
The Virgin Fated: The Crest Moon Crisis

Follow the tale of three sisters, triplets who are thrust into an unknown world.” Their destiny has them fated to rule a fantasy kingdom of Sidra in another world. Discover the trials and setbacks that they encounter as they try to fend off invaders. The trio will have to counter hostile claims to their thrones. Follow them as they train to overcome an ancient evil that threatens the entire continent of Yura. Can they discover a way to cope while being pursued by the numerous princes who seek to marry them? Can they endure the pressure of living parallel lives in two distinctively diverse worlds? Will the three sisters rule a Kingdom justified and garner the love of the people? Or will they fail and send the continent of Yura into a new dark age? Will the triplets be gifted enough to stand against unseen threats that seek to devastate both worlds and beyond? Follow each of the three siblings as they world jump from one dire situation to another as they struggle to fulfill their fated destinies.

Bellstory101 · Fantasy
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So, I'm Fated to be a Virgin, Level Up How, Seriously, No Way! A Princess - Chapter Two

'What am I going to do?' I wiggled my feet in the air as I lay in the most comfortable bed I had ever been in. I watched each of my toes closely while reviewing ideas about what I could do to escape this place. The sight of my sexy feet amazed me. I gawked at how cute my feet and toes were. Yeah, my feet as a guy weren't that bad, but my feet looked like some hot supermodel's feet. Some guys would die to lick girls' feet like mine. These toe-licking feet belonged to me. I couldn't believe what I was going through right now. 

As a guy, I would chase after me head over heels. No one would believe me back home. If I ever got back home. I sighed as I rolled over on my stomach. I feel like an online virtual reality girl. You know, those who can interact with their viewers in a virtual realm. There wasn't a doubt in my mind if I had an entire audience of men, their attention would all be lingering behind me. All eyes were staring at my butt. It would probably be a virtual room, and I couldn't blame them. I possessed a nice, ripe, and bounteous bottom. The thought of staring at such a beautiful woman flustered me. 'Gosh dang, I'm supposed to be a male. I'm supposed to wake up in another world and find such a hottie like myself. I'm not supposed to be this way. Is this some weird fantasy, isekai?'

"Why me!" I shouted.

I sighed, laying my head on the fluffy pillows before me. A few hours had already passed since I found myself here. My head rested on the soft cushion as I stared at the windows. I eased my hips after sitting up and leaning back on my legs. A slight jiggle of my breasts made me blush. 'Damn, what am I supposed to do with these? And why is the closet locked? Am I supposed to just lay here in the nude?' I feel like a damsel in distress. I'm ready for some knight in shining armor to save me. Once again, I scanned the room. There had to be a way out of here.

I scanned the room until I spotted a tall mirror beside a dresser in the corner. It was the same height as a long vanity dresser but the width of a chest drawer. For a moment, it looked no different from the others. At first glance, it wasn't as big as the rest of the furniture in this luxurious room. A fancy dresser fit for a Queen. Dark cherry wood with a dark stain finish. A single large panel, but no drawers to store clothes and such. The more I stared at it, a thought came to mind. The dresser had all the correct dimensions to be something so mundane to me. I examined it further as I leaned further off the bed. 

My breasts hung down in front of me like gigantic melons, but I knew it wasn't an armoire. It looked to only have one handle; again, it was too small. I scooted to the side of the bed as my breasts jiggled and placed my long, slender legs on the floor. I learned a little more, and my eyes narrowed on the cherry-stained dresser. It seemed to blend in with the rest of the furniture but stuck like a sore thumb. It wasn't big enough to hold anything but insignificant items. That gave away what I thought it was. I slid out of bed onto the floor as my breasts and body jiggled. My mouth watered. I crawled on all four as I approached the cherry-stained dresser. I licked my lips as I stopped mere inches from it and listened carefully.

A slight hum came from the cherry-stained dresser. Finally, a confirmation of my assumptions. It wasn't a dresser but more like a half-sized refrigerator. I sat back on my thighs and stared at the fridge in disguise. There was nothing special about it once I inspected it more.

