
The Villains Who Laughed

All about three villains who just had to make a meme reference at the wrong time.

lolheichou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 7: A storm of emotions

Siren POV:

As Siren looked up at the huge black wolf in front of her, her first thought was "OH SHIT."

She immediately took off back to her cave, knowing that the beast of an animal wouldn't fit past the front door. She darted through the opening, watching as the creature tried to follow her and got stuck in the opening. The large wolf snarled at her, its golden eyes narrowing at her. Siren slowly stepped towards it, trying to get a closer look at the eyes. There was something so familiar about them, she came a little closer. As soon as she could see the wolf clearly, it stopped snarling. Its eyes scanned her body, and it's face relaxed. Siren looked at the wolf, the creature trying to get unstuck before thinking "What the fuck?"

She walked towards the wolf, seeing it calmed down. It looked at her mischievously, making Siren chuckle at it. She gently petted the wolf, feeling it literally purr under her. It sent contentedness through her as she looked at it.

"You're really pretty for a wolf," she spoke to it softly, taking cover in the dangerous yet cuddly animal. "Can I rant to you real quick, I can't really tell anyone this right now but I need to get it out." The animal just continued looking at her, its eyes sparkling with some sort of hidden knowledge.

"I don't know what to do right now. I was raised as an anarchist, someone who hates the government with all her passion. I was supposed to be a true villain and I am. I have a moral code, but I do kill people when I get mad. I just don't know why I feel so much empathy towards a couple of heroes. It was almost like, if things had been different we could've been friends or something, I just don't know. The knowledge that I'll have to kill them one day burdens me," Siren spoke in a small voice, small signs of frustration showing on her face.

"I mean don't get me wrong. I'd kill someone I didn't know in a second, and I lied about the women thing. They get gender equality in that area. When I'm propelled by blind rage, anyone who crosses my path gets hurt. I definitely torture for fun and I have a sick sense of humor and amusement. However, I try not to hurt kids and I still have feelings. I still feel the same things as other people," Siren ran her hand through her hair in frustration, the small tangles easily releasing themselves as they parted for her fingers.

Siren knew her words were coming off as bipolar, sounding like she was arguing with herself. She was talking to a wolf for fucks sake, an actual wolf. She sighed letting her mind wander away from the subject. She thought about her friends, her mind resting on Tai.

"You wanna hear something a little brighter," she asked the beautiful night runner. Its eyes flickering to her in what she could only label as a yes. She switched her position, pulling the wolf from the opening. It became unstuck as it curled around her in the cave. She hesitantly laid on it, seeing as it was big enough to have her laying on its stomach and still be looking at her head-on. The fur was even softer there, Siren almost lured herself to sleep.

"There's this bar I really like going to. I don't really go for the alcohol, even though the drinks there are the best I've ever tasted. There's this guy I like who works there. He's really elegant and pretty, but you can still see the darkness in his eyes. He's very stern in personality, but I catch him doing goofy shit all the time. I thought he'd be the only guy I was hung up on for a while since I was absolutely enamored by him. Recently, I've found myself thinking of this one girl though," Siren spoke to the wolf softly, thinking about how nice it was to finally spill this out. She couldn't tell Karma since he'd try and do everything in his power to hook her and Tai up. She definitely wouldn't tell Overdrive at the fear of being teased to all hell. She had too much pride for that. The wolf simply observed her in a way that made Siren think.

This wasn't an ordinary wolf, but she wasn't worried since wolves couldn't talk. It could've been a forest guardian, maybe a divine messenger. It seemed to be enjoying her company, a nagging feeling hit Siren's mind that was telling her she was being slow about something. She ignored it and continued.

"I met her in an elevator on the way up to my job, and I knew who she was immediately. It wasn't because of her hair or clothes, it wasn't even because of her face. When she walked away from me I recognized her. She had this slow, confident stride that makes it seem like she has all the time in the world. I was trying to get a gem out of a bank once, it was made by my sister and I wanted it back. I had been so close to getting it when the Empress arrived out of a portal. She had on a small mask and a black suit that clung to her. It was shiny and it reflected the moonlight just enough for me to notice. The crown emblem on her suit told me who she was immediately, she walked over to my stunned ass and took the gem right out of my hand. I didn't even try to stop her as she walked away with it, straight back towards the portal. She stopped and turned around, her eyes boring into my soul before smiling at me and disappearing into the portal. I never saw her again, but when the chick from the elevator walked away. I knew exactly who she was, and I let her go again. She's been in a mind ever since," Siren finished her story with a small smile, her gaze on her legs. She looked back up at the wolf, surprised at the intense look she was rewarded with. It was looking at her in sheer disbelief and amazement. Siren deadpanned at the animal.

