
falling back

After the system was done, I tried to summon the stats window.

As soon as it popped up I was astonished. It look almost too futuristic for my liking. The system had a wiki window, status window, a body window, and a abilities window.

I checked out the status and wasn't too surprised at it. Next I tried the abilities window but that was locked. The body window wasn't available either. well it's okay I'll just walk on.


[new quest unlocked, walk back to civilization]

'easier than done' I thought to myself.

I start walking and it takes about 3 hours to get to the towns border. I walk in town cautiously. I get home and it really dark out.

the front door is locked. Oh well fuck it I brake my bedroom window. I'll fix it in the morning.

I climbed back into my bed, it's been a long day

I recall all the events that happened so far. life wasn't so good to me so far but I think it's changing. I fall into a deep sleep


[name=Quinn Jacobs]






[skills=(cloak)(space disorientation)]

[blessings=(the might of the gods)]