

You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



The problem with the government is not really that much of an issue so I just left it to Tony to handle.

I doubt they'd take kindly to my being there after the stunt I pulled last time and besides I don't even want to go there. 

The most they can do is draw up a few concessions and even if they are detrimental to us it doesn't matter. It won't be the first time we've given the middle finger to international laws, definitely not the last too. 

"You are back to working again, Vis." I heard Wanda sigh behind me and could only smile wryly as she had caught me red-handed again. 

It's a little game we've been playing for a month now where I try to do a day without delving into things concerning heroics or being a super computer. 

"You know I can't help it, Wanda. It's basically who I am." I said, hoping she'd understand but I don't think that look on her face means she does. 

"I'm a witch and you don't see me casting magic everyday, do you?" She looked at me with both hands on her waist with an expressive 'Really?' wordlessly painted on her face. 


"Even Pietro can go some days without using his speed." She pointed. 

I had 34 retorts right off the top of my head but knew that none of them would win me the argument so I just raised my hands in surrender. 

She sighed as she came near me and held my chin with a soft kiss following after. "Well, I don't think I can fault you for that but I just want you to try not spending all your free time inside your head or on the internet." 

She then chuckled and shook my chin a little as if chiding me a little more. "It's like I'm the overbearing adult telling a child not to spend all their free time on their phone."

"I don't think I appreciate that sentiment all that much, Wanda." I said plainly but she just laughed and left my chin after another kiss. 

"Right, right." She walked towards the room, our room, and left behind some words. "I'm going to take a bath. Turns out that I hate killing eldritch monsters, mostly the summoned ones."

That's a new development. 

I shelved that for later questioning and went back to doing what it was that I had been doing when she had walked in. 

I was in my house right now and was going through some of Jane Foster's and Erik Selvig's research into the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, aka the Bifrost, to see if there was a way I could connect it with my quantum travel and basically ride the stars to any location in the universe, even the most obscure ones. 

The problem? I had no clue on where to start when the entire thing is magic. 

In case it was never said or wrongly implied, I am nowhere near a master of magic. 

Magic was good and even if I'm sure I have a talent for it, I don't think I want to dedicate my time into mastering it. 

What I'm interested in however is controlling different types of esoteric energy and I'm really grateful that the Ancient One allowed me to use their books as reference. 

Believe it or not, just because I have the Mind Stone or because my processing system is light-years away from the fastest computer currently on earth doesn't mean that I'll master the arts with a glance. 

It'll make me very talented in it, maybe even above Strange, but the fact remains that I don't need to dive that deep into magic because from the little understanding of it, magic has no end and there is no true peak master of it.  

Back to my research in Jane and Selvig's research data, it was a spur of the moment thing when I sparingly thought of widening my world view and the first thing that came to mind was Thor. 

He's my only link to the wider universe and Jane's research notes on him is the only trail I have to him. Unless of course I ask the Ancient One to portal me to Thor's location, which I know he won't. Why would he in the first place? 

Also another reason I had for just leaning towards energy manipulation and control showed itself when I tried studying the runes left behind in every known sighting of the Bifrost landmark. 

When taken to a very high enough degree, magic and science fuse into the same line – energy manipulation. Or in Marvel lore, the Power Cosmic. 

It wasn't the only one but it's one at the very top of it. 

No matter how I tried understanding it, I ended up drawing blanks. 

"What's with the dopey look?" Wanda interrupted my thoughts as she joined me in the living room. 

"I'm trying to figure out a way to use the Bifrost's technology along with my quantum travel for omni-universal travel but I can't figure it out."

"Well, let's see." She motioned for me to show her so I created a hologram of it across the entire room. 

She looked at it for a bit before she shook her head. "Yeah, I got nothing. I doubt you can get anything from the picture alone, not to talk about the rune dancing around the entire thing. It will be nigh impossible to crack something like that."

She waved the entire thing away after giving it a few moments of attention and just as quickly gave up. "If I'm not mistaken then Odin is also known as the God of Magic, right? I doubt you could crack the Bifrost rune from this side, I mean no other civilization has and I'm sure there's a couple of this scorch mark left in thousands of other dimensions and planets the Asgardians warred against during Odin's youth."

"So, give up?" I asked unsurely. I don't deny the logic in her words and I know it's almost impossible to crack it since this is only a small part of a bigger code, but it's my only clue. 

Wanda shrugged and went into the kitchen to whip up a quick grub. "I don't know, Vis. From a sorceress/witch point of view, I'd say it's an impossibility but then again, you're you."

"In order word, you're being the supportive girlfriend while also thinking that I can't do it and you just don't want to say it to my face directly?" I said blandly and she froze for a moment and finished the sandwich she was putting together before turning to face me. 

"First of all, ouch!" She said. "Secondly, you putting it like that makes me sound heartless and fraudulent. All I said is that I don't see you cracking it from a magical stand view."

We both slumped on the couch and I laid my head on her thighs while she kept her plate of sandwiches on my stomach. 

"What if I used my quantum-shift and tried mapping out the universe within specific quantum coordinates?" I mused out. 

"You think your head can hold all point decimal universal coordinates?" She asked in reply and that stumped me. 

It's not feasible for me to carry every singular geographical point of an ever expanding universe in my head. Maybe the Mind Stone can, probably has it, but I can't access it. Or rather it'll require a higher synergy with it for something like that to happen and while I have sort of imprinted on the stone, I still can't use it in a universal scope. 

I wonder how Ultron did it?

"What if I try helping you out with magic. I can study up on some advanced spatial spells and rituals and we can try to see if you can pair it up with your quantum traveling." She proposed with a mouth full of bread and bacon. 

That could work, maybe. "It's a stretch but it's something. It's better than just shooting myself into space."

She looked at me weirdly and remarked. "For a pretty smart guy, you think of the most stupid things sometimes."

I was about to retort when my senses identified somebody at my door a second before they knocked. 

"Come in, Laura." Wanda said and the door opened on its own. "I invited her to hang out. I can't believe she had a movie marathon with you without me." 

I just ignored her and turned to Laura who had come inside but she was not alone in her visit. She brought Kitty Pryde with her, along with Rogue and Domino. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. Simons. Laura said it was fine to come along with, hope we aren't intruding?" Kitty asked and I told her it was fine. 

"It's alright. I think they just want to watch some movies and maybe go into the city for some afternoon exercise." I replied, waving odd whatever concerns that had. I then turned to the afro girl who looked a little awkward. 

"Domino, it's been a while. You guys make yourselves comfortable while I make some edibles." I took my head off Wanda's thighs which made her pout. 

"It's fine. Unlike us, I understand that you guys are busy most of the time." She said. 

I've visited her a few times when u went to the mansion to meet Charles or leave a mutant kid or two in his car and took some time to check up on her. My last visit to Charles was over a month ago and that was when I met her last. 

I kept thinking of a way to find Thor or at least connect with him while making snacks for the movies they were already deciding to watch. 

Next chapter