

He whose face shall never see the light of day shall never know the allure of death in darkness. A man can be destroyed but not be defeated. As the era of gods waned, and the door to cultivation and immortality opened to mortals, he saw an opportunity to forge his own path and strive for greatness. Can Reece forge his own path and walk through the upheavals of immortality and be the strongest? Reece understood that the journey to immortality was fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and immense effort. "A man can be destroyed but not be defeated," he thought, realizing that setbacks and obstacles were a part of any great undertaking, but true defeat only came when one gave up. As eras came to an end and new ones were forged through blood and pain. He understood that the road would be treacherous, that he would face adversaries both mortal and divine, and that the price of immortality might be higher than he could ever imagine. The era of gods had come to an end, and Reece was ready to usher in a new era of mortal cultivators forging their own destinies. The allure of immortality beckoned, and Reece, with the indomitable spirit that had defined his journey, would stop at nothing to grasp it.

bluey22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Even after knocking on the door for a long time, the owner doesn't seem to have the intention of coming out.

Maybe it's because he's concentrating on reading a book again and can't hear anything?

"If a real nuclear bomb blows up, he will surely die reading a book."

How silly.

After knocking on the door a few more times, I heard footsteps from beyond the door. Soon, the door swung open.

A man wearing oversized clothes was rubbing his half-closed eyes, and it appears to be a little red, maybe…


"Reece, you didn't hear my knock because you're reading a book again?"

Without even hearing an answer, Lucy barged in the open door.

A small candle was illuminating the room, and unorganized books were spread out on the table.

The man shyly scratched the back of his neck while looking at Lucy, who came in confidently as if it was her own house.

"Hmm, that's…"

Seeing him smile shyly, I could already understand the situation.

"Have you been reading all night again? What do you want to know so much?"

"It's fun no matter how much I read."

"I don't know if it's a novel or a collection of poems, but I don't know what's interesting about these hard books…"

Lucy immediately put down the book that she's looking at.

"You should get some sunlight. If you rely on candles like this every day to read books, your eyes will get worse."

"Are you worried about me?"

"Then aren't you worried at all? Anyway, have you eaten?"

"Not yet."

When Luce, with her hand on her waist approached him, Reece took a step back.

'We've known each other for years, but what's the reason why he still can't look at me in the eye? Is it because he thinks I'm going to scold him? Or does he think that when our eyes meet, I'll tell him that I want to go to the second floor?'

Even now, Reece's spacious body seemed to be blocking the stairs to the second floor, although he had already advised me not to go to there before.

"Well, maybe you have a collection of precious books there? I'm not interested in those books though."

His ears were turned red and his breathing sounds a little stiff.

He's like a child who's ears easily turns red. It takes a lot of work but, I should comfort him right?

Because of her short stature, Luce had a hard time putting her hand on his shoulder.


I was a little surprised that his shoulders were unexpectedly hard, but considering his body type, I think it was understandable. His shoulders were broad and extensive like a general from a war front. But I still assumed it was due to his body type and his large frame which he liked to shyly hide away by wearing large capes and baggy clothes.

hey Luce, don't worry I'll get some light in after i finish this late book. Anyway, what are you doing here I thought you had like a morning errand with your father.

'yeah, I just passed by to see you one last time before we leave for the sect, I know you've always wanted to join again but couldn't, but I really do wish you could come rather than be held back by what your father did back then to JAO SECT, you don't have to endure all the hate you can start over come with me!'

Don't try to convince me Luce there's nothing that can be done right now. But thanks I do appreciate the offer though.

a lion's roar and sights of a fiery serpent slithering through the sky, a jagged sword slicing through the darkness. was the next big thing they had through Reece's cottage shack.

They went out to look only to see the sky tearing apart and the sky was dark, a fiery serpent slithering through the sky as it breathed out fire and roared across the continent could seen it was a new mystery a vision of heaven and earth a herald of change. As it slithered across the sky it struck it sharp claws across the air tearing through the fabrics of life and space. A void crack started to appear as more cracks were felt on earth the sky was restless but everyone beneath the serpent was but a spec of dust in its eyes.

As calamity befell on the continent several large sects sent out their strongest immortal sages to help quell the onslaught. Soon it will be a bloody battle and this the battle ground I think you should leave Luce before it too late. You're the daughter of a sect chief you'll be okay but I have to go back and look for my sister.

'Okay Reece, be careful, if you change your mind please come find me and join our sect.

I'll think about it Luce.

'Why did the void fall right now its not supposed for another two months, Reece scratched himself at the back of the head as he looked puzzled. Dad said it would take some time before it fell.