"Why are you so surpris-" her words were interrupted by the sound of someone walking into the cave. The entrance wasn't visible from where they were, the sound of shoes clicking on the ground making Siren hyperaware. She hopped onto her feet, prepared to end whoever that was. The face that rounded the corner pleasantly surprised her, the owner wearing a pleasant expression. She quickly felt out his waves to confirm it was him.

"Glad I found you girls, I could barely locate you with the rain," Tai spoke with a small smile, his eyes glowing gold and looking right at Siren. Siren was frankly hoping he didn't hear a word she said, she'd be fucked.

"Wait, You girls?" Siren asked, her eyes widening as she looked back at the wolf who somehow wore a small smirk. Its eyes were looking between Tai and Siren.

"Change back Samina, there's no point of being a wolf right now," the comment slapped Siren in the face as she realized that the nagging feeling was because she knew Tai rid a shapeshifter into battle usually. She was seriously fucked if the person didn't know how to keep a secret. The wolf just dipped its head before walking further into the cave, shrinking as it went. It disappeared behind a pillar before emerging as the worst people it could be.

Siren almost fainted as she saw the girl from the elevator emerge from behind the pillar. Her eyes were a piercing green instead of the gold it was as a wolf. Siren tried to keep her eyes on her face, despite the lesbian in her almost looking down at the rest of her. She could make out a bunch of tattoos on the woman, however, all of them depicting different animals.

"Way to ruin the fun, Tai. I was just getting to know Siren a little bit," her voice was smooth and playful, an Italian accent prominent in her words. The European tongue curled around her words like a snake, sending feelings straight to Siren's core. She tried to keep her mind in check, though her thoughts ran rampant for a second. Tai threw a suit at her, the material obviously shiny latex. Samina easily slipped it on and zipped it up, the crown emblem resting on her chest. Siren combed her hand through her hair again, cursing her luck.

"What were you guys talking about?" he asked, Siren looked at his face. They made eye contact and she just knew he knew exactly what they were talking about. She couldn't even run because the storm outside wouldn't be leaving for hours. Samina made a face at him, though the smirk on her face said she didn't mind. She walked forward lightly picking something out of Tai's hair, and the motions made something click in Siren's mind. They were a couple.

Siren's mind was going between the fact she was fucked, the fact she wanted to be fucked, and the fact that she needed to get the fuck out of there. A feeling of embarrassment washing over her at stupid she was. Here she was with the two hotter than hell people that captivated her, and they were a fucking couple.

Tai looked over her in alarm and surprise, his gaze resting on her like he was scolding her. He walked forward examining Siren to see if she was injured. His hold on her arms was gentle as he clicked his tongue at all the scratches.

"Do you know what my power is?" Tai asked her out of nowhere, catching Siren off guard with the question. She thought about it for a second before realizing she had no idea what his power was.

"Not a clue," Siren said, letting her gaze fall to the floor. She saw a pair of dress shoes enter her vision, somehow absent from mud. She looked back up, surprised at the look in Tai's eyes. He was looking her in the eyes, his own glowing gold as he looked down at her.

"I can read minds passively and dig through memories actively," he said simply, his hand reaching up to tuck Siren's hair behind her ear. The words went through Siren like a bullet, as she turned towards the entrance of the cave in embarrassment. The rain was better than facing this, an arm blocked her vision as she was trapped on the wall.

"Shit," she hissed out, knowing damn well she had been caught by the man. Samina was watching the two in amusement, seeming not to care about what was happening. She strolled over to block Siren's way to the entrance further.

"Do you know what that means?" he asked leaning down, his stature towering over Siren. Her back was glued to the wall at this point as she tried to keep her thoughts in check. She mentally thought this was payback from the universe for all the times she made fun of Overdrive's 5'3 figure since her own 5'7 looked short compared to the 6'2 person in front of her.

"What?" her voice came out smaller than it would usually. She looked up at him, his eyebrow twitched in alarm at her expression.

