

He whose face shall never see the light of day shall never know the allure of death in darkness. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. As the era of gods waned, and the door to cultivation and immortality opened to mortals, he saw an opportunity to forge his own path and strive for greatness. Can Reece forge his own path and walk through the upheavals of immortality and be the strongest? Reece understood that the journey to immortality was fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and immense effort. "A man can be destroyed but not be defeated," he thought, realizing that setbacks and obstacles were a part of any great undertaking, but true defeat only came when one gave up. As eras came to an end and new ones were forged through blood and pain. He understood that the road would be treacherous, that he would face adversaries both mortal and divine, and that the price of immortality might be higher than he could ever imagine. The era of gods had come to an end, and Reece was ready to usher in a new era of mortal cultivators forging their own destinies. The allure of immortality beckoned, and Reece, with the indomitable spirit that had defined his journey, would stop at nothing to grasp it.

bluey22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


As Reece advanced through the door into a straight path that seemed to have no end, he looked back and all he could see was nothing the door had disappeared behind him and the path stretched behind him too.

"YOUR TEST, WALK THROUGH THE PATH TILL YOU. WALK AND IT'LL LEAD YOU TO WHAT YOU SEEK." Reece heard Landia's voice as he looked straight wondering if the path even had an end to it.

At a distance he could sense the other cultivators but he couldn't see them. He tried calling out to them but it was to no avail.

"I guess I'll have to walk till the end to get to the others." He muttered to himself as he began walking along the path holding onto his selected treasures.

As he walked along the path he heard a sharp ringing in his ear and all of a sudden the path went all dark and blank. He couldn't see the path ahead him of back for that matter it was all dark.

The ringing intensified and it only grew darker by the minute. Reece then had a sudden headache, it was if his brains were melting, the sudden headache almost made him loose consciousness.

Just as he struggled to remain conscious a void opened infront of him in the at most darkness. The void tore through the space and opened up creating a crack that Reece could see through.

Through the abyss of the void a vast collection of realms were seen and monster's unlike any ordinary demon beast and demon's Reece had ever seen. He stared into the void watching them as they tore through realms and led a wake of destruction in their path.

Into the depths of the void he saw something even him couldn't believe with his own eyes.

"I'm finally going to kill you, I'm going to savor this moment. I'll be a legend if I kill the last descendant of the_ race...


"Save your breathe,I'm going to kill you to avenge my family." Through the void Reece saw himself as he fought the monsters.

He saw himself injured and visibly distraught fighting the monsters.

Reece couldn't believe what he was seeing. He tried to make sense of what was going to be said.

"The last race ..?" Come finish it I want to know Reece shouted at the top of his voice but all he could hear was a muffled silence and all the visions he saw through the void continued to play out.

"Landia what's the meaning of this? What are you trying to do here?" Reece desperately called out as he couldn't bear what he was seeing.

He saw everyone who was around him die and in the most agonising way and eventually even himself ended up dead.

"what you see is neither the past, present nor the future. For nothing is set in motion but fate has already decided. A child born forsaken by the heaven's. Imprisoned in a lower realm to never return to his home and to reincarnate but to also die under the heavens will. A punishment to be carried alone to atone for an entire race. To go against the heavenly army and heaven itself, to seek retribution and vengeance against them for a crime committed ten thousands years ago." Landia responded to Reece who was desperately trying to intervene and go through the void. " you can't intervene it's just a fragment of your memory and it's also what will and might happen to you and all these realms."

"I just want to know who am I and what those are and who you think you are to tell me all this nonsense." Reece responded as he angrily clenched his fists and a blade of ethereal appeared behind him ready to be launched in an instant.

"I'm Landia and like Terraria I'm also ancient and from the outer realms where you also come from. We are outcasts thrown out from our own homes but for you, you are more of a prisoner. Imprisoned against your own will for countless eons, what you saw is an event that has happened and always happens each time unless you change it." Landia reintroduced himself this time to Reece as he explained what he saw through the void. "Each time you succeed to break free from the shackles and chains the heavens have Imprisoned you here with that void opens up and with it races from the outer realms come to find you. You are the last descendant of an ancient race from the outer realms known as 'LIVARIANS ' you are their last living descendant and before you was EMPEROR CHING."

"Wait what how does this even make sense and why does it apply to me and why me of all the people ." Looking heavily puzzled and confused Reece asked as he held himself by the head and sat down to rethink and process all the information that was his brain had just received.

"That's why I had to attract you here. I didn't want the same fate to happen again not this time." Landia suddenly uttered as he saw Reece flustered." YOU are destined to be the emperor and the heavens together with the council of realms will never allow another emperor to emerge in the outer realms, that's why you have been imprisoned here in the lower realm of Tianxia and have been constantly reincarnated as they cannot kill you."

"And what about that family I saw the one I was talking about in that void? Reece asked as he wanted to know more about his origin and family.

"All I can say is that your real parents are alive but dead at the same time, they were captured a thousand years ago and imprisoned in Avaria realm where the council of realms is. While you were born here in Tianxia in the Lucien family." Landia answered as he tried not to reveal more about his parents.

"Where are the Lucien family now then and why did they leave me to grow up with my grandpa in the demon forest? Reece asked Landia as he looked through the void trying to see more of the past and future.

"I cannot tell you that as you have to find that on your own." Landia responded as he refused to divulge the information about the Lucien family." To break the heavenly chains you'll have to take out the elemental veins of both continents in Tianxia realm only then when you combine it with your blood and ancient body will you be able to break free from your shackles and chains. I cannot tell you more than that but if you want to know more you must gain recognition of the Tianxun mountains as its master and you'll get what you seek and learn what awaits you. Don't let the visions blind you while you walk along the path reach the end and you'll see the truth as it is written for you."