
Chapter 5: Spears ahoy

Entering the ranks of his brothers, Wymar looked around as his eyes locked onto the bloodied white cape of the Lord Commander. The man was a tornado of slashes and stabs - it was impossible to discern where one movement began and where it ended. It all flowed seamlessly as he hacked and lunged. Tearing his way forward at the head of the spear formation that consisted of him and his personal guard - they were meters ahead of the frontlines like a tidal wave, they obliterated everything in their way.

Wymar, could see the man leap forward, his seemingly effortless jump propelling him five meters forward, all while burdened by armor. The Lord Commander smashed his shield against a insect looking wolf that attempted to bite him. The wolfs exoskeleton shattering in a pulp of brown blood, shrugging his shield off his arm, battered as it was. The Lord Commander kicked the monsters corpse, propelling it into the mass of hostiles with a sickening sound as it crushed seven of them under its mere weight.

The Lord Commander, briefly hoisting his sword in the air as he roared to the men behind him " FORWARD!" before facing the the horde once again blade reaping lives life and right.

Invigorated by the sheer strength the Lord Commander displayed, Wymar pushed through the ranks of men, his squadron joining him at the frontlines, around him he could see the freshest troops doing likewise, while the exhausted ones fell back.

Coming to face the horde of monsters, Wymar, instinctively reared back, managing to take two steps back before he steeled himself and thrusted with his spear from behind his shield. With a squelch and a grunt, he tore the spear back out, altering where he aimed and gave another thrust as he kept an eye on the majestic sight of the Lord Commander.

The old man jumped up four meters into the air, stained cape flowing behind him as he landed atop of another insectoid wolf. Decapitating it's rider with a swing of his sword before twirling it and plunging it straight down into the monsters head as he leaped backwards into the air.

The monster ran to the right straight into its allies, tumbling and finally collapsing - crushing more allies as the Lord Commander landed in the space cleared by the savage actions of the dying beast.

The Lord Commander was obscured from Wymar´s vision however he saw the man´s personal guard pushing forward with more ferocity in order to reach their liege.

Flickering his eyes back to the masses of chitinous mass of exoskeletons ahead of him. Wymar thrusted and stabbed continuously while pushing forward. To his left he saw a warrior´s shield cave in two, broken as a large black spear gutted the man. The warriors intestines spilling out onto the ground as the man fell dead. Wymar saw the spear attached to a slimy rope, as it was pulled back.

Following the spear´s movement, the spear Wymar identified as identical to the one that pierced their shields from above effortlessly earlier. He saw in the distance, a looming creature three meters above the ground. Lifted as it was by its multi meter long legs - eight of them. The creature was reeling in the spear, as one might a fish.

Wymar watched the creature lean back on its legs using the foremost ones to pick up the jagged black spear and insert it into a sac located on its chest, before falling down again low on the ground with a audible thump.

Sparing, a quick glance to his left, he saw that the open spot was replaced by Manfred, who seemingly had lost his spear, fighting as he was with his bastard sword. Focusing once more on the insectoid looking creature, Wymar saw the former black looking sac turn red as the creature rose up standing tall once more. With a burst of reddish water, released from its back, Wymar saw the slimy spear fly out - cord still attached. Following it with his eyes, he saw with a grimace as it pierced through two men in the distance.

Roaring. Wymar quickly took two steps out of formation, smashing his shield into a monster that lunged at him, pincers closing as he crouched using the momentum of the smash to propel him a step back, while pushing his shield diagonally across his body. The monsters pincers stuck, grasping at the shield.

Wymar detached his arm from the harness of his shield and jumped using the momentum of his fall to add to strength of his dropkick, propelling the shield and the monster attached away from him as it tumbled on the ground. Exposed to him.

Captivating on his advantage, Wymar thrusted instantly when presented with the opening, aiming for the glassy surface of the chitinous exoskeleton. The hypothetical weakspot of the monster, he had observed. With a crunch his spear disappeared deeply into the creatures body as it stilled - dead.

Ripping his spear free, he swiftly retreated back into formation, noticing the green liquid on his spear tip. Frowning underneath his bloodied helmet, he spared a quick glance to his left and right, noticing his brothers tips being stained brown.