"Every scenario you daydreamed, every steamy thought you had while I was around. I heard it all, every time at the bar. I never said anything, but hearing all those things you wanted to do to me. Fuck, hearing all those things you wanted me to do to you. It was agonizing not being able to say anything at first," Tai's breath hitched as he talked before a small smirk lit up his face. Siren felt a blush slowly working it's way up her face, as she looked at him. Her gaze went to Samina questioningly. Were they poly, open, or did she just not care as much as Siren thought. Samina simply offered a small smirk in her direction, her teeth revealing themselves just enough for Siren to see that her teeth were slightly sharper than they were supposed to be. Tai tilted so he recaught Siren's attention saying, "Look at me" in a stern voice.

Siren looked back at him, her body heating up at the look in his eyes. They were close enough that she could see the gold swirling around, and he was looking at her with such an intense expression. It was a change from the usual change from his usual composed expressions, one that was definitely welcomed.

"See right there, you're doing it again. Imagine my surprise when you came in one day thinking of my girlfriend. I almost dragged you into the back right then and there. Then, at some point I caught you thinking of us both at the same time," his voice lowered in pitch, gaining the slight growl of Nteri born people coming to the surface. He grabbed Siren's arm pulling her forward so her back was flush with his front, a gasp leaving her at the feeling of his hard cock digging into her behind. He grabbed her chin firmly, tilting her head so she was looking at Samina.

Siren was having a mental crisis, her mind in disarray. It was almost overwhelming with how much information was being dumped on her in the cave. She was shocked at how close Samina was when she looked at her. She was desperately trying to keep her mind blank, she didn't want Tai to pick up on a particular fantasy of hers. He probably already had, but if she could help it she would keep it off her mind.

She made eye contact with Samina, taken aback by the gold color that met her. Her eyes were also glowing gold, the same intense look in her eyes. The lean muscles in her arms caught Siren's gaze for a second. She involuntarily licked her lips, the embarrassment slowly leaving her mind.

"Do you wanna know what we're thinking about?" Samina asked smoothly, her voice low as she tilted Siren's gaze back up to her eyes. Siren's gaze flickered down to her lips as she nodded, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she saw them quirk up a little.

Tai wrapped his free hand around her neck, applying enough pressure to make Siren look up at him. Her neck was on full display as she managed to look him in the eyes, before he swooped down, catching her lips with his own.

Siren had many flashbacks in her days, times were memories played across her eyes like a movie. She was usually the star, but when Tai kissed her. She was absolutely bombarded with memories, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. She saw herself at the bar, looking back at the person who she was experiencing. She heard her own thoughts and felt the lust it inspired. She felt every inch of feeling coming from the two, every thought of theirs coming to her mind.

As Tai pulled away, she could still hear different thoughts floating around his skull. She could still hear and feel his and Samina's lust. Samina's mind was naturally fast, the thoughts hopping from one to another faster than Siren could comprehend. Tai was the calm while Samina was the storm.

It happened in an instant, a boom of lightning spurred the three into action. Samina was instantly in front of her, her wild instincts guiding her to snatch Siren's shirt over her head. Her lips were claiming Siren's in a heartbeat, a small dance beginning as they felt out who would lead the other. Tai stood back for a second, leaning against the wall.

The two women were roughly the same height, their hands moving up and down each other's bodies. Siren tried and failed to snatch Dominance away from the woman, her thoughts overwhelming Siren. She could faintly hear Tai's thoughts as he watched them, enjoying the show.

The storm outside did nothing to deter them as passion settled into Siren's gut, light butterflies going through her stomach. Her core was burning, and her thoughts reflected that. An energizing hum came from the three of them, the sound stirring up feelings Siren thought went dormant. Even with the lightning outside and the passion inside, Siren felt completely at peace.

Karma POV:

"Why the fuck did I have to get stuck with you," Karma asked out loud, looking at Niko. He was sitting in a relaxed form, one of his legs bent and the other one straight out in front of him. His arm sat on his bent leg, his back on the wall of the cave.

"Oh please, you like being stuck with me and you know it," Niko replied, his tone laidback and calm. His eyes glowed green as if to make sure everyone knew he was always plotting.

"Just stay over there for now," Karma said simply, his eyes narrowing at the male. He wasn't mad at Niko, he was just irritated at the storm. He was so close to finding Siren, he could feel that strange godly energy coming from her close.

"Why should I? You obviously want me just as much as I want you, and not even just sexually," Niko said, a teasing note entering his words. His eyebrows wiggled at Karma in a way that made him chuckle.

"It's just physical attraction nothing more nothing less," he said simply, looking out into the mess that was the storm. It would be there for a while, maybe even days.

"You shouldn't lie to yourself," Niko said back, the confidence in his voice pissing off Karma slightly.

