

He whose face shall never see the light of day shall never know the allure of death in darkness. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. As the era of gods waned, and the door to cultivation and immortality opened to mortals, he saw an opportunity to forge his own path and strive for greatness. Can Reece forge his own path and walk through the upheavals of immortality and be the strongest? Reece understood that the journey to immortality was fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and immense effort. "A man can be destroyed but not be defeated," he thought, realizing that setbacks and obstacles were a part of any great undertaking, but true defeat only came when one gave up. As eras came to an end and new ones were forged through blood and pain. He understood that the road would be treacherous, that he would face adversaries both mortal and divine, and that the price of immortality might be higher than he could ever imagine. The era of gods had come to an end, and Reece was ready to usher in a new era of mortal cultivators forging their own destinies. The allure of immortality beckoned, and Reece, with the indomitable spirit that had defined his journey, would stop at nothing to grasp it.

bluey22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


As Lian ruthlessly cut down the disciples of the Resplendent Sun Sect one by one, the atmosphere thickened with despair. The malevolent force emanating from him seemed unstoppable, leaving the other disciples and families in a state of shock and terror. Andrea in particular loved the carnage and the bloodshed that was ensuing as she and the martial asura disciples took advantage of the chaos to rid themselves of a powerful foe in their midst from their empire. The tranquil lotus clan and Tongtian sect watched from the foot of the crystal tower as bodies of cultivators fell to the ground drained of blood and life force.

Lian's scythe brought death along with it the gates of hell flourished with the endless souls that came seeking refuge from his madness.

Just as Lian was about to deliver the final blow to the remaining disciples, a sudden flash of light erupted, blinding everyone in the vicinity. Amid the brilliance, a figure materialized with an aura of divine power. The battlefield which was now marred by scars of an epic battle and blood flowing cracked as it shattered into several pieces.

Landia appeared from the brilliance of the light and stood above the rest and with a look of despair and grieved heart he looked at the disciples who were battling for their lives and sympathized with them. With a mere gesture, Landia summoned a celestial force that enveloped the surviving disciples, whisking them away to safety out of the demon forest and beyond the barrier where the elders were waiting for them. 

As they caught their breath, Landia addressed the bewildered disciples, his voice carrying both solemnity and reassurance. "Fear not, for you have done well to survive till this far, I'll take care of the rest. Your prizes are with you for what you sought shall be yours."

Back in the demon forest, Lian, now facing the might of Landia, scowled at the interference. The divine energy radiating from Landia clashed with the demonic aura that shrouded Lian. The air crackled with the collision of opposing forces as the two formidable cultivators prepared for a showdown.

Landia's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity as he spoke, "Lian, you already have the scythe inheritance why go to all this trouble to seek power?"

Lian, his demon-infused form pulsating with malevolence, sneered defiantly. "Power is all that matters, and I want to be the strongest equal to heaven, old man. Is there no end to the heavens might? I have embraced the power this power lets others know fear whenever I walk. Now let me get the power in the temple."

"You're not the chosen one, step away from the temple doors. Be gone." Landia's voice shook the temple doors as he flicked his arm whisking Lian out of the demon forest and to the other side of the barrier.

The elders from the various sects and empires were informed of what transpired from within the barrier and what Lian of the Jao sect's actions had led to. Several elders especially the elders from the Resplendent Sun sect wanted Lian to be held accountable for hitowardctions for his dead disciples.

Not wanting to intervene the elders sent by the empires took their disciples and left the vicinity quickly to report to their leaders. Lian who was now being restrained by the Jao sect elders from going on another killing spree didn't answer a word but with a showof force, they dared anyone to come forth and take any action if they wished to have an early death.

They took Lian back to the sect as quickly as possible to the Grand elder to explain things as they knew the other sects would not take this lightly and would come to their doorstep to seek vengeance. 

(BACK INSIDE THE DEMON FOREST REECE FELL INTO THE RIVER THAT FLOWED FROM THE TOP OF THE TIANXUN MOUNTAINS AND WAS CARRIED BY IT. REECE WAS UNCONSCIOUS AS HE WAS BEING CARRIED BY THE WATER, TERRARIA SENSING THE LIFE FORCE WITHIN REECE WAS DRASTICALLY DROPPING REAWKENED FROM HER SLUMBER. WITHIN THE DEMON FOREST BEYOND THE BARRIER DID NOT ONLY PROTECT THE DEMON BEAST BUT ALSO THE CRIMSON NAGA CLAN (originally descendants of the crimson flame phoenix tribe from the outer realms, were imprisoned by the council of realms in Tianxia realm as they refused to assist in the 1000-year war against Emperor Ching and they have the highest potential to produce another emperor.)

As Reece lay drifted floating on the river downwards following the river course, Terraria awakened from her slumber only to meet a beat-up body and Reece's consciousness tearing apart. She tried saving him by using her remaining power to reconstruct his consciousness to prevent it from falling apart and his soul from dissipating into thin air.

The river meandered through the heart of the demon forest, its currents carrying Reece's unconscious body deeper into the wilderness. Unbeknownst to him, a group of hunters from a nearby clan of demons had ventured out, in search of demon beast and food, their eyes keenly attuned to the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

As the hunters patrolled along the riverbed, their senses alert to any signs of demon beast activity, they stumbled upon the drifting body with crimson hair and a fire crown. A hushed murmur swept through the group as they recognized the distinctive feature of the crimson hair. The crimson hair marked this individual as one of their own— but a very distinctive and old bloodline that they thought had long been purged from all the known realms.

The leader of the group, a man with tattoos covering his entire body Zhang Suyi, approached the unconscious body. The air was thick with tension as the hunters exchanged wary glances. Crimson hair was a rarity among their kind, a trait passed down through generations, and its sudden appearance in the demon forest was an ominous omen.

Zhang Suyi knelt beside Reece, examining the crimson hair with a mix of concern and suspicion. "This is no ordinary occurrence, the crown is made of pure fire and the hair is like that of the supreme elder" he murmured to the hunters. "We must carry him back for the supreme elder to see this. Forget the hunt, let's go back right now before he wakes up."

Despite the unease and hesitation among them, the hunters decided to bring Reece back to their clan for further examination. With great care, they secured his body and patroled the nearby areas for any potential dangers.

The journey through the demon forest back to their clan was fraught with tension as the hunters navigated the treacherous terrain. Strange sounds echoed in the air, and the twisted foliage seemed to whisper tales of ancient curses and hidden malevolence, each small echo was enough to instill tremendous fear in the hunters who were rushing to get back. The crimson-haired kid, still unconscious, was an enigma that added an unsettling layer to their already dangerous predicament as the blood dripping was drawing countless demon beasts who thirsted for fresh boiling blood.

Upon reaching their clan's stronghold, the hunters rushed to seek the guidance of their elders. The news of the crimson-haired boy's discovery spread like wildfire through the close-knit community. Whispers of prophecy and ancient bloodlines circulated among the villagers, heightening the sense of foreboding that hung in the air. Stories that were once thought of as folk tales and a kid's story seemed to come to life with this new discovery.

The crimson-haired boy was placed on the ground by the hunters and everyone rushed to see for themselves. The crown of fire on Reece's head suddenly began vibrating as if it resonated with something within the clan's stronghold. The clan's supreme elder who was in seclusion felt the vibrations as his blood boiled and resonated with the crown of fire.