around the area.' Resolving to check, Jonathan ran to the bedroom window, over the stares of Samantha and her family.

' Damn, there are too many zombies!'

Jumping out the window was not going to do any good, as there were a few dozen zombies in the area.

Running out of the bedroom, Jonathan noticed that the zombies still hadn't come up, staying on the ground floor.

Jonathan went back into the room and said in a low voice, "They haven't come up yet. We can barricade the top of the stairs to keep them from coming up. Help me put things to block it.''

Samantha, Nathaniel, and Eve started to pick up things and put them on the stairs. Jonathan remembered something in the middle of barricading, ' If Nathan turned without being bitten, did the 6 guys I killed also turn into zombies?'

The 6 guys Jonathan was talking about were the people who broke into the house earlier.

Not wanting to take any chances, Jonathan ran to Nathanael, who was holding the gun with a silencer, ''Lend me the gun a second!"

Nathanael passed the gun to Jonathan, who went to where the six bodies were. It was a bit far from the stairs.

Once there, Jonathan's hunch was confirmed, 'They really have turned into zombies! Thank God they were far away from the room where we were.'

Not wanting to waste time, Jonathan shot.


After shooting 10 times and killing the 6 zombies, Jonathan returned to the group.

" What happened?" Eve asked.

"Your father turned without being bitten. I thought that the same could have happened to the people who invaded. And I was right, they turned into zombies.''

In the middle of all this, some zombies started to climb the stairs. Luckily for Jonathan, the barricades were ready.

"They are starting to come up. What do we do?" Samantha asked Jonathan.

"I'm thinking..." Jonathan had a plan in mind, but it was super risky, and he had no way of knowing if it would work.

But still, the main problem was the lack of time. So, Jonathan tried to solve that first.

" Nathaniel, help me here!" Jonathan grabbed the arms of the dead man.

" What are you going to do?" Nathanael asked as he held the arms.

"A risky thing that can go wrong, but can also go right.''

Before they went to the stairs, Jonathan searched the boss's body.

'' What are you looking for?'' Nathanael asked while waiting.

Jonathan found the thing he was searching for, '' This!''

The duo then carried the boss to the stairs. "Get ready to throw it down there. If I'm right, the zombies will get on top of the body and stay distracted for a while, giving me a chance to think of a plan.''

The problem was that there were too many zombies. The horde that came to the scene should have at least 200 or 300 zombies. That is Jonathan's estimate, but the numbers could be much larger.

" One, two, three!"

Finishing the count, the both of them threw the body into the middle of the horde. The plan worked, and the zombies on the stair also went down.

' Sucess!'

Jonathan was happy but only for a second, '' Okay, now comes the ugly part.''

Nathanael was ready to help, '' What do we need to do?''

Jonathan pointed at one of the 6 zombies in the area, '' Help me grab one of them.''

'' Sure, but can we tell me why?''

Jonathan gave an ugly smile, '' You will not like it.''


'' I hate it!'' Eve said while Samantha and Nathanael nodded.

Jonathan chopped at the zombie's limbs with a kitchen knife. It was messy.

'' I know, I know. But if I'm right, they won't 'detect' us, thinking we are one of them. After we pass through the area, we will use this, '' Jonathan showed them the key to the other group car, '' to escape.''

'' What about our supplies?'' Eve asked.

'' We can deal with that later. Now, who wants to go first?''' Jonathan asked while holding some zombie's guts.

No one volunteered. '' Really? Okay then, at least help me put this around me.'' Jonathan gave some guts to Nathanael.

He covered himself with a blanket and Nathanael, who was disgusted with the guts, smeared them all over Jonathan's blanket.

'' Are you sure this will work?'' Eve also put on another blanket to cover herself.

'' We are about to find out.'' Jonathan wasn't 100% sure, but he knew that by doing nothing, they would die too.

After putting blood and guts on everyone, Jonathan prepared himself mentally for what they were about to do, ' This is very dangerous, but if my guess is right, we will pass unnoticed. But... the car will make noise.'

Before they undo the barrier, Jonathan went into one of the rooms, '' Wait a second.''

Jonathan entered the room, opened the SHOP, bought a big bag, and put some weapons inside. Then he exited the room, '' IM ready.''

