
Hospital adventure

Melissa McCall was a nurse at the hospital. She had worked there for years and almost everybody knew her. Her hair was black and curly and she almost always held a smile on her face.

When she came home on that fateful night to welcome her daughter back, well, to say she was shocked is a bit underestimated. Scott would never forget the horror he saw on his mother's face when he told her that his sister, her daughter, was kidnapped by a thousand years old killer spirit that had hurt everyone they loved.

Even though, they had to continue like nothing was going on. So the next day, Melissa went to the hospital again while Scott and his pack went to school, still trying to find a solution.

Melissa was just on her break when she heard her name being called through the speakers.

'Would Melissa McCall please come to the reception, I repeat, would Melissa McCall please come to the reception.'

She wondered what could have happened so she quickly dropped her lunch and went to the reception. After she turned around the last corner she froze. Right there, in front of the reception.

At the reception stood a girl with long black hair. She wore a leather jacket and dark blue jeans. Her sneakers looked old but Melissa knew that was when she would find it comfortable. Even with her back turned towards her, Melissa recognized her. She could never see her own daughter without recognizing her.

Melissa quickly walked forward. A part of her didn't believe it. She stopped right behind her, afraid that it might not be real. Then she hesitantly placed a hand on her daughters shoulder. 'K-Keylee? Sweetie, is that really you?'

Keylee quickly turned around at hearing her mothers voice. She felt the tears stung behind her eyes and nodded slowly. She gave her mother a soft smile. A bit unsure of what to do, could she hug her? Would her mother trust it, would she trust her?

Melissa gasped and placed her hand over her mouth but soon enough moved forward to embrace her daughter in a strong hug.

'Oh, baby, what happened? How did you get here?'

'Void brought me mom, I don't know why, he said he was being in a good mood or something.'

Melissa looked at her daughter again. She placed her hand on her cheek, it was real, it really was real. 'So he let you go?'

Keylee suddenly looked down while fumbling uncomfortable with her necklace. 'Keylee? What is going on?'

'Well, he- he said I could see you, that I would have fifteen minutes to talk to you but then we would go.'

'Obviously you aren't going to go back right?'

When Melissa noticed Keylee didn't answer she took a firm hold of her shoulders. 'Keylee?'

'I'm sorry mom, I promised. Besides, he could kill everyone if I didn't go back.' Keylee didn't want to go back. She wanted to stay with her mother, in her arms, just feeling safe. Yet she knew she wasn't safe. She was far from safe, she had only 10 minutes left with her mother before she had to go to Void again.

Melissa knew how her daughter could be when she promised something. She wouldn't break it. Yet she also knew she wouldn't let her daughter go again. 'Baby... I'm sorry.'

'What? Why are y-'

Keylee felt a little sting in her neck and stared in disbelieve at her mother. Did she just...

'Go sleep honey, I'll call Scott, you're safe.'

'B-but, n-no, Void, you- he will.. Mom... I.. I'm.. scared....'

'I know, but it will be okay. Don't worry.' Keylee couldn't hear her anymore for she was already unconscious. Melissa quickly called her son.

'Mom?' Scott's voice sounded on the other end of the line.

'Get to the hospital now! I've got Keylee and a probably very angry fox in about 10 minutes or something.'

'What? I'm on my way!'

Both didn't care he was supposed to be in school.

Melissa hung up and took her daughter to a room which she locked. She placed Keylee on the bed and took a chair besides her. She felt guilty for what she did but she knew it was the only way. If Keylee had promised something, even if it was to an evil fox, she would keep her promise. Especially if she thought it was the best way.

Melissa sat there a while, anxiously waiting before she took a look at the clock. Her lunch break would be over in 5 minutes, that meant if Keylee came here at the beginning of her lunch break the fifteen minutes were up. It also meant Scott could be here any minute now.

Melissa took one last look at her daughter before rushing to the reception to see if Scott was already there. When she arrived she saw Stiles just running in. She recognized his clothes from this morning and his messy brown hair. He was totally out of breath.

'Oh, god thank. Miss McCall! Scott just ran in to find you and I couldn't catch up with him, where is Keylee? Is she alright? Did Void do something?'

Melissa quickly started walking back with Stiles behind her. 'No, I think she's alright. She's unconscious now, my fault. She was planning to go back to him, she said she promised and that he would hurt someone if she didn't. Though I think she would still go back if only she promised.'

Melissa opened the door. 'How long do you think it will take before Scott finds us?'

Stiles looked up with a blank face. 'Very long I'm afraid. Thank you for your cooperation.'

Melissa stumbled back. This wasn't Stiles. 'Y-you're him. You're not Stiles, you won't get my daughter you- you..'

'What? Beast? Monster? Demon? Surprise me, it probably isn't something I haven't heard before.' Void slowly stepped forward, his famous smirk playing on his lips again. He could smell her fear, and oh he loved it.

He noticed Melissa grabbing a small knife, one that was usually used for operations, but pretended not to see until she launched it forward to his throat. He simply stopped her by taking her wrist in a strong grip so she had to drop the knife. He cached it with his other hand.

'That wasn't very smart Melissa, I honestly expected better of you.'