Back into the formation, he stood behind Manfred, as another legionnaire ran past him to maintain the formation, giving Wymar a glare while rushing to fill the hole left by Wymar by his lack of shield.

"AIM FOR THE TRANSPARENT PARTS OF THEIR EXOSKELETON!" Wymar shouted for all his worth spreading the valuable knowledge he had asserted.

Stabbing with his spear above Manfred´s shoulder, he saw the deadly jagged spear withdrawing across from the battlefield. A quick glance and he confirmed that it had killed another legionnaire.

Rage took a hold of his heart as he gripped his spear until his knuckles were white. Grasping the shoulder of the man who was in his original spot.

"Brother, with me, advance 6 meters, take the man behind you as well." Wymar ordered to the speechless man.

"Are you a moron, brother?" the man stressed questioning his sanity.

"Just do it, legionnaire" Wymar bellowed turning around.

"Manfred, on my mark, follow and cover me - give me three seconds" Wymar shouted, eyes locked onto the chitin spear in the distance that was being reeled in towards the beast.

35, no, 40 meters, he thought - testing the weight of his spear in his hand.

"Legionnaire, you ready?"

"Yes, sir. I got two additional men, on your mark. " The formerly reluctant man replied having seen the insignia on Wymar's shoulder, representing his rank and status.

Scoffing, Wymar eyed the distant insectoid. Taking off his bloodied helmet he threw it at the ground in front of him, spitting at the same time to clear the leathery taste that lingered in his mouth. Rising his spear up, Wymar rested it against his shoulder.

"One, two, three. NOW!" roaring he followed after the instantaneous movements of Manfred and the three legionaries, trusting them to clear the path and cover him.

Two meters, they ran leaving one legionnaire behind as he engaged with a beast.

Four meters. Manfred ducked, an insectoid predator having jumped at him as he swung around cutting it in half as it landed.

7 meters. The two legionnaires were locked to each side of Wymar fighting desperately as Manfred took the Vanguard.

Moving his hair out of his way, and blinking Wymar took three large steps back, the lagging legionnaire having caught up and taken up a position at the rear.

Wymar stood there still, feet shoulder-with apart. His spear holstered on his shoulder, eying the creature in the distant.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" one of the legionnaires yelled desperately.

Spotting the creature rise once more on its back legs, Wymar replied "That!" as he ran forward gaining momentum, lifting the spear off his shoulder simultaneously. With the same suddenness his motion began it ended as he reared back his arm and heaved with a loud grunt, putting all the momentum and strength he could in his throw as he let go of the spear while swinging his other arm behind his back to counteract the forces and maintain steady footing.

With the roar of displaced air the spear cut through the air towards the large spiderlike creature. With a spray of red liquid the spear dug into the sac as the creature let out a shriek of pain, its head twisting as its eyes locked onto Wymar.

"RETREAT, TO FORMATION"! Wymar yelled with a gulp as he turned around running, his legs pumping below him like pistons as he and his brothers gained momentum.

Skidding to a stop as he reached formation, he entered and turned around, watching the legionnaires that joined him settle in as well around him.

Straining his eyes forward, he narrowed them at what he saw. The large insectoid spider creature was rushing towards them, crushing its allies under its charge as it left a trail of devastated corpses behind it.

Wymar saw how it flinged a creature away with one of its massive legs before jumping several meters, its legs piercing more allied monsters as it landed - eyes still bolted onto Wymar.

Seeing the devastation it could unleash even limited to its body, Wymar knew he could not allow it to batter its way into the formation. Searching the ground for a fallen spear, Wymar found one as he picked it up.


With another jump the large rampaging beast was 10 meters away.

"THROW" he roared as he threw his spear, five more spears nearby being launched with his.

Another ghastly howl greeted the impact of the spears as the monster tumbled, wavering on its spindly legs before stabilizing itself, letting out a insectoid like shrill as it charged once more.

Wymar saw how the monsters around the larger one, rallied at its cry as if their morale was boosted and how they as one, turned and began running alongside.

His sword already unsheathed and in his hand, Wymar raised it above his head, exposing his chest as he narrowed his eyes - focusing on the veritable horde of monsters blazing towards him and his brothers.

Thank you for reading.

What do you guys think of the story so far?

Another chapter out tomorrow.

Microwavecreators' thoughts