

He whose face shall never see the light of day shall never know the allure of death in darkness. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. As the era of gods waned, and the door to cultivation and immortality opened to mortals, he saw an opportunity to forge his own path and strive for greatness. Can Reece forge his own path and walk through the upheavals of immortality and be the strongest? Reece understood that the journey to immortality was fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and immense effort. "A man can be destroyed but not be defeated," he thought, realizing that setbacks and obstacles were a part of any great undertaking, but true defeat only came when one gave up. As eras came to an end and new ones were forged through blood and pain. He understood that the road would be treacherous, that he would face adversaries both mortal and divine, and that the price of immortality might be higher than he could ever imagine. The era of gods had come to an end, and Reece was ready to usher in a new era of mortal cultivators forging their own destinies. The allure of immortality beckoned, and Reece, with the indomitable spirit that had defined his journey, would stop at nothing to grasp it.

bluey22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


"First emperor Ching (Hades) the underworld shall be your domain for all time and eternity. This is your penance for all the havoc you've caused to the immortal world, you'll live your eternity in the underworld and the rest of your immortal life." THE IMMORTAL EMPEROR'S voice roared through sky as it turned golden, and the divine dragon soared above the sky.

"...A bunch of immortal fools you can only hide in your jade palaces and a large sect and pretend nothing can affect you, and you let the mortals die and evil prevail, you preach about justice and purging evil, but you are the true evil in this world. You want to sentence me and lock me up because I've surpassed all your expectations and openly challenged your system. If this world is truly just and the heavens are the giver of punishment then let thunder strike me down now, but before that I won't go down without a fight. VAJRA DEMON FIST....AAAAAH let me shut you up and die with you....."Hades soared through the sky as his flaming fist lit up the clouds and through the immortal army and challenged the gods...

The world of immortals was turned into upheaval leaving generations of cultivators unable to attain full immortality, the era was gods died out. Only one god remained but even his traces disappeared through time.


Inside a house, the cry of a baby resounded. It was the announcement of a new life had come to a barren family; it was a happy occasion for the family.

"Let me hold him. "a woman lying down, picked up the newborn happily.

she looked at the child with deep love.

"HONEY look, the husband marveled at the child's features even while being a newborn, he already had a beautiful face with refined quality.

The door flung open and in came a servant rushing in and sweating all over. "Master they've come rushing in and killed almost everyone in the courtyard. The defense couldn't hold them back. The Jao sect has infiltrated."

"What???.... where are the elders???" the master asked the servant who came.

"They....the.... y....they are all dead nobody is alive everyone is dead. "the servant stammered as he answered.

"Honey what will we do? they've come for our baby they know your bloodline and they won't let him live. "The woman told her husband.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to our baby I promise. "He said reassuring his wife as she lay on the bed, "take the baby and run into the ruins in the forest and no matter what do not come out and give him this jade pendant and ring when he comes of age." the master handed over the baby to servant as he instructed him and let him out of the room through a secret passage out of the clan homestead.

The servant took the baby and rushed out through the secret tunnels and run out towards the forest ahead. From a far he could see the homestead up in flames and the screams thar were ushered into the sky by the dead. He couldn't look behind as he had to safeguard the last bloodline of the Chings.

Early the next morning the town was a buzz with gossip about the massacre and the sudden disappearance of the baby. Nobody knew where the baby was, and nobody wanted to talk about it as they feared for their lives. After searching for a month with no luck the Jao sect stopped its pursuit and as they left, they town they did not hesitate to massacre the entire town so as to keep the whole affair a secret.

AFTER 15 YEARS...Of spending life playing and running around the forest and ancient ruins Reece had finally reached of age and would soon be leaving the forest.

He had grown up and the careful tutelage of the servant whom he now called grandpa. He was taught how to hunt and to fight and survive in the forest and ruins. His shoulders were broad, and he had hard muscles and a fit body unlike the average 15-year-old his age would have. This was as a result of the intense training he had and the amount of time he spent playing and hunting demon beasts too. His physicality was top notch and superior and it was actually a demon body which was immortal once awakened, the servant knew about it and since a young age he had Reece hunt demon beast in the forest and use their cores as [art of the training by refining them and devouring them. This helped awaken the demon body, but Reece had no idea about any of this.

"Help...!!!!! Help...!!!!!" Lucy screamed as she was being chased down by demon beasts, she tagged along with two of her seniors who were out to experience the way of cultivation in the mortal world. From a far Reece heard the sounds of help and rushed towards the sounds.

Lucy and her seniors were besieged by three nascent realm beasts, and they were two realms above them as they were qi realm. It was sure to be a blood bath soon as they were cornered beside a huge mountain wall side. As the beast (serpent) slithered towards the group and unknowingly Reece jumped in to save them. He caught the snake by his bare hands and tossed it back.

The other beast seemed afraid of Reece as they sensed the aura emitting from him it frightened the other beasts and run away in fear, but Reece went after the snake and slammed it against the rock side of the mountain.

"DRAGON FLAME FIST .. AAAAH" Reece used his inherent skill and crushed the snake's skull into two and took out the demon core and swallowed it.

Lucy and her seniors were stunned that they couldn't speak for a while. They couldn't believe it since he had defeated a nascent realm beast.

Could he be a nascent realm cultivator too,,?? one of the three girls asked as they couldn't believe they could find a nascent realm cultivator who was still so young and living in the forest too..

"SENIOR HELLO!!"Lucy greeted Reece with a hint of fear ricking of her, " Thank you for saving us now ,"

"Don't worry I was just going to hunt them but lucky me I found them soon. Okay bye." Reece left the girls after taking the snakes corpse with him and told them they better hurry and leave before it gets dark.

"Lucy we better go before any more beasts come to this place. "the elder senior dragged Lucy who was still fixated on Reece as he left jumping on the trees.

"we'll ask the master to come find him,, I still can't believe he's a kid in the nascent realm. A hidden cultivator lucky we didn't fight with him or have any bad ideas about us... Lets go.." the second senior said as they took out a spirit boat and they all left and returned back to the sect.