
The Void Doulou: Reincarnated In Soul Land With Six Eyes And Limitless

//Do not read this, I suggest reading the rewritten version. It has the same title as this fanfic. A man died during his graduation. But I wonder if you can guess on how he died.   When he woke up, he met a God. God made a mistake so he gave the man an offer.   This is a story about a man who got reincarnated in his favorite novel, "Soul Land".   Soul land 1 Soul land Doulou Dalu 1 Doulou Dalu Jujutsu Kaisen JJK

Lyzide · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


The moment Tang Yun muttered, "Infinite Void."

A flash of light suddenly burst through Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue's eyes. 

Seeing these flashes of lights, they cannot understand anything. Too mucu information was being sent to them, and cannot easily comprehend it. 

The moment they came back to their thoughts, they realized that they cannot move, as if they can think, but due to this boundless feeling of thoughts, it limited their action to even move themselves.

Qian Daoli saw it. The space, black whole, and the void. The place he wants to physically go to with the woman he loved and the place where the Gods can easily go to.

To get the woman he loves, he should become a God. But instead, he became like her, a Priest of God. He managed to break through to Level 99 also became one of the paragons of the Douluo continent with the assistance of the God of Angels.

Qian Renxue saw it too. The beauty of the void and space. She haven't seen something as beautiful as this before, and it was even more beautiful than the Angel who she saw that her beauty is incomparable.

As they admire the void, a child's warm voice echoed through:

"How beautiful is it, right?"

A child with the age of 6 came to show his face. His eyes were filled with beauty as if his eyes himself was part of this void.

Qian Daoli thought that this may be the work of this kid's Domain. But he can't believe it. A child with just level 20 and don't even a single spirit ring manage to suppressed him.

He continued, "Just like your thought, old man. This is my Domain."

Qian Daoliu was shocked, he thought, "He can read my mind?"

Tang Yun grinned and responded, "No, but I can predict your thoughts."

"What?" Qian Daoliu thought again to himself.

He continued, "This child if he won't join our Spirit Hall, he will definitely disrupt our plans and ideas for conquering the continent. To avoid this, I should killed this kid."


A golden radiance came inside the Infinite Void. As golden light was dazzling but destructive at the same time as it produces negative energy to destroy.

Qian Daoliu broke through the seemingly like a restriction for him to not move inside his Domain, and fully shouted, "Angel Domain."

Tang Yun's Infinite Void was shattered to piece. He then attacked Tang Yun with a flash.

But he noticed, that he wasn't there.

It was as if he wasn't there in the first place.

Qian Renxue feel something inside her heart. It wasn't about Tang Yun, but about the beautiful Void she saw earlier.

She then asked her grandfather on how to reach that void.

He replied, "By becoming a God."

Qian Renxue just nodded, as they both began to walk to continue finding a Spirit Ring.

Qian Daoliu then began to help Qian Renxue to find a suitable Spirit Ring. So that he could send her to infiltrate the Heaven Dou Empire.