
The Villains Who Laughed

All about three villains who just had to make a meme reference at the wrong time.

lolheichou · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Transformations

Siren's POV:

Siren was drowning. She was drowning in the water, the heavy liquid pushing down her body. She was drowning in her emotions, the heavy burden pushing down her soul. Her breath slowly fading away. She knew it was not death calling her, however. It was a different feeling.

She faded down in the water, so she faded down in the soul. Her consciousness dropped down to the deepest part of it. She swam past waves of emotions and trauma, past the people she had lost, and past the people she loved.

She knew if she went deeper, there was no turning back. She stopped there, at the line between lit and dark, murky waters. A "different" her lay down there, she could feel it. She floated above the line, staring into the darkness.

A whisper emerged from the darkness, the yin to her yang was down there. Siren looked back up towards the light, before diving into the darkness. The light fading away fast as she swam deeper.

She expected to be fully encased in darkness but was pleasantly surprised to see that she could still see. Her body glowed, a small light among the immense darkness that resided in her subconsciousness.

She swam deeper, the whispers getting louder and surrounding her. The warm water was turning ice cold. Somehow, the smell of blood was everywhere. A tiny red light approached her from the darkness making Siren swim faster.

She stopped in front of the sight in front of her. A woman so familiar yet so incredibly different in front of her. Unnaturally beautiful in a different way than she was used to seeing.

Siren saw herself, so beautiful it hurt her eyes to see. Her soft, brown hair was a dark black, the curls sharper and more defined. They coiled with a mind of their own. Her eyes closed as she slept, her skin slightly more tanned. She was sensual in every sense of the world. Siren knew she was beautiful, the effortless beauty of a divine being. When she watched the woman before however, she could only think about how enticingly beautiful she was. Her lips were fuller and her waist was slimmer, a body most mortals strived to get. A part of her head was shaved off, war markings painted on her face.

Siren stood there and watched herself for a second before looking at the bigger picture. The still body lay in a blood-red coffin, the top made completely of glass. She was dressed in a simple victorian dress, the deep purples and blacks enhancing her looks. Her hair barely reached her neck though she knew combing it out would make it longer.

"Looks meant to deceive," Siren recited a small line from her childhood, one of the few things of her father she actually remembered. Though his hair was also black and curly, he usually shaved it off. He had a broad face, battle markings, and more piercings than she could count.

If Siren had to describe the man, he was lustful, angry, and extremely deceitful towards others. He always did tell her the truth though. He was just extremely good at deceiving other people despite his aesthetic. The woman in front of her could look like his female gender-bend. She took a second to admire the piercings. She didn't like them, but she didn't hate them either.

She reached forward and stopped her hand right before the glass, she could feel the immense dark energy tempting her. She knew she'd be getting power and possibly a new look. What about what she'd be giving up though?

She pulled her hand away, sitting cross-legged on the floor. There were so many things it could take from her. She stared at the girl in the coffin, her lips curled into a frown.

"Wake up," her words came as a command despite the feeble way she almost said it. The strength in her voice surprised her for a second. The girl in the coffin twitched before opening her eyes, the whole eyes being black. There was no pupil and no white in her eyes, just pure black emptiness. She smiled at Siren with a coy, sinister smirk. If she didn't know this was her, Siren admitted in her mind, that smile would've done things to her.

"Are you going to talk to me?" Siren asked, placing her head on her hand. The coffin woman just shook her head. She could still feel the dark energy around her.

"If I accept you, will I still be able to talk?" Siren asked, chuckling to herself. The coffin woman nodded, scoffing at the thought of losing the ability to speak in exchange for power.

Siren rolled her eyes, before putting her hand on the glass. The dark power flooding her mind, paralyzing and invading her. She was choking, drowning in raw power. It was different from her simply science-based power, more complex and compelling. Siren was grasping it as she choked when she was pulled out of the darkness.

"What the fuck Siren," Samina sounded upset, the lower half of her body submerged in the water as she held Siren up. Her eyebrows were furrowed, eyes glazed over with tears. Siren was too busy staring at the ceiling, baffled at the feeling of foreign yet familiar power coursing through her.

She opened her mouth to talk before snatching it closed, she knew if she talked now the power build-up in her throat would get released. She didn't want Samina to get hurt, so she just reached a hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear.

Samina noticed Siren's appearance immediately, her thought process getting derailed for a second. She took in Siren's new features with some amazement. Her hair was shaved on one side, the strands forming over her head and down to her waist on the other side. She had a silver septum ring, one silver jaw piercing on each side of her face, two eyebrow bars on one side, and a small metal ball piercing under the tilt of her lip. Her lips were slightly fuller and softer, her eyes more slanted and condescending, and her jawline was somehow sharper yet incredibly feminine. Her body stayed the same for the most part, though a tattoo now adorned her arm and she was taller. She was still in rags, though she looked like a temptress in them.

