
the walk of doom

I was once on a walk and I saw a weird man it looked as if he was dead but I really couldn't tell so I just ran but he followed me he had some type of weapon in his hands. I just kept running until I reached the house,when I got home I grabbed my shotgun but when I walked back outside it was gone. the next day I saw this girl she was shy but we got along pretty well she asked me to be her boyfriend I said ok and then she had to go home I did to. it turns out that we had 5,6 and 7 period together but then that day when I went to the store I was walking home and I saw him again but this time he had a butcher knife so I shot him once with the pistol I had on my side for protection but he was not fazed so from there I knew he was totally different from humans.

it is very good for my first

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