Samantha was curious since she didn't see the bag before, '' What's inside?''

''Precaution... Now, are we ready?'' Jonathan asked while taking apart the barricade.

Eve, Nathanael, and Samantha nodded, '' Good. We will hold hands. Don't panic, don't breathe too hard, try not to make a noise, and follow me. If anything goes wrong, try to not get bitten... good luck.''

Jonathan took the lead with a knife in one hand, while the other was holding Eve's hand. It was Jonathan at the front, Eve, Nathanael, and lastly, Samantha.

The group started to go down the stairs, going right in the middle of hundreds of zombies, ' Please work, please work...'

To Jonathan's relief, the zombies ignored them. ' NICE!'

The group slowly made their way to the door, while some zombies got too close, they didn't bite anyone. Jonathan even took the opportunity to kill some zombies, getting more blood splattered on him in the process.

After a few minutes, they made their way out on the streets, '' ... what the fuck!''

Outside the house, there were even more zombies. Jonathan didn't even try to count. He whispered, '' Let's go. Don't panic.''

The group looked around and noticed that there were 2 cars. Jonathan didn't know which car the key worked on, so he hit the open button. He found which one, but the zombies also heard the sound.

' At the end, we still need to fight...'

Jonathan stopped in his tracks. He looked at Samantha and whispered, '' I'll trust you with this.'' He passed her the car keys.

'' What are you going to do?'' Samantha asked while holding the keys.

'' Something stupid.'' Jonathan knew that they wouldn't be able to enter the car right now, so he would attract the zombies, then escape. ''Don't leave without me!''

In the middle of the shocked gazes of his group, Jonathan took out a gun from his bag. He then passed it to Nathanael, '' Inside the bag, there are loads of weapons. Don't you dare drop it!''

Nathanael took the bag, almost dropped thanks to the weight, and nodded to Jonathan, '' Leave it to me!''

Jonathan then looked at Samantha, '' Good Luck!''

Then, Jonathan let go of Eve's hands and ran in the other direction. Mind you, there are hundreds of zombies in the area, so Jonathan was looking for a place with the least of it.

He tackled some zombies along the way, but he soon found a location, ' Finally!'

After arriving there, he took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs, '' I'M HERE YOU SONS OF BITCHES!''

The zombies heard it and started to go in Jonathan's direction. It scared him so fucking much he started to shoot his rifle right away. He didn't care about the ammunition or the accuracy, he just shot.

While Jonathan killed at shit tons of zombies, some of them got really close. He still didn't let go of his rifle and took out another from his inventory. He dodged one zombie and shot its head off.

Another one tried to grab his neck, but he used his rifle to protect it. The zombie managed to grab hold of one of Jonathan's M4s, so he let it go. He took another one out from his inventory, and continued his barrage of shoots.















When he noticed the ammunition was over, he switched to another gun in his inventory. This game of mouse and cat continued until Jonathan felt his back hit something. It was a wall.

Jonathan was completely surrounded. Even though he had the SHOP and the inventory, he was still in danger. After assessing the situation and his problems, Jonathan stored his rifles and took a SAIGA 12K. ' The recoil will be huge...'

Proving Jonathan right, the recoil almost made him fall to the ground, but he stood firm.


The SAIGA 12K proved to be very good in this situation, but the problem was the ammo was over too quickly. Jonathan took at least hundreds of zombies in less than 3 minutes, but their numbers didn't seem to end.

' FUCK! Where's Samantha!?'

Jonathan's arms were getting tired of this situation, and he was still surrounded. His situation wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. If this continued though, he was soon going to be in even more danger.


Jonathan lost count of how many times he switched weapons from his inventory, but from the bodies around him, it must've been a lot of times.

One of the many zombies around Jonathan grabbed his arms and was about to bite it when Jonathan dropped the weapon in his other hand, took out a knife from the inventory, and stabbed the head of the zombie.

Another one almost scratched Jonathan, but the blanket protected him.

'' PANT, PANT...''

Jonathan started to think that Samantha abandoned him when he suddenly heard a horn, '' Finally!'' Jonathan put all his weapons in his inventory.