"Why the hell did you swim that far down," Samina asked, and Siren took a moment to notice the small drops of water dripping from Samina's hair. Siren pointed to her tattoo and then to the piercings that adorned her face.

"Metamorphosis?" Samina asked, getting a nod from the woman. She got up, looking around before pointing at her wrist. Samina made a puzzled face for a moment.

"She's asking what time it is," Tai's sleep-ridden voice came from the other side of the Cavern.

"Oh, it's 9:40. Wait shit it's 9:40," Samina and Siren scrambled to get out of the hot boiling water, squeezing the water out of their clothes and hair. The three speed-walked out of the cave, before taking off in a sprint towards the river.

Tai was at the back of the group despite having the longest legs, he was very slow. You could even say he was as fast as an Olympic runner. However, when compared to the other two, his top running speed was a jog for them. Samina was ahead of him, her legs used to run long distances. She was running on all fours, going unnaturally fast like a cheetah. She leaned and swerved past trees, her small tail acting as her steering wheel. She felt so extremely slow compared to the woman in front of her despite not working very much to keep up. Siren was in the lead, she wasn't necessarily running. She was skating, constant sound waves compressing between the ground and her feet. She released bursts of sound behind her, letting her skate at an extremely fast speed. Soon though, she jumped while pushing her soundwaves down. She soared through the air, aiming to land at the river where she could clearly see Karma and Niko waiting. She didn't break a sweat, she wasn't even out of breath as she landed.

Siren landed right next to Karma, scaring the hell out of him. She turned around to see Samina run through an impressed look on her face, Tai running in soon after. As soon turned back to Karma, he launched himself at her. His arms wrapping around her swiftly as he hugged her. Siren felt a few tears fall on her shoulder, the gesture a drastic one. Karma never cried and seeing him crying, almost made Siren cry. Her new biology didn't allow her to cry in happiness, as Karma pulled back she knew he could tell how much she missed him.

Karma POV:

"Fuck," Niko said, looking around for his phone.

"What?" Karma asked him, watching him look in his pockets.

"I still can't find my phone," Niko sighed as he gave up.

"How'd you know where to go then," Karma asked, trying to untangle his curls.

"I was on your phone last night," Niko said, shrugging at the information.

"That's an invasion of privacy you know," Karma hissed, smacking Niko in the back of the head.

"I saw your dick already, what else can I invade?" the line was joking, but Niko and Karma's eyes met for a second. Both of them acknowledging in their heads that they liked what their relationship was turning into.

"Alright then Treefucker," Karma snickered at the look Niko gave him. The two of them walked into an open space on the banks of the river. It wasn't a big river, barely big enough to be considered one.

They stood there for a couple minutes as they waited, small bits of conversation being traded. Before something launched into the ground next to the duo, the sand stirred up and blocked their view for a second. The sudden bang next to Karma, caused him to jump a little while Niko did a full-on scream.

The settled to reveal Siren standing there, looking kind of badass as she went from crouching to standing up straight slowly. Her piercings glinted in the morning light, her eyes a piercing purple. Karma felt the difference in her energy immediately. It was like she hit true puberty and grew up while they were gone. It kind of freaked Karma out a little bit, though his happiness and relief won over.

He launched himself into the shorter girl, wrapping his arms around her frame. She had grown from his shoulders to around his forehead. She was at least 5'9 now, she was only 5'4 before. He hardly ever cried, only crying 4 times in his mortal body. All of those times had been sad tears, he didn't get the chance to feel happy tears. It was a foreign feeling being this attached to someone. It wasn't like a romantic bond nor was a friendly bond the right word, as he thought about Siren. The only word he could think of was family, not the one you're born with. The one that forms between people who have gone through everything together.

He could hear Tai and Samina enter the small clearing behind her as he pulled away. Both he and Siren acknowledge that a part of themselves was restored.

"Damn my shirt is wet now," a deep male voice said in an irritated voice. Karma looked up before almost launching himself back at the sight of two heads floating behind Siren. The first one looked like the devil emoji except it was black instead of purple, it also had a small tail. It was around the size of a bowling ball. The second one had blonde, wavy hair and a halo floated above it. It was like the female version of the angel emoji. Tiny wings were coming out of its back, they didn't move as it just floated in the air.

"Shut the hell up. They are having a moment there," a soft female voice came from the angelic one, her mouth moving with her words. Karma thought it was weird to see 3D emojis talking. He sighed and chose to ignore it for now.

"Overdrive and Himari are still coming I think," Samina remarked, putting a hand up to her chin. "Though it's weird since they are both usually really punctual."