Its design mirrored a fridge seen on one of those virtual reality shows my stepmother was so into. There was still doubt in my mind. So far, there did not look like any technology in my room. Dispute looked around the room and scrutinized every detail. I could spot nothing that looked like technology. No holo-TV, holo-Phones, holo-Computers, or anything resembling the technology I knew. I reached out for the golden handle, which had a lion's head as the handle. My hand paused for only a moment before I opened the door. I gasped at the sight, and my mouth dropped.

"I knew it. This wasn't a dresser, but a damn fridge," I shouted.

I checked the bottom, finding food and drinks inside. Without thinking, I grabbed the bottled beverages inside and popped one open. Before I knew it, I had downed four of them before thinking a terrifying thought. 'Could there be poison in these? Damn it, I'm an idiot!' All I could do was hope for the best. The beverages were nothing like I had tasted before, and I didn't recognize the brand either. That same writing from the coat of arms was on the bottles, too. They looked like they were costly. I took another look at the food inside.

A broad assortment of food and beverages stocked the elegant mini-fridge. Further down on the fourth shelf down from the top were several varieties of sandwiches. The rack underneath contained several unique types of delicious-looking meats. A few plates possessed what seemed like savory Swedish meatballs. A platter full of meat covered in reddish sauce resembled buffalo chicken bites. Another shelf had containers filled with cheese-covered pigs in a blanket with crescent rolls. Below that shelf were three generously sized trays of meat and cheese. Each tray contained a diverse type of sliced meat. 

There was one that was very unfamiliar to me. A slice of Strange, dark-looking meat resembling pepperoni. Besides that, a fruit and veggie platter. Next, there were hummus and pita chips. Next to the hummus were four plates of cheese and cracker platters. Two cheese slices on the platter looked like something cooked up in a lab. One was a bluish color, while the other had a green tinge. Despite the odd-looking colors of the cheese, they smelled mouth-watering and delicious. On the bottom shelf were several containers of salads. The top three shelves contained nothing but an assortment of beverages. I appropriated one of each and enjoyed the meal.

I would need another miracle to survive what was happening to me now. That much I knew. My thoughts went back to my birthday. There was a special present I vaguely remembered. It stood out from all the other memories I scrambled to recall from the party. The surprise presents we got for our birthday were terrific. I don't mean to tarnish our parents' thoughts and efforts. They went all out for us this time. But this one... was different… it stood out from the rest. A mysterious black box with golden symbols engraved on the wood. They wrapped it in weird silver and waxy parchment paper. It wasn't from anyone that we knew of. I found it strange that I remembered examining the box for a long time. My brothers also took turns looking at the mysterious box. Only shadows filled my memory of anyone else attending the party. Even my parents were nothing but fuzzy shapes of the people they were. Focusing on exactly what made the box so enjoyable was challenging. I remembered another important detail. Although my thoughts were grabbed, I remembered the name and instructions on the paper addressed to our mother to only open on our birthday. 

It came from our aunts. Our mother's twin sisters. Of course, our stepmother was our mother's sister as well. She was a twin, while our mother was a triplet. Twins and triplets were common in our family heritage. Two out of every set of females were born as twins or triplets. One out of every male was born as a twin or triplet. No matter how hard doctors tried, the anomaly remained a mystery. Every holiday, we receive gifts from them. Among the present contents were a specially made birthday cake and exotic drinks. The paper explained that our aunts had made the presents with ingredients from far-off lands. They explained how they wanted to bring us a piece of their world. Just for us to enjoy. I never thought twice about enjoying the presents. None of us did. We barely saw them growing up, and any present from them was a gift we all treasured. 

We expected that gifts from them would always seem odd in our eyes. They were constantly traveling the world or doing something extravagant. Their letters always filled us with such excitement. It was as if they were telling us a story from another planet. They even sent us books they had acquired from antique shopkeepers. When we finally opened the mystery box, I remembered the most delicious taste of cake inside. I scarcely remembered even drinking the exotic drinks they had gifted us before falling asleep. I only recalled vague glimpses of myself eating the cake and drinking exotic drinks with my siblings. The memory of events afterward became this void of fuzziness. Kind of like where I was now.