
The Void Doulou: Reincarnated In Soul Land With Six Eyes And Limitless

//Do not read this, I suggest reading the rewritten version. It has the same title as this fanfic. A man died during his graduation. But I wonder if you can guess on how he died.   When he woke up, he met a God. God made a mistake so he gave the man an offer.   This is a story about a man who got reincarnated in his favorite novel, "Soul Land".   Soul land 1 Soul land Doulou Dalu 1 Doulou Dalu Jujutsu Kaisen JJK

Lyzide · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Zendesk Defeirr

In a quaint little town nestled between rolling hills, there lived a young man named Zendesk. He was, by all accounts, a rather shameless individual. His audacity and lack of inhibition were legendary, often landing him in the most peculiar situations. But Zendesk was unapologetically himself, a quality that both endeared him to some and infuriated others.

As he neared the day of his graduation, his antics had reached new heights. He had, in the span of a few weeks, managed to charm his way into the hearts of half the town's residents and upset the other half with his unabashed disregard for convention. His graduation ceremony was, naturally, a spectacle. Zendesk took the stage and delivered a speech that left the audience both scandalized and oddly entertained.

But little did Zendesk know that on that fateful day, as he reveled in the chaos he had created, fate had a cruel twist in store for him. High above the graduation stage, the a large rock suddenly appeared.

The rock was too large that Zendesk could even notice a large shadow above his head.

When he looked up while saying.

"Ahhhhhhhh, what the f***? What is there a large rock above me???? F****, I'm dead. No matter what I'll do, run or dock, I'll die!!! Even though this stone is much smaller than Madara's meteor, I'm a dead meat..... good bye world."

In a surreal moment, time seemed to slow as the colossal stone began its descent. It tumbled from its lofty perch, its descent accompanied by a deafening roar. Zandesk, still lost in his own world, remained oblivious to the impending catastrophe. The gasps turned to shouts, and some even attempted to rush toward him, but it was too late.

With a thunderous crash that echoed through the stage, the stone struck the ground, mere meters away from Zendesk. The shockwave sent him sprawling, and the world went dark.

In an instant, his remarkable journey through life came to an abrupt and unexpected end. As the dust settled and the townspeople gathered around the fallen stone, a sense of solemnity descended upon the square.

"News live. A graduate student died....."

Please vote for me to give me motivation to finish this.

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