"Overdrive is usually the first one to be ready," Siren remarked quietly, her eyebrows furrowing for a second. Karma tossed her phone at her, watching as she caught it without looking at it. She turned on the phone before calling Overdrive.

"Can you track it by sound," Karma asked, trying to call her with his own phone. He got a shrug from Siren as she sat down in a lotus position. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, looking for the waves of a ringing phone.

Everyone sat in silence for a while as Karma kept calling Overdrive.

Niko was sharpening his daggers, his back leant against the tree.

Siren was in the lotus position, her eyes closed as she listened.

Tai was laying on the ground, his arms behind his head as his eyes stayed closed.

Samina was laying on a branch like it was a bed, her balance perfectly intact as she slept.

"Yo," Himari said, her head popping out of the ground right next to Karma. She looked as white as a ghost, her eyes fluttering around nervously.

"What's wrong," Karma asked, seeing Siren's ears twitch as she listened to the conversation. No one else noticed her on the ground.

"I'm going back to the god realm," Himari's voice lowered, her eyes on the ground. Tears gathering in her eyes as she sniffed. Karma sat down casually, making sure no one else was paying attention.

"Why," his thighs blocked the image of her head from the other. He could tell Siren was listening though.

"I saw something I wasn't supposed to," there was fear in her voice, she looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"What did you see?" Karma asked quietly, watching the others.

"I can't say what. You'll know soon enough," Himari said apologetically.

"How bad is it? 1-10," Karma asked.

"It's a 100," Himari said, looking around again. Her face growing impossibly paler.

"That's worrying," Karma said, keeping his eyes on the others in the group. "Is there a reason I shouldn't tell the others?"

"Other than Siren, we can't trust anyone anymore. Somebody in here is a rat," Himari hissed equally scared and pissed.

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?" Karma kept his composure despite his insides twisting up.

"I can't say anymore," Himari said regretfully, looking Karma in the eyes. His gut twisting at the message they were conveying.

"Alright then," he conceded, starting to get up. Himari watching him for a second, a debate going on in her mind.

"I'm sorry I'm such a traitor," her voice came in a whisper barely to be heard. The words weren't enough for Karma to hear what she said.

"What?" he turned around in confusion, but she was already gone. The portal her head was poking out of was nowhere to be found.

He looked over to Siren to see her with her eyes open, looking at where Himari was just at. Her brows were furrowed, her mind trying to decipher the meaning behind the cryptic words.

She trailed her gaze up to Karmas, tilting her a bit in question. Karma knew by that face, she was working out all the possible things she could mean. She was only quiet when she was thinking or focused. Siren was dangerous when she focused, her intelligence baffling Karma at times. He shook his head at her to tell her to think about it later.

She sighed reaching farther as she pushed her limits, focusing on pinpointing the call waves. She could feel their general direction, but she needed a point.

Karma watched as her eyes flew open, her pupils glowing purple a little. She got up, shooting off past the trees in a direction. Karma simply spread his wings and flew after her, trusting the others to catch up. He knew if he stopped flying he'd lose sight of her.

His bad feeling only worsened as he continued to follow his partner. He didn't know that he was being led straight into what would feel like hell.

Overdrive POV:

"Motherfucker," Overdrive woke up on a bed with a panicked face and frazzled voice, Japanese decorations surrounding her. She quickly looked around to see where she was. She noticed a woman was brushing her hair in front of a mirror across the room. The room actually looked to be a decorated cavern.

"Am I dead?" Overdrive asked, sitting up in the bed. The woman turned around to reveal a beautiful woman, two scythes in her hands. She had a strong odor of corpses, blood, and death. Her appearance was extravagantly dark. Her sensual figure was dressed in a kimono of reds, golds, and blacks. Her hair was half up and half down, the up part held with gold Japanese hair ornaments. The down part fell down in inky rivers, stopping just before the floor. Her face was that of a supermodel, though her eyes were pits of inky black just like her hair. The slanted eyes belong to that of a Japanese woman. They were slim and condescending.

"Wow, that was one of the fastest realizations I've had in a while," the woman laughed a little, intrigued by the villain on the bed. Overdrive sighed, getting up and looking around. It was cold and her heart hurt.

"Well, I remember how I died but not who did it," Overdrive said, walking past the woman and looking in the mirror. She did not mean for her answer to sound like she was ignoring the woman.

"It's the universe's way of keeping the dead from fucking with the living," the woman said before giggling to herself, knowing that was the answer to her question. Overdrive tilted her head up, taken aback by the kitsune mask on her face.

"So are you Death or what?" Overdrive asked, trying to pull the mask off. Her tone clear enough to make it clear she was talking to the unknown entity.

"My name is Izanami," She said simply, watching the woman observe her new appearance.

