

He whose face shall never see the light of day shall never know the allure of death in darkness. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. As the era of gods waned, and the door to cultivation and immortality opened to mortals, he saw an opportunity to forge his own path and strive for greatness. Can Reece forge his own path and walk through the upheavals of immortality and be the strongest? Reece understood that the journey to immortality was fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and immense effort. "A man can be destroyed but not be defeated," he thought, realizing that setbacks and obstacles were a part of any great undertaking, but true defeat only came when one gave up. As eras came to an end and new ones were forged through blood and pain. He understood that the road would be treacherous, that he would face adversaries both mortal and divine, and that the price of immortality might be higher than he could ever imagine. The era of gods had come to an end, and Reece was ready to usher in a new era of mortal cultivators forging their own destinies. The allure of immortality beckoned, and Reece, with the indomitable spirit that had defined his journey, would stop at nothing to grasp it.

bluey22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


In the depths of the Jao Sect's inner sanctum, the Grand Elder and Sect Master gathered in a dimly lit chamber, surrounded by ancient scrolls and artifacts. Their mission was to retrace the events of that fateful night when they had massacred the Lucien family in their relentless pursuit of the peerless treasure.

Sect Master, his face etched with the weight of their actions, spoke with a hushed tone. "Grand Elder, we must go over the details once more. The Lucien family massacre was a dark stain on our sect's history, but it was for the sake of the peerless treasure."

The Grand Elder, a shrewd and calculating figure, nodded gravely. "Indeed, Sect Master. The peerless treasure is the key to our sect's ultimate power and dominance in the martial arts world. We had no choice but to eliminate anyone who stood in our way."

Together, they began to recount the events of that night, as if peering back through time:

Sect Master: "It was a moonless night, and we knew the Lucien family had hidden the treasure within their ancestral estate. We had infiltrated their compound, moving in shadows to avoid detection."

Grand Elder: "We confronted Lucien's parents first, hoping to extract the location of the treasure from them. But they were resolute and refused to reveal its secret."

Sect Master: "That's when we realized that the key to finding the treasure lay with young Reece Lucien, the heir to the family's legacy."

Grand Elder: "We found Reece in his room, a child barely old enough to understand the gravity of the situation. He was terrified, but we needed the treasure."

Sect Master: "We demanded the location of the treasure from him, but he was too young to know. We had no choice but to eliminate the entire family to ensure that the secret remained ours."

Grand Elder: "The massacre was brutal and merciless. We left no survivors and burned their estate to the ground to erase all evidence."

Sect Master: "But the treasure remained elusive, hidden by the Lucien family's ancient protections. To this day, we have been unable to unlock its power."

Grand Elder: "We must continue our search, Sect Master, and ensure that the knowledge of the last surviving Lucien family member does not jeopardize our quest."

Sect Master: "Indeed, Grand Elder. Our sect's future depends on the peerless treasure, and we cannot allow anything or anyone to stand in our way."

As they concluded their grim recounting of the past, the Sect Master and Grand Elder knew that their actions had set in motion a series of events that would shape the fate of the Jao Sect and the martial arts world. Their relentless pursuit of power and the peerless treasure had come at a great cost.

the Grand Elder harbored a secret that he had carefully guarded for years — the knowledge of Reece's true ancestry and the potential power that lay dormant within the young martial artist. He recognized him the moment he saw him enter the sect, the same identical scarf that he tied around his waist was the same that was beside his bed as a baby as the house burnt down.

With a heavy heart, the Grand Elder had always managed to keep the Sect Master oblivious to the true treasure that Reece represented. He knew that even just a single drop of Reece's blood, refined through a forbidden ritual, would be enough to grant immortality and unparalleled strength to the one who possessed it. It was a power the Grand Elder coveted, one that could secure his dominance over the martial arts world for eternity.

As the Sect Master continued to express his desire to find the peerless treasure hidden within the Lucien family's legacy, the Grand Elder contemplated his own hidden agenda. He knew that the true treasure was not an object but a living being — Reece himself.

In the dimly lit chamber, the Grand Elder began to hatch a plan, a scheme that would allow him to harness Reece's power without alerting the Sect Master to the true nature of their goal. He knew that time was running out, as the knowledge of the last surviving Lucien family member threatened to unravel their carefully laid plans. The Grand Elder would have to act swiftly and discreetly, using Reece's martial prowess and determination to further their sect's ambitions while ensuring that he remained ignorant of the true extent of his abilities. The path to immortality and ultimate strength lay before them, but it would require cunning, deception, and a willingness to embrace the darkest of arts. He orchestrated Lian's every move to thwart Reece and the challenges he kept issuing was to kept testing Reece.

He supported Lian's every move in the sect and protected him no matter what level of trouble he got into. This time his target was Reece, and the chess master had his pawn moving to his exact Rythm. With the promise of being the sect's leader and marriage to Lucy Lian could literally do anything whatever the cost it was.

Under the Grand Elder's subtle guidance, Lian had grown in power and skill, gaining the admiration and respect of the Jao Sect's disciples. He was on the verge of becoming a formidable martial artist, a symbol of the sect's strength and determination.

The Grand Elder had also taken measures to manipulate the tournament's bracketing, ensuring that Lian and Reece would face each other in the final match. It was a match that would decide not only the contest's winner but also the fate of Reece himself. Lian had one job only to ensure that Reece wouldn't get out of the arena alive.