It was Samantha attracting the zombies. She arrived where Jonathan was, '' Hurry!''

Jonathan pushed some zombies aside and ran towards the car. He jumped inside and shouted, '' GOGOGOGOGOGO!''

Samantha stepped on the accelerator and sped ahead, running over dozens of zombies. To the group's luck, the car managed to escape.

Jonathan was in the back seat, drenched with sweat and out of breath, '' I'll never do something like that again... I almost died.''

Jonathan lost count of how many times the zombies almost bit or scratched him. Thinking of that and under the group's gaze, he almost took out all his clothes, to check his body.

Luck for him, no bite or scratches. Jonathan finally sighed in relief, '' I'm safe.''

Samantha looked at Jonathan, '' Are you really okay?''

Jonathan nodded, '' I'm just tired. Why did it take so long to arrive there? I almost ran out of ammo.''

He did, in fact, ran out of ammo too many times. If he didn't have the inventory, he was Dead Meat.

Samantha looked guilty and proudy at the same time, '' We arrived at the car, but it had too few supplies. So I asked Nathanael to break into the other car and take the things from there.''

Almost like it was a signal, Eve showed the tired Jonathan the trunk of the car. It was filled with things.

Jonathan was dumbfounded. ' They risked my life for something I could easily buy...?!'

Jonathan was furious, but only for a moment, ' They don't know about the SHOP, so they did the right thing. But I almost died because of this...I'm conflicted.'

Regardless, Jonathan congratulated them, '' You did well. But next time, please prioritize me. We can find supplies everywhere, but there's only one of me.''

Samantha nodded, '' I'm sorry. It won't happen again.''

Jonathan nodded.

'' Mom, where are we going?'' Nathanael, who was at the front, asked his mother. He still held the weapon Jonathan gave him earlier.

Samathan shook her head, '' I dont know.''

'' Just follow the road. If there's a roadblock, we take another route. How are we on gas?'' Jonathan asked.

Samantha checked, '' It's almost full.''

Jonathan nodded. He was too tired to think of anything at the moment. He then looked at Eve, '' May I borrow your thighs?''

Eve was shocked.


Jonathan was awake by a push from Eve. He slowly opened his eyes, '' What happened?''

His eyes were making contact with Eve, who looked sad, '' Look outside the car.''

Jonathan slowly got up and looked around. What he saw was shocking.

Tons of cars are on the road, with even more zombies around the area. Luck for them, the zombies still haven't noticed them.

'' Where are we?'' Jonathan asked.

'' We still are in Oregon... this is the route to leave the state. It's blocked.'' Samantha was ready to leave at any sign of danger.

'' Can we go off-road?''

Samantha shook her head, '' The car will not hold it. It wasn't made for terrains like that.''

Jonathan thought for a while, '' You saw any house around here?''

Samantha looked pensive, '' We did. A few kilometers back, there are few houses in the area.''

''Let's go there. We regroup, rest, and think of the future later.'' Jonathan said and nobody objected.

'' What about the horde? They could intercept us, right?'' Nathaneal gave his opinion.

''It's definitively something that could happen, but this time we will be prepared to run at any sign of it. Don't worry.'' Jonathan looked confident, '' Let's go!''

Samantha then made a turn. Soon after, they arrived at a couple of houses. Jonathan passed the gun with the silencer to Samantha, '' Me and Nathanael will search this house, to see if it is safe. If anything happens, shoot first, ask later!''

Then, the duo searched the house and found no one inside. There was no light and no food inside. After making sure everything was in order, Jonathan called Eve and Samantha, '' Come inside! It's safe!''

The girls took the car to a hidden place, took some food with them, and entered the house. Jonathan tried to see if there was running water, but no such luck.

' Damn it! I'll have to buy water from the SHOP to take a shower.'

After making sure everything was in order, the group gathered in the living room. Jonathan started to eat, and everyone followed suit.

Then, after they finished eating, Jonathan spoke, '' Okay... now we have time to grieve. You guys can cry your heart out. I'll leave you alone for the time being. Please, don't make anything stupid.''

As soon as Jonathan left the place, he heard Samantha, Eve, and Nathanael cry. ' They just lost their father and husband. They need to grieve.'