"A god then?" Overdrive gave up when the mask didn't budge before looking at the rest of her appearance. She had a tight red crop top on and some baggy black cargo pants. A gold ring rested on top of her boob, three straps connecting it to the katana on her back. She had on very comfortable flats, heels on both boosting her height. The cargo pants were held up by a very thick belt, two gold hoops hanging from each side. On the right side, a strap connected the hoop to another katana. On the left side, a strap was connected to a pack of Sharp senbon.

"The Japanese god of death," Izanami chirped out a reply.

"Ah, honored," the comment was sarcastic.

Black curly hair was now blue, glowing, and straight. The locks were pulled up into a bun on either side of her head and held up with chopsticks. Some strands fell down to frame her face, her Tanned skin was now slightly tanner. Overdrive could see her eyes glowing the same shade as her hair.

"Not gonna lie, I look pretty dope for a soul or whatever," Overdrive said as she observed her appearance more.

"This isn't your soul, technically the mask is there to hide your soul," Izanami said from behind her, picking at her sharp gold nails.

"Where's your mask then," Overdrive deadpanned at her. It wasn't a question rather a jab.

"I'm wearing my mask all over my body, my true form is hideous," she simply said, shivering. She came forward and inspected the mask. "Plus your soul isn't human anymore honey."

"Ah seems legit. I am dead after all," Overdrive said, pulling at her skin and frown at the lack of pain.

"Since you dropped to my domain, you're a demon or an Oni now," Izanami said snickering.

"If I dropped in another domain?" The question was light-hearted coming out of Overdrive's mouth, though the dark look the goddess gave her showed anger.

"Well, you'd be in hell, hades, or anything else worse than the Japanese underworld. You'd be a demon, tortured, a fish, or any other goddamn thing. Yet I took you in and made you mine," her eyes were possessive, her hair whipping around widely. Suddenly, she was as calm as before.

"Can my friends come here when they die?" the question was stupid at first thought. Overdrive had other intentions, however.

"Of course, the more the merrier," Izanami laughed, going to bring out a feast of food. It looked extremely good, the smell wafting up Overdrive's nose and bringing her hunger to life. She was ushered forwards by the goddess, who was merrily laughing and smiling.

The two were sat down at the table, the food tempting Overdrive's cold, dead stomach. She could feel the heat from the steaming hot dishes. Her favorite Chinese takeout was laid out on a silver platter before her. She gulped her hunger down, gathering all her willpower and bringing it to the forefront of her own mind. It was hell having to refuse such glorious food.

"Can I just have some water?" she asked, watching as Izanami nodded passing her a chalice or water. Overdrive drank some, knowing the water was probably the safest. All it really did was make her hungrier. She just kept getting hungrier and hungrier, her mind starting to lose its will slowly but surely.

She grabbed one of her katanas, stabbing the blade into her stomach. The growling ceased as blood poured from the wound. Overdrive felt no pain, she somehow knew she would never run out of blood either. Nonetheless, she twisted the katana more, hoping to feel some type of pain.

"Why are you stabbing yourself?" Izanami was confused, her face cracking like she was a porcelain doll.

"I just felt like it," Overdrive shrugged, getting up from the table.

"I'm tired now, I'm gonna go take a nap," her words sounded tired. Though, she felt extremely energized.

"So you don't want to eat the food?" The question was innocent, yet Overdrive watched as more cracks appeared on the woman's body. Her head cocked to the side as her eyes widened showing off the inky pits of insanity.

"I'll eat the food later," her answer was careful as she backed towards the bed. She sat down simply, turning her gaze towards the wall. She could feel Izanami's eyes on her back, as she forced herself to close her eyes and fall asleep.

When she woke up, she didn't move. She simply opened the eyes, expected to see the wall. Instead, she saw Izanami right above her. Her black eyes still opened into the wide stare and her hair wildly whipping behind her.

"Is it later yet?" the tone was creepily enthusiastic. Overdrive barely reacting to the woman standing over her in such a threatening stance.

"No, I'm still tired," Overdrive yawned, attempting to go back asleep.

"Are you lying to me?" She asked before Overdrive could even close her eyes. She looked up at the woman as more cracks kept appearing on her face. They kept growing and cracking more.

"No, I'm not. I'm just really tired," Overdrive sighed, closing her eyes.

"Alright then," the voice was low. The shadow of the woman standing over her caused a shadow to fall over her closed eyes. She felt it recede but the feeling of eyes on her never left. She didn't open her eyes despite that, forcing herself to fall asleep again.

There was no way she was eating that marvelous-looking food, especially since she was already friends with a God who tricked people.

She drifted off into the darkness as her last thought was how the fuck she'd get back to her family.

A/n: Apologies, I took a Saturday off due to my birthday being last Saturday