"I'm not," he hissed, the irritation evident in his voice. He felt his eyes start to glow for a couple seconds. This room was silent for a few seconds before anyone spoke.

"Look we match," Niko teased, letting his own eyes glow a little. The two greens contrasting each other. He sounded so much like Deadpool that Karma found himself laughing at little. Niko's eyes were bright green like poison or toxin, whereas Karma's were metallic green that went with the silver in his eyes. Karma didn't think they could be considered matching, but he liked the joke.

"Yeah I guess we do," Karma said, calming down a little as he examined his nails. The sharp, black claws reminded him of the day when they first got the nails. He looked up, his sharp eyes catching the barely visible shivers coming from Niko. He could barely feel the cold, but he knew Niko must be feeling it. He sighed, getting up and starting to go deeper into the cave where it'd be less cold and away from the wind, "Hurry up and come on."

He heard Niko get up and start following him, noticing the slightly warmer temperature. He wasn't shivering as much, going to sit down when he saw Karma stop. His forehead felt hot while the rest of him felt cold, a lightheaded feeling coming across him. Karma noticed him still shivering, and reached up to feel his forehead. He sighed at the other male, his eyes glowing a little as he extended his power into the other male.

Niko sighed as he felt content with Karma entering his mind, and for the first time in a long while. His anxiety calmed down as his cold disappeared. His gaze went to Karma's hand petting what seemed to be something invisible. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight, a confused look finding its way onto his face.

Karma looked up, his eyes still glowing as he smiled softly at the look on Niko's face. His gaze went back to the small fox he was petting. He wished he could still understand it, but he was just grateful that he could still see it.

"It's a fox, one of my divine messengers I employed when I was still ascended," Karma said simply, his voice soft. "I can only see them when I'm using my divine sight."

"Are they always there?" he asked, trying to reach out and feel it. He cocked his head, watching as his hand passed right under Karma's like nothing was there.

"Always, they follow me and if I had a little more immortality then I could summon them to fight with Siren and the others," he said, continuing to pet the small fox. It growled a little at Niko, not amused at the hand that went straight through its neck. Karma let his gaze go to the other foxes flying around him, the nine of them playfully gliding around him and Niko.

"I wish I could see them," he asked, unaware of the small bright green fox sitting on his head. It chittered happily landing on his lap, Karma smiled at the small fox before letting his divine sight turn off. A small bolt of sadness flickered through him as his foxes faded into the background, unseen by his mortal eyes.

"Siren can for some reason when she's using her powers," Karma remarked offhandedly, still thinking about the Hot-headed woman. He missed her a lot.

"How did you meet her," Niko asked, leaning back as he got comfortable. A small smile came onto Karma's face as he got absorbed in a memory for a second.

"There was a tale going around where I'm from, one of someone who reminded me of myself. When I met her, I knew exactly who she was," Karma felt a sense of nostalgia at the memory of meeting the girl on the street.

"Oh yeah?" Niko urged him on, taking in the peaceful expression on Karma's face. "What was the tale?"

"There was a Sound nymph who gave birth to all echos, she worked under Apollo. She wanted a child, but Apollo wouldn't let her go to the mortal realm and have one. She went and had a daughter with a mortal villain. Apollo found out and labeled the daughter as a disgrace, punishing the sound nymph severely. He forbade the nymph from ever going down to the mortal realm to see her daughter. Then made it so that if she ever laid eyes on her daughter in the mortal realm the daughter would die. The daughter was a divine disgrace and was stripped of her mother. When I saw Siren, I knew who she was immediately," Karma spoke in a soft voice, not liking the tale.

"That sounds rough, can you tell me how you met her?" Niko asked, hoping that would get Karma's mind off the tale a little.

"I had been living in a run-down apartment in Lower Nteri when one day I was attacked by some of the government's goons. She swooped down and literally pummelled them. She had godly strength, I'd know," Karma paused in his storytellings to chuckle at the joke. "She absolutely slaughtered them in such a blunt manner. She smashed them to walls, snapped necks, and even beat some of them with a metal pole she had picked up. She had looked beautiful standing there with small blood splatters on her and a bloody pole in her hand. I almost fell for her right there, but then she smiled down at me so fondly. She held out her hand to help me up, a huge contrast to how she looked fighting. As soon as our hands touched, I knew who she was and that she was meant to be my sister."

Niko stared at Karma with a mixture of slight amazement, Karma enrapturing every part of his being. He was fondly smiling, a happy expression on his face at the memory.

