

It was a crowded day accentuated by the beautiful snow. It was hard to believe that in a few moments, I would suffer a freezing death.

I was enjoying jumping admiringly as Grandma chatted actively, like a short badger shouting brilliantly.

The piano had crowded trees and a beautiful turret. It didn't look dangerous. Not even its rural lake warned me of my fate. I should have sensed the danger in its wall.

I can still vividly recall the map coming down on my ankles like a squidgy newspaper - boom. My life slipped away.

Only dearest Grandpa weeps for me.


All the memories

All the memories which are found,

All the things around,

I will miss you the most in my thoughts,

You were the reason of all lot,

I shall pray that wherever you are,

You stay happy and blessed,

May your soul rest in peace!

Suffering a freezing death.

ramya_yayicreators' thoughts