
1: Greetings Aplenty

As Mina walked the hallway behind the stage of the music show, camera in hand, she couldn't help but feel contented. She would never have imagined herself in this position; a position Fandoms such as ARMY, Aghases, BLINKS, EXO-Ls and the like could and would only dream of.

The bright corridor was filled with chatter and laughter that were situated from behind the closed doors on either side of her. There were at least 50+ doors on this corridor alone (what could she say- it was a pretty long corridor), with another 20 or so on the corridor tailing to her left and only around 2 or 3 on the corridor to her right; where the Top-Top, VIP saesangs*-would-go-outside-without-pants-to-see-them groups were currently positioned. That was where she was headed now. As Mina lazily stepped through the corridor, she heard an unmistakable voice from behind her, making her turn around with a wide grin on her face.

"Mina-ssi!! Look everyone, Mina's here!"

This particular outcry came from the one and only Wendy of Red Velvet, and within seconds the entire hallway was crowded with K-POP artists appearing out of their rooms to greet the passer-by.

The artists also took time to say hello to each other, as if they hadn't been sitting in rooms next to or opposite each other ten seconds ago.

After greeting everybody with a series of hugs, kisses, aegyo* and dad jokes (all of which Jin of BTS missed out on), Mina was once again on the way to her true destination- the VIP corridor.