Void twisted the knife a bit and slowly brought it closer to Melissa as he still held her wrist.

'You know...'

He placed the knife against her cheek and slowly started to press. The blood quickly pulsed through the small cut.

'I don't like it when people steal what's mine.'

Void slid the knife slowly down as he stared darkly at Melissa who glared at him in the worst way she knew. Void just chuckled. He saw how much Melissa tried not to show the pain but he could feel it.

Void whipped the bloodied knife against her shirt and placed it in his own pocket. He took Melissa's face in his now free hand and placed his thumb slightly at the cut.

Melissa whimpered but kept glaring at Void.

'You will not hurt my daughter.'

'Oh, but it isn't your daughter I want to hurt. It's your son. And maybe now you, so tell me. Tell me how much it hurts.'

With that Void placed pressure on the cut on her cheek and started to extract her pain. Melissa tried to get out but without any luck.

'Get the fuck away from my mother!'

Void quickly turned around only to find Scott roaring and storming towards him. Void let go of Melissa and took a few steps closer to Keylee.

Stiles quickly came running in. 'Scott! Wait he-'

Too late. Scott looked in disbelieve at his stomach which held now a a sword in it. The Oni had pierced it through him from behind. The Oni pulled the sword out only to pierce Scott again with it before disappearing and reappearing behind Void.

'My my, you almost spoiled it Stiles. Almost.'

Void placed his hands behind his back and looked down at Scott who fell down at his knees whilst gripping his stomach as Melissa rushed over to him.

'You know Scott, I would hurt you more and take your pain but I'm afraid that will have to wait till another time. Just remember you have only five days left.'

Melissa looked up, 'five days? For what?'

Void smirked exited. Melissa didn't know, how sad for her. But fun for him.

'Ohhh, you haven't told her? Alright, in that case I'll take the honor. In five days I will kill your daughter unless our little Scotty here kills someone of his pack. It's a mystery why he hasn't killed anyone yet. Seems like you don't care so much for your sister after all.'

Melissa looked horrified at Void and at Keylee behind him, desperately trying to think of a plan. Scott tried to stand up but fell down again. Void turned to Stiles.

'I know you're scared of me Stiles. Stop trying to hide it, I can smell it.'

Stiles clenched jaw and stepped forward. 'Maybe I'm scared yeah, so what? At least I know who I need to be scared off!'

Void raised his eyebrows. 'Oooh, is that some sort of threat I hear? Stiles, stiles, that is-'

Void couldn't finish his sentence cause Stiles hit him in the face. Void had turned his head from the impact and now slowly turned back. 'That was very clever Stiles, but it won't work. There's a mirror behind you.' Void turned around and punched Derek at his chest. Derek flew backwards and hit Scott who was still trying to stand up.

'Come on. Did you really think you could distract me Stiles? That you could outsmart me? But I guess we're quite now. I hit you, you punched me...'

'We are far from quite, you possessed me, you made me kill people, kill Allison!' Stiles yelled at him, hurt clearly visible in his voice.

'So angry. And again I can see through your plan. I know about the sheriff outside. I know Liam is on his way with Kira. Don't underestimate me Stiles, don't think you can trick me cause you can't. Now. I'm afraid we'll have to go.'

Void pushed Stiles against the wall and walked over to Keylee. The Oni appeared besides him now he held Keylee in his arms and couldn't really do something himself.

Derek helped Scott stand up and the door burst open once again. Liam stormed in with Kira behind him. Void fake pouted. 'Come to spoil the party I see, but we were just having so much fun.'

Void stared at everyone with a blank face. 'Kinda sad you need to gather so many people only to rescue one girl from one me.' He doubted if he should let the Oni fight them and hurt them, it would be fun. But on the other hand... He looked down at a sleeping Keylee in his arms and sighted.

'I would love to stay but I'm afraid I have other business to attend.'

The Oni took a fighting position.

'If you guys would step out of my way I will consider to let the Oni go soft on you.'

Everyone looked at each other. Scott finally managed to get up and he was protecting his mother while Kira stood in front of Stiles. None of them moved. Void sighted in fake disappointment and the Oni launched forward.

Void smirked at the sight of the chaos he had created and walked with Keylee to the car. Some members of the pack tried to follow him but the Oni easily held them of. Void opened the car and laid Keylee on the backseat. Just as he closed the door he heard the sound of a gun being loaded.

He turned around and met eyes with no one else but the sheriff. 'Dad. Oh, thank god, everyone else is inside, they are fighting the Oni and-'

'Stop right there. You won't trick me. You are not my son. My son wouldn't leave, my son would take his jeep. And my son wouldn't be strong enough to carry Keylee all the way to the car without being tired or making a sarcastic comment about it.'

Void dropped the act and his face went blank again. 'Well that's too sad, I was giving you a good excuse to get away but now... Void looked at something behind the sheriff and just as he turned around one of the Oni pierced his sword through his shoulder.

Void looked at the sheriff before he turned around and opened the car again. He stepped in and closed the door. As he heard Stiles yell for his dad he drove away, only one place in mind of where to go. He needed to go to that one place. Go back to it once again. Back to where it started all those years ago.