
The Villains Who Laughed

All about three villains who just had to make a meme reference at the wrong time.

lolheichou · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 1: Nteri City

Siren POV:


The wind whipped through the city furiously, the moonlight piercing through the darkness of the light. In an abandoned house amongst the debris, a tragic scene was playing out. There was dust everywhere, and a woman sat there clutching another to her chest. One hand was looped around the second woman to keep her steady, as her other hand was clutching a wound on her stomach. Despite her efforts, blood spilled out the injury fast creating a pool of blood beneath them. The moonlight spilling in through the broken ceiling reflected off of the blood, giving both the women and the liquid an eerie glow.

"You'll be okay," a broken voice left the first. Her glowing purple eyes held anguish and despair at seeing her sister so close to dying, tears slipping out of them and down her cheeks at a fast rate. Her arms shook with her silent sobs, and her spirit lay as broken as the woman in her arms. "It'll be fine. You'll survive this," longing and desperation plagued her voice like a disease. The second woman reached up slowly, her hand grazing the woman's face.

"You know that's not true," slow tears dripped down her face as she smiled up. She let her hand fall down to her side. She was happy her last sight was of her sister which she adored with all her heart. She looked stunning tonight, even covered in blood. Her eyes were glowing purple with her power, and her skin glowed in the moonlight. She looked almost angelic. Her face was heartbreaking, marred by the information that she would lose a sister in less than 5 minutes. "I'm sorry Siren," she spoke up softly, more tears gathering in her eyes. A large explosion sounded close outside, making the both of them tense up. Siren looked up in alarm, grabbing her sister and preparing to run. She was stopped by the latter grabbing her arm. "I'm sorry I couldn't take you out for ice cream one more time. Please forgive me for leaving you like this," She smiled up at her sister before forcing herself to stand. Her limbs shook at the effort it took for her to stay up. Her eyes glowed silver, as her hair started floating around her with the same glow. She turned around grabbing her weapon, a spiked ball on a chain, and shoving it into Siren's hands. Siren slowly shook her head, her eyes widening at the implication of leaving her sister behind. "Run," her sister forced out the words. As she made eye contact with her, Siren was forced to listen. She ran out the back door, the ball got caught in the door. She yanked the chain out and kept running, making her way through the forest behind the house. As she ran she turned to see a large explosion rack the house she was just in. She screamed for her sister.

~End of Flashback~

"Soluna," Siren yelled out as she sat up quickly. Her brain hadn't processed that she was safe in her room. She dug her head in her hands, forcing the tears that threatened to come out down. She spent a few minutes like that, slowing breathing to calm herself down. The anxiety slowly forced itself down to the deepest parts of her like a pit of dark butterflies going down a drain. She looked over at the chain hanging on her wall, feeling a sharp knife twist through her soul. Forcing herself to get out of bed was hard, but it was a burden she went through every day. She stumbled through her room, slamming the door to her bathroom open as she moved. She didn't bother looking in the cracked mirror, as she opened it desperately searching for her pills through blurred vision. The reflecting gleamed as she popped open her bottle, and swallowed two pills down dry. Her movements were sharp and panicked. She looked up at her reflection, cursing at how horrible she looked. Her eyes had bags under them from countless nights of no sleep and nightmares, barely noticeable with her brown skin but she saw herself every day. Her hair tangled up and matted from tossing and turning, the beautiful curls that once adorned her almost non-existent. She sighed as she started her morning routine, removing all traces of the trauma she endured each time there was a full moon. Her matted hair became beautiful black and purple curls. Her sweats and tank top became a tight business suit that showed off her well-endowed assets. Her tired out face became energized, and the bags under her eyes disappeared. She had transformed into an actual human, at this point she was Optimus prime. She smiled at herself, she looked like she could slay the world. Her smile turns evil as she thought about her goals of revenge and how one day she'll make them all pay for taking her family.

She walked out of her bathroom, her steps short, quick, and concise. She had work to do, money to make, and plans to be achieved. She opens the doors to her room, the black and purple theme spilling out into the hallway. As she turned the corner though, the color scheme became completely different. Turning into a monotone color scheme, the decorations and furniture became more monotone. She jumped over the railing, ignoring the existence of the stairs as she landed perfectly on her feet. The heels making a large sound on the floor. She walked into the kitchen to see her two favorite people in this horrible world. At the stove, a guy was cooking breakfast while dancing to Euro beats. His grey eyes kept track of everything in front of him as he cooked a full breakfast. His hands moving expertly throughout the kitchen. He was dressed in a suit, his job as a Lawyer demanded the clothing he donned. His hair was curly, some of the tiny strands framing his face. His eyes were slanted giving off his Asian descent, while his skin was tanned in the sunlight. On the other side of the counter beside him, there were three stools. A woman was sitting there, scrolling on her tablet. She worked fast, responding to emails and making plans with the device. It was almost artful, how easily she used it.

"Morning Ren," she drew out. Her voice sounded tired and bored, the tone stirring amusement in Siren. Her short hair had a lot of curl to it, the loops creating a bob on her head. She had on a more casual form of the suit Siren wore. Her face was childish but pretty, her skin the same tone of Blasian as the man cooking. Her dark brown eyes darted around the screen as she worked. She looked up at Siren as she walked in. She placed the tablet on the table, coming over and placing her hand on Siren's head. A small spark entered the woman's brain, disabling her anxiety.