Jonathan went to the bathroom, took his clothes off, grabbed a few bottles of water from his inventory, and started to shower.

He too soon started to tear up. It's not like he hated Nathan, but he was harsh with him in the last few days. It made Jonathan guilty, ' Fuck! I can't cry every time shit happens! I just need to make sure this kinda thing doesn't happen again.'

Jonathan was in the middle of his improvised shower, so he didn't notice the bathroom door opening and closing. He was lost in his thoughts when he felt someone hug him from behind.

It scared him so fucking much that he almost screamed, but he stopped himself. He checked the entire house and was sure no one was there except his group. So this leaves only 3 options on who entered the bathroom.

' I doubt Eve would be so brave to do something so stupid. Nathanael doesn't play with the same sex. It leaves only ... Samantha.'

''Samantha, what are you doing?'' Jonathan didn't need to turn back to know that Samantha was naked. He was feeling her breast on his back.

Samantha's voice was firm, '' I'm just thanking you for saving my family so many times.''

Jonathan knew where this was going, but he continued to take his shower. He also passed his shampoo and some bottles of water to Samantha, who thanked him and started to take a shower as well.

'' You don't need to do this, you know. I just did the right thing.''

Samantha's voice came from behind him, '' I know. I really just want to thank you... and this is the only way I thought. I think you may like it.''

Then, Samantha turned Jonathan around and both of them faced each other.

' ... Damn!' Samantha's body was exquisite.

'' Nathan was a lucky guy.''

Jonathan realized he shouldn't have spoken, '' I'm sorry, it wasn't nice mentioning him.''

Samantha was strong and didn't cry, '' It's okay. He was a nice man and a good husband. But now, he's dead, and I need someone to protect me and my family.''

She began to get down on her knees, but Jonathan held her, '' Wait!''

Samantha looked at him, '' What?''

Jonathan looked at Samantha's body again, and his resolve trembled. His spirit was strong, but his flesh was weak.

In the end, Jonathan sighed, '' Can we do this in a room?''

Samantha thought for a while and nodded, '' No problem, but let us be sneaky. I don't want my children to see... what we are about to do.''

Jonathan nodded and got out of the bathroom. He scouted the house and noted Nathanael and Eve were sleeping in the living room. He also chooses a room far away from them.

Jonathan then called Samantha, '' Come.''

Samantha entered the room. Both were already naked, so Jonathan lay on the bed.

Samantha followed suit, and the pair looked each other in the eyes. Jonathan asked one more time, '' Are you sure? I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do.''

Samantha nodded, '' Im sure.''

Then, Samantha started to kiss Jonathan, who reciprocate. They kissed each other for a few more moments until Samantha broke the kiss.

She then started to kiss all around Jonathan's body, until she arrived at his privates.

'' Wow...'' Jonathan was speechless at how Samantha was so good. It took him all his fighting spirit for him to not finish so soon.

Jonathan didn't want to finish so soon, so he said, '' Stop for a minute.''

Samantha stopped and looked at him with her eyes, which were saying, ' What?'

Jonathan grabbed Samantha and put her on top of the bed, '' Let me retribute the favor.''

This time it was Jonathan who kissed all over Samantha's body. He was enjoying this moment.

It took some time, but Jonathan felt Samantha reach the climax. She was painting and Jonathan took this opportunity to take things to the next level.

He positioned himself and waited for Samantha to recover. When she did, Jonathan asked, '' Can I put it in?''

Samantha nodded, and Jonathan went ahead.

'''' AH.''''

Jonathan underestimated Samantha's body. It was like she was waiting for him. It didn't take long for Jonathan to finish.

When the pleasure ended, Jonathan noticed something, '' Are you on pills?'''

Samantha, who was still recovering from her earlier climax, shook his head, '' No, but it's a safe day...''

When she mentioned that Lil Jonathan recovered instantly, '' How about round 2?''

Samantha sweated. She also underestimated Jonathan's libido.


Some hours later and after a few more rounds, Jonathan and Samantha were stirred in bed.

Jonathan wanted a cigar out of nowhere, but he held himself back, '' That was... good.''

