
Daren's Past

Daren lived in a horrible neighborhood, if it could be called that. Well, Daren didn't have his name back then. Pedophiles were very easy to find and drug dealers were as common as bees in a honey hive. A loaf of bread could cause betrayal between even the closest of brothers. People had no one to trust but themselves if they want to survive. Daren was only six when he was forced to learn these rules. He got into a fight with the older kids for food everyday at least. At the age of eight, Daren started to learn how to train his body. He was already pretty strong due to the amount of fights he got in, but when he started to train his body, he became unbeatable from anyone below the age of eleven. He was beating up a bunch of ten year old's that came to try and steal his food, he was approached by a handsome, middle aged man and two muscular men who saw him beating up those kids.

Daren slowly put down the kid he was beating up and started to size up the middle age man. He was wearing a white tuxedo with no shirt underneath. "Who the hell is this douche?" In the slums, nobody wears a tuxedo. Only the extreme rich and powerful can. "Well, no matter. I can only assume that he may be from some rich clan. I should try to remain on his good side." While Daren was thinking this he immediately put on a humble appearance. "May I ask what you would like from me?" The middle aged man looked amused when he heard this. "I like you, kid. Your smart and strong for people your age. Join me and my crew and we'll show you a way to never have to starve again."

Daren immediately replied "What's the catch?" Daren learned from the streets that there was no such thing as a free meal. The middle age man was surprised by this question and started to laugh. "Hahaha, kid, I knew I didn't make a mistake trying to get you in. The catch, huh? Well, the catch would be that you follow my orders, no matter what they might be." Daren thought about what he said for a while. Daren had already heard of gangs before and he was sure this was one of the more extreme and violent ones. Why else would this middle age man have body guards? Sadly, the thought of not having to starve was much more attractive than his freedom. "Alright, fine. I'll join your crew." Daren never would have expected that this was the biggest mistake of his entire life.

Daren was sent to a boot camp made by Nicky. That was the name of the middle age man that recruited him. He also received the name Daren from him due to the fact that it meant Great from where he came from and Nicky had very high expectations from Daren. Daren was then ordered to go to a boot camp for seven years until he reached the age of fifteen. As for what boot camp Daren was going to, Nicky never told him anything about it. When Daren arrived at the boot camp, he realized exactly what type of hell it truly was. It made his streets look like playgrounds. Daren didn't realize how huge Nicky's operations were.

Talented, eight year-old kids were constantly being sent here for training to be assassins for Nicky. Kids trained like Delta squads in the military and if the broke, they were counted as waste and were killed. After a month of brutal training, they forced kids to fight on something they called the Killing Floor. Kids gathered around a stage and two randomly selected kids went up and fought to the death, whether that be your friends or family, they don't care. If both kids refuse to fight, they were both killed. This continued until all the the kids fought once. The kids that were still alive were counted as competent and more training exercises were added to the already hellish training. Seduction, Sabotage, and assassination techniques were added. They stopped the Killing Floor due to the fact that we are basically considered their gems. In order for us to continue to work hard, they said that, if we lose our luster, they will immediately throw us away. This continued for seven years until they turned fifteen.

When they turned fifteen, they were sent on assassination missions sent by big corporations or even large countries. America and Russia were currently on horrible terms so they received the most amount of missions from them.The main reason why their organization received so many missions was due to the fact that they had a one hundred percent success rate on every mission, no matter what it was. Daren, all of his classes, received top class scores, so he was one of the best in his industry.One day, Daren was sent on a assassination mission. His job was to assassinate a woman by the name of Carey Anderson. She was a incredible ordinary high school girl living in America, according to the profile he was handed. This confused Daren a bit but he didn't think too much into it. He only had his job to do and that was it. The time limit to do the job was twenty days, which was a lot of time for such a simple mission but Daren didn't care too much about it. He took a perfectly ordinary car and drove it to her location.

Daren set up his rifle in front of her house. He was about seventy five meters away, on top of another building, and hidden in the shadows. He aimed his scope right at Carey's desk, where she did her homework after school. He started to smirk, knowing that this would be an easy mission. Carey went upstairs to her room and sat down at her desk at the exact time he estimated. 'Too easy' Daren smiled, looked down his scope, and held his breath, stabilizing the scope. When he finally looked at her he was stunned. She wasn't too pretty but something about her made his heart almost leap out of his chest. Daren realized that this might be the so called love at first sight thing that he has heard about from the females in organization. It was at this moment, that he decided to abandon the shitty organization that had been working and start pursuing something more meaningful.

Daren decided to chase after Carey. She was the extremely haughty type so it made it difficult for him to obtain her heart but after the eighteenth day, she finally agreed to go out with him. That might not seem like a lot of time but with all the techniques Daren knew, normally a girl would be putty in his hands after the second day. 2 years later, after she turned 18, they agreed to marry. Sadly, it was difficult for Daren to make money because Daren was main trained in assassinations, not managing finances or working at a bar.