"That sounds like her alright. She may be ruthless to her enemies, but she's a loyal ally," his words had a small tone of reverence. Karma knew he probably had a story like that about Siren too, most who knew her did.

"She's the only one who ever understood, one of my only two sisters. I swear I'll slaughter all of those bastards for touching her," his tone turned angry and Niko shivered at the sound. He wouldn't want to be on the end of that. He liked living his life.

Silence filled the cave for a little while after that, the sound of rain making it peaceful. Karma smiled to himself. His mind soaring from memory to memory, he'd made his decision about matters already.

"How'd you meet Tai," Karma asked suddenly, his gaze towards the entrance of the cave. It was still visible even though they had gone a little farther into the cave.

"He almost killed me," The blunt sentence made Karma snicker for a second. That was definitely a good way to start a story.

"Elaborate please?" Karma teased lightly, laughing at Niko's playful glare.

"I was a messenger for the last three underground rulers, when Tai killed them and took over I was in the mansion. He came close to killing me, but then just decided not to. He told me if I worked for him instead he'd leave me alive," A smirk came on Niko's face. "I became his bodyguard and his right hand. We were together so much that we became friends, and we fought so much together when he ruled Nteri that we became brothers."

Karma smiled at the words, his mind going to his little trio. Fighting together definitely did heighten your trust in a person. He remembered when He and Siren would dominate the underground fighting rink as a pair. He missed that in a way, though he preferred the satisfaction of a perfect shot over bashing someone in the face.

"What about Overdrive, How'd you come to know her?" Niko asked. Karma mentally recalled how little the two seemed to talk directly though they did make a lot of meme references indirectly.

"Siren found her bloodied up on the edges of Nteri and brought her home. At first, we didn't get along since she was always rude and tired and I hated that," Karma smiled to himself for a second, remembering all the times the two fought.

"I can see that," Niko said simply, before letting Karma continue his story.

"Well, we were out at a bar and Siren had left to go to the bathroom. Some guys came up and kept harassing me and insulting me. Overdrive flipped out a pocket knife and threatened them, she was so angry for me. The next day I got her a pillow, she hugged me. She told me that she could feel my anxiety and that she was sorry for being rude. We started fighting better together and we grew closer over time."

Niko and Karma sat in silence once again, before Karma got up and sat next to Niko. He let his head fall on the other's shoulder and felt Niko's arms wrap around him. Niko raised his eyebrow at the other male, ready to say another comment.

"Say one comment and I'll move," Karma's word made Niko pause. He decided to keep his mouth shut as he and Karma fell into a nap.

Overdrive POV:

Overdrive looked down at her phone in a deadpan expression. Her new assistant decided that he wanted to text her out of work too. The thought was endearing to Overdrive, she chuckled at the sight of the many texts from Min.

She decided to reply back to the hyperactive male later, not having the energy for his optimism quite yet. The rain was making her drowsy and she desperately wanted a nap. On top of that, she knew the other's phones had probably died.

She swiped through her messages, her breath stopping at the text from Kai.


So I was wondering...

Those words were never good, the small four words shot tendrils of anxiety up Overdrive's spine. She was good at fighting, torture, running clubs, and controlling her powers. She was not good at conversation or anything remotely social. Any possible human interaction was just not her strong suit. She stared at the text for a few minutes, debating if she'd answer before sighing and opening the conversation.


What do you want Kyle?

It took a few minutes for her to get a reply, though she didn't really expect one this late. Her club was closed for the day, and she thought her employees would catch up on their sleep.


Are you doing anything this Saturday?

Overdrive took the text in stride, ignoring the way her heart slightly jumped at the text. She had an idea of what was coming and she honestly didn't know what was next.


I'm free

Her words were simple, and she somehow regretted them almost immediately. She should've waited a bit before replying, the fast reply probably looked weird as hell.


Wanna hang out?


What time?




Where am I going?


I'll send you my address.



The whole interaction took less than a minute, though it felt like more time had passed. Overdrive sighed to herself, wondering why he wanted to hang out all of sudden. He started it off so suspiciously only to ask to hang out. She looked back over the text, feeling her face heat up at the realization.

"I sound like a damn interrogator," the quiet sentence felt loud to Overdrive. The cave's emptiness aside from her made everything seem louder than it was. She put her phone down and let her mind drift off into daydreams. Her focus went hazy as the sound of the storm lured her into a nap.

The last thought she had was off her little trio of crackheads, and how she missed them. She smiled at the thought that they'd be reunited soon.