Samantha nodded but stayed quiet.

Jonathan didn't resist the urge to ask, '' Is this a one-time thing or...?''

'' I honestly don't know. We will see how the future goes and we decide from there.'' Samantha then got up from the bed, '' I need a shower, again.''

Jonathan looked at the state of his body and the sheets. '' Yeah... me too. Let's go together?''

Samantha didn't think much and nodded. They have done everything they had to do anyway, a bath together was nothing much.

Jonathan scouted the area one more time and saw that Eve and Nathanael were still sleeping. So he and Samantha rushed to the bathroom.

Jonathan opened the drawer in the bathroom and, without Samantha noticing, filled it with bottles of water. He passed some to Samantha, who asked, '' Where did they find so much water?''

Jonathan shrugged his shoulder, '' I don't know, but lucky us!''

They were already naked, but the act of Samantha pouring water on herself aroused Jonathan one more time. He hugged Samantha from behind, '' Hey, how about one more round?'''


Samantha left the bathroom first, while Jonathan got out soon after. He was feeling energized, ' I didn't think this is how the day would end. It started so bad, but now... I don't know.'

Returning to the room where they had sex, Jonathan took out the sheets and put them on his inventory, ' I really don't want Eve and Nathanael to know what we did... At least not now.'

After that, he went to the living room where Samantha was looking at her sleeping children. '' They went to some much in the last day. I hope they continue to have hope.''

Jonathan didn't realize this yet, but he was looking at Samantha with a different gaze, '' Both of them are strong. They need to be. Of course, they could lose themselves in the middle of all this, but we will make sure to keep them on the right path. Or at least, don't let them take the wrong one.''

Samantha looked at Jonatha, '' Again, thank you for everything you've done for me and my family.''

'' Again, I just did the right thing.''

After that, Samantha came closer to Jonathan, put her head on his lap, and fell asleep. Jonathan took this opportunity to check his phone. No message from his parents yet.

Taking this chance to check the map, Jonathan remembered the App Waze, ' If it is still working, we can see if there are cars in the way.'

Jonathan downloaded the app and to his surprise, it still worked, '' I can't believe it...''

This would make things easier for them from now on. After all that, sleep came to Jonathan once more. He fought against a horde of zombies, got a nap, and then had sex for hours on end. His mind was strong but his body was at its limits.

Jonathan looked around the house, took out one of his guns, and closed his eyes.


Jonathan was the first one to wake up. He checked the hours and saw that 5 hours have passed since he slept. Samantha, Eve and Nathanael were still sleeping.

Carefully taking Samantha's head from his lap, Jonathan checked outside, to see if there was anyone or something around the area. ' No one around... Maybe we should leave now?'

Jonathan decided to wake up everyone. '' Eve, Nathanael.''

Both of them woke up in surprise and looked around. When they saw Jonathan, Eve asked, '' What happened?''

'' Nothing. I think we will have to leave soon, so I woke you up to ask if you want to take a shower.''

Eve nodded and Nathanael said, '' Ill go after her.''

Jonathan nodded and took Eve to the bathroom, '' There are bottles of water in the drawer, and here's the shampoo.'' He passed his premium shampoo to Eve, '' After you finish it, go call Nathanael.''

Eve nodded, '' Thank you.''

Jonathan nodded and went to the living room. There, Nathanael was looking outside while Samantha was sleeping.

Coming closer to Nathanael, Jonathan asked his friend, '' Are you okay?''

Nathanael didn't stop looking outside, '' Considering everything that happened, I'm good.''

Jonathan patter his shoulder, '' I know it's a difficult situation all around, but Samantha, your mother, needs you to be strong. Can you do that?''

Nathanael nodded and Jonathan went to sit next to Samantha. Before he could seat though, he heard Nathanael, '' Jonathan.''

Jonathan looked at Nathanael.

'' Thank you for saving us.''

''Don't mention it. And I'm sorry about your father.'' Jonathan sat down near Samantha and put her head on his lap.

Nathanael thought this was weird but stayed quiet. '' Thank you. He was a good father, he could've hesitated sometimes but he was a good guy.''

After that, both stayed quiet. Soon after, Eve came down, '' Nathanael, you can go now.''

