

He whose face shall never see the light of day shall never know the allure of death in darkness. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. As the era of gods waned, and the door to cultivation and immortality opened to mortals, he saw an opportunity to forge his own path and strive for greatness. Can Reece forge his own path and walk through the upheavals of immortality and be the strongest? Reece understood that the journey to immortality was fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and immense effort. "A man can be destroyed but not be defeated," he thought, realizing that setbacks and obstacles were a part of any great undertaking, but true defeat only came when one gave up. As eras came to an end and new ones were forged through blood and pain. He understood that the road would be treacherous, that he would face adversaries both mortal and divine, and that the price of immortality might be higher than he could ever imagine. The era of gods had come to an end, and Reece was ready to usher in a new era of mortal cultivators forging their own destinies. The allure of immortality beckoned, and Reece, with the indomitable spirit that had defined his journey, would stop at nothing to grasp it.

bluey22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


After Reece's return from the Demon Forest, the news of his experiences together with the other sect's disciples and the potential resources in the area spread like wildfire among the various sects. Each sect saw an opportunity to gain power and control these valuable resources. And the one with the most resources controlled the most power and swayed influence over even the major families and even the royal families of the empires.

Sects from all around the region rushed to the Demon Forest, and they were not willing to cooperate. They could not let the resources get out from their grasp. Each sect sent its strongest force to the Demon Forest to secure a piece of the vast resources beyond the barrier in the demon forest.

The countless forces sent all met at the barrier and disagreements, nobody wanted to budge as the representatives from their respective strongholds they each wanted to lay claim to the large untapped resources.  They clashed over the territory and the resources within it, resulting in a fierce and protracted conflict that lasted for almost half a year. The battle was brutal, with sects using all their forces to acquire a piece of the resources.

The land around the Demon Forest became a battlefield, with warriors and cultivators from different sects fighting for supremacy. The conflict not only caused significant loss of life but also led to the destruction of parts of the forest.

As the fighting continued, the once lush and mystical forest was transformed into a scarred and barren landscape. The prolonged struggle took a heavy toll on the sects involved, leaving them weary and battered. It became clear to many that this unrelenting battle had no true victors, as they fought on for control and supremacy.

  A ceasefire was declared, and negotiations were initiated to establish a more equitable sharing of the remaining resources. The half-year of conflict had left scars that would take time to heal and recruit more disciples to replace those lost in the battle. The arrival of both major clans from the empires sent by their royal families and elders from various sects at the Demon Forest's inner barrier signaled a new phase in their pursuit of the valuable resources within. As the two formidable forces converged on this critical point, tensions ran high, and a delicate balance hung in the air.

The inner barrier of the Demon Forest was a boundary, one that had long been recognized as a dividing line. It was a mystical and powerful defense that had stood there even before time and all those who had ventured in beyond the barrier either ended up dead or severely injured.

As the major clans and sects arrived at the inner barrier, they faced not only the challenge of dealing with the formidable natural defenses but also the presence of one another. The atmosphere was thick with rivalry, and it was clear that the two sides would need to find a way to coexist, at least temporarily, if they were to access the coveted resources and not suffer the loses like the sects before.

Negotiations and discussions commenced, with representatives from both major clans and sects attempting to reach an agreement on how to proceed. They recognized that an all-out conflict at this point would be devastating, and perhaps it was in their best interest to find a way to collaborate and share the resources that lay beyond the inner barrier.

In order to come to a mutual agreement, they had to sit down and put their differences aside for now and stare at each other down and come to a solution.  It was a delicate and challenging process, as both sides had their own interests and agendas.

The major clans and sects agreed to use the upcoming Jao sect contest as a means of determining the distribution of these valuable resources. It was a compromise that allowed them to avoid further conflict and establish a fair and relatively stable way to manage the resources.

The terms of the agreement were as follows:

1.The Jao sect contest would serve as a competition to decide the distribution of resources. The winner of this contest would receive a larger share of the resources and from there the winning sect would ultimately have control of the resources.

2.They would hold a position of authority in the decision-making process, ensuring that their interests were protected.

3.The remaining resources would be divided among the other major clans and sects according to a predetermined and mutually agreed-upon allocation.

4.This solution allowed the major clans and sects to channel their competitive energy and ambitions into a controlled and regulated competition, rather than an all-out battle. It provided an incentive for them to participate in the contest while also ensuring that the interests of the winning party were respected and upheld for a substantial period.

The upcoming Jao sect contest became not just a test of martial prowess but a battle for influence and control over the valuable resources within the Demon Forest. It was a compromise that allowed them to maintain a delicate peace while also providing a framework for cooperation and negotiation, ensuring that the resources would be managed in a way that was both fair and beneficial to all parties involved. 

They would also have a pretense of using the contest to finally infiltrate the Jao sect and assess its strength and weaknesses since it was a major force in the Eastern Region of Tongtian Continent. The Tongtian disciples and Tranquil Lotus Clan disciples had a vague idea of the strength within the Jao sect particularly Reece who had helped them out in the demon forest.

  They had set their sights on him as he would prove somehow of a challenge to them. On the other hand, the Tranquil Lotus Clan wanted to enlist Reece into their clan and try to have him help them. 

As all these plans took place Reece was still in seclusion and the carefully crafted plans were still unawares to him, the sect kept it under the wraps, and they had their own plans regarding the contest, and this was the opportunity to try and subdue the smaller sects and let them join the Jao sect. 

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