
The Violet Warlock

Serah was a normal girl until she woke up in the luxurious mansion within the Asterion Empire with a cursed gift—God's Eyes. These violet eyes drain her life force, promising an early death unless she can awaken their power. Reincarnated with memories from her past life, Seraphina is determined to defy her fate. Instead of submitting, she is determined to take control of her destiny. In a world of magic, knights, and secrets, Seraphina thrives for more. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Female MC, Western/Eastern Fantasy, Yuri, Action, Adventure, Late-Romance. And More. Schedule: 6+ chapters per week. Notice: The MC is not a hero nor a villain. She acts to do things for her own benefits but she will still do good things if it does not harm her or if she knows she can get herself out of any trouble it cause. Similarly she will do evil things if needed, and a lot of her actions may seem cruel to others in the world. -------------------------------------------

ZeroX0666 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 27 - Challenge

As the group continued to explore Stonefort City, Seraphina felt a growing sense of ease and amusement as she spent time with the group. The city was bustling with life, the various shops and stalls offered an array of fascinating items that drew her attention.

The only downside to this entire trip was Gunther. Despite her attempts to ignore him, the man's constant remarks and presence lingered like a stink cloud.

Lucy led them to a small bakery, the aroma of freshly baked bread and pastries filled the air the second they walked in.

"We have to try the pastries here; they're famous for them."

Lucy said, pulling Seraphina, and the group by extension, towards the counter.

The group walked around the bakery and marveled at the assortment of treats displayed behind the glass counter. Seraphina found things that she had never seen before even in her previous life displayed before her.

She decided to select a few pastries and the group found a table near the window to enjoy their snacks.

"This is delicious."

Seraphina said as she took a bite out of a flaky, fruit-filled pastry that melted in her mouth.

Adrian nodded in agreement and said.

"Lucy has a knack for finding the best places, she likes to follow those trends."

They chatted for a while and enjoyed their treats, Gunther deciding to keep being a pain in Seraphina's life for whatever reason. At this point she had grown numb to the man, she didn't know why he was acting the way he was but it was clear he had issues.

After finishing their pastries the group decided to explore more of the city. Adrian wanted to pay a visit to the bookstore in order to try and find some books he needed for school, while Seraphina was interested in visiting an armory to find something good.

As they wandered through the marketplace, admiring the various stalls selling everything from jewelry to food, Seraphina found herself drawn to a particular store that had weapons and armor on display.

Walking over to the store; she entered to browse what they had. The group followed behind her since they were interested as well.

"These are amazing."

She said, picking up a small dagger that was set out to display, and examining the intricate engravings on the blade.

"They really are. I wonder how much they are sold for?"

Annabeth agreed, as she approached beside the girl and admired one of the nearby swords.

Putting the dagger back down, Seraphina continued to browse the weapons, and as she walked she felt a slight nudge from behind. Turning, she saw Gunther, with a sly smirk on his face.

"Maybe you should stick to toys, Seraphina. Real weapons are too dangerous for someone so delicate."

He said, his tone dripping with mockery.

Lucy was about to step up and say something in reply, but Seraphina was no maiden in need of defending. Jabbing her knee forward, she landed a firm hit on the man's stomach, causing him to stumble backward.

"Watch your tone, Gunther. You may be my brother's friend but do not forget who I am. I am the eldest daughter of the Willow Dukedom, you are a Baron's son."

Seraphina's sudden action took the group by surprise. Some of them had varying reactions. Annabeth was surprised and somewhat worried, Adrian was impressed, and Lucy was stunned and silent.

Gunther was the only one with a reaction that was so visible, that everyone in the group could tell what he would do next.

The man found his bearings and rushed forward to hit Seraphina, however, he was stopped by the two knights assigned to guard her before he could even get close to her.

"Hiding behind your knights now?"

The man scuffed out as he shook off the knights and backed up, stopping his attempted assault for the time being. Seraphina merely shrugged her shoulders; she had knights for a reason.

"Fine, how about this. A little competition. You're an apprentice knight aren't you, so am I. That was a cheap shot before, let's play fair."

Gunther suggested, his eyes locked on the girl with unhidden rage. The group looked at him curiously, a mixture of emotions amongst them; but it was only for Seraphina to answer.

"What kind of competition?"

Seraphina asked with interest.

"There's an old training ground not far from here. How about we test our skills? A friendly sparring match."

Gunther explained, that everyone could tell he wanted anything but to be friendly.

Seraphina hummed as she thought about the offer. She didn't see the need to fight the man as it was nothing but a pitiful attempt on his part, but at the same time, she wanted to further experience combat in a safe environment.

As much as the man wanted to actually hurt her, with her knights by her side he would never be able to do that. This way she can get experience fighting someone who actually had the intention of hurting her without having to actually get injured.

"I'm in. It sounds like fun."

Adrian raised a eyebrow at her response and spoke up.

"You shouldn't let him taunt you into fighting."

"It's fine. I need more combat experience anyway. He'll be a good training dummy."

Seraphina replied, Gunther's face twisting at her words. Being treated like nothing more than a training target did not do his ego well.

"Great, let's go then."

Gunther replied with a scoff as he turned around and left the store, making his way over to the training ground he knew of.

The rest of the group followed behind him; Lucy was worried about the fight and didn't want either of them to get hurt, even Gunther, but she didn't say anything since they both had agreed.

The group made their way to the old training ground, a spacious area with various training equipment that had been abandoned and a large open space for sparring made out of stone. It was just at the edge of the city, making it the perfect spot to go unbothered.

Seraphina was surprised to see such a spot in the city, but it made sense. Stonefort had expanded several times over the years, and older training grounds for the knights were probably abandoned and left uncared for when they relocated.