
The Void Emperor’s Accession

John Carter was an ordinary 9 to 5 working man, who was living a monotonous life. He was 23 years old when he lost his family in an accident which led to him falling in deep depression. To cope with his depression and pain, he started doing drugs that led him to become an addicted. His once closed friends and relatives distanced themselves from him as he started to borrow money from them, but did never returned. He barely got his college diploma, but even then finding Jobs with his habits were very difficult as no good company wanted to hire some one like him. And as his situation was getting worse. One of his father’s friend put him in a rehab facility and after 2 years there, he finally managed to overcome his addiction. But even after overcoming his addiction and depression, he wasn’t able to find any good job as his past was too problematic for big companies, and the multiple times he got arrested was also not good for his resume. Again his father’s same friend helped him to get a job with above an average wage. His life started to become much better, he even stared dating a girl, was even going to ask her to marry him. After all he’s already 35 years old. But the Universe had other plans for him because as he was returning home from his work, a spatial rift opened and sucked him in. . Disclaimer:The cover of this book is copied from google, and if the original owner wants me to remove it, I will gladly do.

41_Claws · Fantasy
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1 Chs

1: How it started.


{AN: Before reading this chapter, read the synopsis. It will give a better grasp of the chapter below}


The True Void is the beginning and end of everything, from it, two beings came into existence The Chaos and The Order.

The residual energy from the birth of the two cosmic entities caused the creation of the Universe.

The two cosmic entities, as their name indicates had completely opposite personalities.

One wanted to create chaos and mayhem in the newly formed Universe, and other wanted the order and balance.

With their opposite personalities, they couldn't tolerate each other, and so, they fought with the intention to destroy one another, which later was recorded as the "Battle of the Primordial Beginning".

There Battle was so devastating that it nearly destroyed the newborn Universe and annihilated the living beings that just started to appear.

The Chaos lost the battle, but before it returned to the nothingness of The True Void, The Chaos created the "Concept of Cultivation" for the living beings, with the purpose to spread Chaos into the Universe.

The Order didn't like what Chaos did, so It created "The Heavens", to restrict the newly created concept, and form a semblance of balance and order inside the Universe.

With the last of its remaining energy, it created Heavenly Laws to further restrict the future Cultivators.

And after it returned to the nothingness of The True Void. Ending the First Era of The True Void: The Primordial Era of Chaotic Order.


Location: True Void


Inside the True Void, Countless Cocoon of lights floated peacefully, each Light being a different Primordial Universe or the Primordial World.

The Cocoon of light being made up of Unknown energy, protecting the Universes from The True Void's corruption.

But today the peacefulness of The True Void got distributed by the battle of two peak practitioners.

They clashed with each other sending waves of energy to surrounding Universes.

Their collision caused many cracks to appear in the surrounding Universe's Protection layer, making them slowly get Corrupted and Erased from Existence.

The Two Cultivators didn't mind the damage they caused, or the lives they reaped, and continued fighting.

They fought for a few more blows before abruptly stopping, a frown marred on their faces.

Suddenly Ten different Auras locked on them, each as strong as their own, making them solemnly look towards the Origin of those Auras.

Their faces turn ugly when they realised they had somehow reached the location of one of the Strongest Primordial Worlds of The True Void: The Eternal Mist Emperor World.

They quickly retreated to a secluded place in The True Void where normally newborn Universes are found and resumed fighting.

And after fighting for more than a decade, one of them managed to come out on top and killed the other.

The person who won the battle looked like a Scholar with his white Chinese Hanfu and black scholar hat.

The man was heavily bleeding and taking deep breaths, he was completely out of Chaos Qi and was just going to teleport but a unique soul suddenly came into his sight from one of the spatial tears formed from his battle.

The unique soul even got mutated from the exposure of the True Void, making him curious, but the Scholarly man couldn't thoroughly explore the mystery of this soul as the Corruption of True Void already started to destroy his Martial Body.

The man gritted his teeth and sent the soul to The Reincarnation Cycle, but not before marking it with a locator. He plans to explore its secrets, after all, there are very few things that beings of their level find mysterious and unknown.


—— Reincarnation Cycle ——


The Reincarnation Cycle is something created by The Order and is currently controlled by its another creation: The Heavens.

The Reincarnation Cycle is something that not even the Divine Emperors, the highest known realm of the Cultivation can control or exploit for their own gain.

The Most they can do is send some soul to The Reincarnation Cycle directly and divine where the sent soul will end up.

The Order Created The Reincarnation Cycle to prevent powerful Cultivators from reviving dead people and breaking the balance.

The Reincarnation Cycle is a dimension of its own that connects with the countless Primordial Worlds of The True Void.

It decides the Fate and Destiny of the souls by looking at their Positive Karma and Negative Karma.

The soul's Karma decides what race, talent, and bloodline they will have in their next life. And after erasing their memories it sends them to their chosen destinations.

The Cycle was doing its job like usual when an anomaly happened. A Purple Soul came for its judgment, but the Cycle wasn't able to Neither measure its Karma nor wipe the Purple Soul's Memory.

After trying to find many Solutions in its program, It finally labelled the case: The Purple Soul having too much Karma to be measured.

And since it can't be decided whether the Karma of the soul is Negative or Positive, it decides to send him to a destination where he will both have the opportunity to reach the peak but also has a possibility of being reduced to a mere Slave.


In a small house surrounded by wheat fields, a man can be seen pacing outside a room with a worried frown on his face.

The man was wearing a grey robe as farmers do, but his looks and demeanour were anything but that.

His handsome face and toned body say that the man was a Cultivator, and from his refined, and heavenly looks, his Cultivation is pretty high.

The man has hair as dark as the moonless night, and eyes as blue as the brightest sky. He was easily over six feet tall, and the refined Aura surrounding him, tells that he has a noble upbringing despite his shabby clothes.

*Bamm* suddenly the door of the room was slammed open, and a flushed woman rushed out.

"Congratulations!!! It's a Boy!!! You have become a father!!" The midwife shouted, but the man's frown didn't lessen, instead, he runs inside the room, to check on his wife.

After he entered the room, his frown finally faded and turned into a warm smile as he saw his beautiful wife feeding his newly born son.

"I'm fine dear." The woman weakly said and then raised the baby towards him. "And look, how cute our little Blaze is." The woman smiled when she mentioned the baby's name.

Even when her golden locks were smeared in sweat, and her purple eyes were dimmed in tiredness. She can topple a country with her beauty.

The man held the baby as gently as he could and observed him carefully.

The baby has dark hair like his father, and even though the baby's eyes were closed, the man could tell his son's eyes were purple like his mother's.

"And when did we decide that?" The man asked as he pinch the baby's cheek.

"Hmmp! Don't try to act clueless, we already decided that if it was a boy, I would be the one to name him, and if it was a girl then you will." Even though tired from the delivery, the woman still angrily replied and pouted at his question.

The man showed a speechless expression on his face and thought 'As if you would have let me even if he was a she' but he didn't wisely voice his thoughts out.

"Why do I feel you're thinking something bad about me" his wife questioned him while narrowing her eyes, making him avoid eye contact and focus on his firstborn. He can't help but smile as he feels his chest swell in pride.


{AN: Small chapter. I wrote this while I was at work, and on the phone too. I hope it's readable.}
