
The Vita Arcanum: Short Stories Of Reality And Wonder

Life is a cascade of stories, some so simple they speak and relate to you, and other so wondrous they can only be birthed from the minds of the most daring. This is a yearning for adventure and a pinning for love, a taste of revenge and the consequences it sows. Fantasy, reality, love, hatred, all of this and so much more I would show, as we explore the pages of the Vita Arcanum.

Mother_of_Lions · Urban
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8 Chs

The Promise V

Mrs Jane: "Good afternoon class am sorry but your English teacher Mr Eric won't be available for today's class because his down with a flu, so I suggest you all should pick your books and read till when the class period is over. I will take my leave now, no noise children."

(Teacher leaves the class room)

Ruth: "Anna can we talk outside for a minute please."

Anna: "Alright let's go."

Ruth: "Look I'm really sorry for my actions. I didn't mean to hurt you at all, and I know it's because you care alot about me, that you are always looking out for me. so let's just forget this whole thing and move on okay!"

Anna: "I've heard you, but I am still going to show those girls who I really am, no more hiding."

Ruth: "I won't stop you from doing what you want, but just be careful please. Let's get back to the class quickly."

Anna: "Alright."

Kireina: "Anna where are you coming from with this thing?"

Anna: "Thing? Well I can't see any 'thing' around and I can only see my friend Ruth and nothing else. Ruth did you see anything around apart from you?"

Ruth: "Nope there's nothing else to see apart from me."

Anna: "Did you hear that? Good! thank you very much, Ruth and I will go and take our seats now."

Kireina: "What!! Anna?"

Ruth: "Wow I love what I just saw Anna, I'm really impressed, wow!! That's really unbelievable girlfriend."

Anna: "This is just the beginning."

Ruth: "I'm proud of you."

Anna: "I know, and that's why you will have to support any decision I make from now on."

Ruth: "Yes boss."

(Kireina crying)

Louisa: "Babe what's wrong? are you okay? Wait are you crying! what happened to you! tell me Kireina?"

Kireina: "Just go away I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to be alone for now."

Louisa: "That's nonsense. You are spitting nonsense, you know I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened?"

Kireina: "It's Anna she embarrassed me in front of everyone in class and that stupid girl called Ruth was with her! Look, I just want to die so just go away!"

Louisa: "What are you talking about? you mean Anna embarrassed you in front of the class? Wow I think I love this game Anna has started playing with us, I'll teach her a lesson she will never forget."

Kireina: "Look just forget about them. since Anna chose Ruth over her best friends then so be it."

Louisa: "Never! I will never let her be! she will pay for what she has done to us."

Kireina: "But what if Ruth told Anna we threatened her. Do you think that might be the reason she's mad?"

Louisa: "I don't care and Ruth is too scared of us, so she wouldn't' have told Anna anything or else she knows what we can do."

Kireina: "Hmmm.... But by the way it looks, I think Ruth told Anna. Ruth had no fear in her eyes when she was standing in front of me."

Louisa: "Look just stop imagining things okay! I know what Anna did today came as really of a shock to you, and I understand. but you just have to calm down."

Kireina: " But this is unbelievable, It's Anna! We're her best friends!"

Louisa: "Yeah, it is pretty unbelievable for Anna to do this and honestly it hurt alot."

Kireina: "I guess that is true."

Louisa: "This is what it means by show me your friends and I will tell you who you are."

(Michael approached)

Michael: "Hello Kireina and Louisa. Sorry to disturb you guys, have you seen Anna today?"

Louisa: "Go look for her yourself."

Kireina: "And please don't disturb us again."

Michael: "Ummm? I'm sorry? I guess?"

Louisa: "Now leave!"

Michael: "Alright fine I'm on my way, jeez what's with you guys this morning."

Kireina: "Louisa he's gone, can we talk now!!"

Louisa: "What is it I hope it's not about the fool that just left."

Kireina: "Jeez! What the hell is going on with you, he's innocent he didn't do anything wrong, he just asked us of our best friend Anna and now youre calling him a fool."

Louisa: "Yes he is and let me correct you Anna is not my best friend anymore, you are! we're done here."