Nathanael got out of the window and went to the bathroom. Eve sat down near Jonathan, who asked, '' Are you okay?''

Eve nodded, paused, and shook her head, '' I just saw my dad die. Twice. It wasn't a pleasant day.''

Jonathan sighed, '' I know. I'm sorry for how things turned out. If I had just shot that guy earlier, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry.''

'' ... Jonathan, not everything that happened to us is your fault. My dad wanted to do something, you trusted him. We didn't anticipate the guy had a knife on him... that's not your fault.'' Eve looked at Jonathan with eyes full of trust, '' You might've been harsh with my father, but in end, you're right.''

'' ... You are a right. But I feel that after the apocalypse began, I took on the role of the 'leader' of our group. After that, I have the feeling that everything that happened to the people I care about is my fault. Whether the things are good or bad. And it's not doing me any good. I thought I could keep my cool, but no ... my decisions are starting to haunt me, and I feel that I could have done so much better... Maybe Nathan would be alive.''

Eve stayed quiet after that. She started to question, ' What if she was in Jonathan's position, would she act differently? Better?'

She didn't know, but what she knows is that almost every one of her family is alive and well. They had food and water for days. This was better than most people in the apocalypse.

Eve just didn't know how to console Jonathan and his guilty conscience, so she stayed quiet.

Jonathan also stayed quiet. Samantha woke up soon after, '' Good night to you.''

Samantha looked around and noticed Eve, '' Good night everyone. How long I slept?''

'' 6 hours.''

Samantha stretched, '' And what did I miss?''

Jonathan showed them his phone, '' I downloaded Wase, and surprise surprise, it still works. So we now have a map, we just need a location.''

Samantha and Eve were surprised that the app still worked. Samantha then asked looking at Jonathan, '' Where should we go?''

'' Can I make the decision?'' Jonathan asked. He was starting to not like taking the lead.

Samantha and Eve nodded.

Jonathan then took a deep breath, ' My parents are on the other side of the country, in Florida. Maybe we can check on them?'

Making his decision, Jonathan said, '' How about Florida? The last message of my parents came from there, so I thought we could check them out...''

Samantha and Eve agreed right away, '' But will we have enough fuel?''

Jonathan patted his chest, '' Leave the gathering of resources to me. We just need the luck to arrive there soon. We will need a place to sleep, be prepared to face loads of zombies ... and even humans.''

At the mention of other humans, Eve and Samantha closed their faces. Jonathan looked around the house, '' Where is the bag I gave Nathanael?''

Eve got up and went somewhere in the house. Soon after, she dragged the bag into the room. Jonathan thanked her and opened the bag. Inside, there were a lot of weapons, ranging from pistols, knives, bats, and many more things.

Samantha and Eve looked inside and were shocked. '' Where did you find those weapons?!''

'' Today morning. I was going to give you guys some of them, but the group attacked us too soon. I forgot about its existence until the very end... I'm sorry.''

Nathan could've been alive if he gave them more weapons.

Jonathan could see the struggle in both girls' eyes. He knew he was in the wrong here, but he really didn't want to expose his SHOP so soon. He would do it eventually, but not now.

In the end, Samantha sighed, '' It's okay... We are alive. That's what matters.''

Jonathan thanked her, '' I will not make the same mistake again.'' He passed a pistol to Eve, one to Samantha, and separated one to Nathanael.

He also gave a knife to each one.

''Please, protect yourself. I beg you, please don't die.'' Jonathan said to them sincerely.

Samatha looked at her gun and nodded, '' I don't plan on dying anytime soon.''

Nathanael came from the bathroom the next moment, '' What happened?''

Jonathan passed the gun he separated for Nathanael. Counting with the one Jonathan gave Nathanael earlier, the kid now had 2 guns.

'' We just decided where are we going.''

Nathanael took the gun, '' And where is that?''

'' We are going to Florida!''

This is my longest chapter to date! It took me 3 days to write it! I wrote and rewrote many times, trying to achieve the effect that I wanted. If you find any grammar errors, please let me know!

And this marks the end of the 1 arc. The next arc will be short, then maybe we will meet the main cast? Thanks for the support!

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