Kireina: "But Louisa don't take this whole thing too far, Im begging you. Yes Anna made a mistake but that doesn't mean we should fight each other. instead why don't we talk to her, maybe It's just a misunderstanding."

Louisa: "I don't care what anyone thinks or say, I will do what I want to do and since Anna is ready for war, I will give her a war."

Kireina: "like seriously! are you kidding me right now, it's not gone that far. I'm going to eat, I will talk to you later when you've calm down."

(Michael and Kelvin)

Kelvin: "Dude what's up? Why do you look so quiet? why are you not eating at all? look the lunchbreak will soon be over so you better get to gobbling something up."

Michael: "it's just that I had a very terrible day today and it's not funny."

Kelvin: "Alright tell me about it, what happened?"

Michael: "Are my a bad person?"

Kelvin: "Are you serious, who ever said you were a bad person?"

Michael: "it's just that I was looking for Anna in school not quite long ago and I found Louisa and Kireina talking. so I chose to ask them of Anna and then they spoke really rudely to me, and told me to go and find her myself. and Louisa called me a fool when I was leaving."

Kelvin: "What! Did you do something bad outside of talking to them."

Michael: "No I didn't."

Kelvin: "Then something is really wrong. Alright don't talk to them again, you hear me?."

Michael: "Yes I've heard you."

Kelvin: "Where is Leo?"

Michael: "Wait that's true where did he go if he's not here then where can he possibly be."

(Leo and Anna)

Leo: "Hey Anna can I have a word with you please."

Anna: "What do you want to talk about."

Leo: "Us."

Anna: "There's no us. Wait are you kidding me, you are here now to tell me that you want you and I to talk about us wow!"

Leo: "Please give me a chance to explain everything that happened between us."

Anna: "You lost that chance a long time ago and the Leo I know died a long time ago too."

Leo: "Everything that happened wasn't my fault trust me."

Anna: "Trust! Do you even know what Trust means, look am very sorry I have to go am very famished, the lunchbreak will soon be over and I have another class after that just have a good weekend see you on Monday."

Leo: "Are you serious when you say we're going to meet on Monday!"

Anna: "I didn't say so and that's not what I meant."

Leo: "Jeez! I heard you see you too on Monday and have a wonderful weekend bye! Bye bye!"

Michael: "Who is bye?"

Kelvin: "And who the hell are you saying bye to, and secondly where were you when we were actually Waiting for you to come eat with us."

Leo: "Oh Jesus Christ you guys scared the hell out of me."

Kelvin: "Really! We scared the hell out of you or should I say you are scaring the hell out of us."

Michael: "For God sake what the hell is wrong with you Leo? if there's something off, why not talk to us. you know what, you have been frustrating and overly complicating."

Kelvin: "You better tells us what is going on so that we can help you big head."

Leo: "Fine the reason why I didn't come eat with you guys is because Anna and I were talking and secondly."

Michael: "Wait! Did she talk to you, did she slap you, what did she do, did she insult you, did she say she likes me or let me guess did she say am cute and smarter than you hahahaha Leo tell me please."

Kelvin: "Like seriously Michael. Leo is being serious and you are joking about it."

Michael: "Look I'm not joking am being serious too, I want to know what the both of you discussed."

Leo: "Hmm.... Well unfortunately for you she didn't mention your name and secondly she didn't act like someone called Michael, who is cute and smarter than me exists at all. So I'm very sorry for the bad news Mr inexistent."

Kelvin: "Like seriously guys what the hell is going on with the both of you."

Michael: "Are we really doing this right now? Really? Seriously?"

Leo: "I guess that is what you want Michael."

Michael: "It's obvious you want to pick a fight with me."

Leo: "I don't waste my strength on inexistent people, not now and not ever."

Kelvin: "Will you guys stop! we are best friends for God sake, instead of understanding each other the both of you want to have a fight."

Michael: "No Kelvin I want to teach him a lesson."

Leo: "Well instead I think I will be the one to put you in your right place."

Kelvin: "Please I beg the both of you to stop and let's sit and talk about what's going on okay? Leo! Michael! let's go and talk it's enough."