"Thanks, OD," the brown-skinned woman mumbled in response to the other's kind gesture. Her eyes softened a little as she looked over OD, Overdrive was her full name and smiled a little. She sat down on one of the stools, mouth-watering a little at the masterpiece placed in front of her. It was just bacon, eggs, and grits, but she knew they would taste amazing. They always did.

"Don't get mushy on me," Karma, the man who had cooked this heavenly meal, had joked. He leaned on the counter, relishing in the peaceful silence that overtook the kitchen. The two girls were busy devouring the food, and he didn't eat much except for junk food. His body itself didn't require food, but he liked the taste. He threw his head back, relaxing completely and letting his wings unfurl a little.

"Pretty," Siren remarked as she slid her plate in the sink. She watched as the rainbow-colored wings sparkled in the sunlight, giving off a metallic glint. She slowly trailed her hand over one, smiling a little at the barely noticeable shiver that raked down Karma's spine. She knew his wings were sensitive. They were just so soft, she had to pet them. He pushed himself off the counter, half-hearted glaring at her as he made his way to the garage. Siren snickered at his misfortune, swiping the keys off the counter and waving to Overdrive as she walked towards her car. The car itself was a sleek, black impala. Karma was already in the Passenger's seat, his wings nowhere to be seen. Siren plopped herself in the driver's seat, started the car, and zoomed out of the garage 20 miles above the speed limit.

Karma released a deep sigh from beside her, making her give him a glance. He looked at her, and they had a moment of mutual depression before they both sighed. Siren glided the car to a stop in front of the city court, making Karma sigh again. She snickered at his hate for his day job, watching him grab his briefcase and walk off into the court. As soon as he was out of sight, she zoomed off again. The silence was comfortable, but there was never really silence around her. The soundwaves around her moved, creating a small welcoming humming sound that no one noticed. She pulled into the parking lot of a skyscraper, grabbing her purse filled with folders upon folders. She sighed a little before putting a smile on her face and getting out. She nodded to people as she walked, waving to the receptionist. She knew it was important to seem compassionate and approachable, it was the foundation of her company. She paused to check out her appearance in the mirror in the elevator, pressing the button for the 40th floor, the very top. Just as the doors were about to close, a hand stopped them. A woman walked in the elevator. She was obviously Italian with curly brown hair, tanned olive skin, and warm green eyes. Her body was athletic, muscles forming around her like art covered by soft skin. Siren shook her head softly to stop herself from staring. A tiny blush tinted her face as she looked away. She slowly found her sight going over the woman again, examining her til they were making eye contact. A blush lit up her face as she turned back around, scolding herself in her mind. She heard the woman chuckle behind her before the doors opened, and she walked off. Siren stared after her as she walked out of her line of vision, the only word managed to find itself falling out of her mouth being, "Goddamn."

The doors slammed shut breaking her out of her stupor, and a loud smack went through the elevator from the sound of her palm hitting her forehead. She pushed her hair back, untangling a few curls as she tried to get the woman out of her mind. She had to focus on revenge right now, she had no room for trivial matters. The doors opened to reveal a large office, with a giant window behind the desk. Nteri city was on perfect display for her to see. The large city took up 30% of the island, it was technically part of the US. Though the island itself was called Tir. She looked down at the city from her office; the office of the CEO of Griffin's Publishing Firm, the largest publishing firm in the state. She walked over, plopping herself in her beautiful office chair before sighing and getting to work.

Karma POV:

There were a lot of things Karma hated about this world. There were a lot of things he hated in general, but if he had a list he'd put his job at the top. It didn't matter that he owned and worked for a private publishing firm, he still had to take cases he didn't like. He especially hated taking cases for stuck up people, people who felt entitled to his services.

He sat in his seat casually, twirling a pen in between his fingers. The woman in front of him had a high-pitched voice, the pitch giving him a headache. She talked about how she didn't do it, and how he should be writing this all down. He sighed glancing at his watch before slamming his hand down on her file to shut her up.

"Listen here, I don't have the time nor the patience to hear your bullshit. I know you did it, so let's cut to the chase. There's too much evidence against you, and your alibi is shaky at the least. Also, the court has two witnesses testifying against you. If you go through with this trial, you would probably get 20 to 30 years. However, I know the prosecutor very well, and with a little persuasion, I could probably get you down to 5," Karma said as he leaned forward to emphasize his point. The pen twirling in his hand stopped to point at her. "Do you really want to take the chance of getting 20 years in prison?"

The lady stopped in her tracks, her face decreasing in disgust. She couldn't believe this hooligan had the nerve to talk to her like that! She was paying him for christ's sake, but even so, he did have a point. She looked down before nodding. "Do what you need to," her tone was clipped and to the point. This man was the best lawyer in the city, she could handle him when she got out.

Karma nodded at her, swiping up his file and walking out the room. He sighed heavily before making his way over to a fellow lawyer's office. He didn't have to walk fast since his legs ate up the floor, Siren so happily called them Giraffe legs, and he appeared to almost be floating with how smooth his feet hit the floor. His favorite pen was put into his pocket as he walked, every lady and some men in the building eyeing him with want. He winked at one of the ladies, snickering in his mind at how evil it was. There was no harm in having a little fun, though none of these women had a chance with him. He was, after all, attracted to his own gender and that alone. He walked up to the door, kicking it open with little effort.

A man sat there, his hands typing quickly on the computer. His face was stern in concentration, his suit looking sharp. He jumped upon hearing the door close. "What do you want," he said, not looking up from his work.

"3 years," Karma said, walking around his desk and leaning on it easily. His eyes gleamed a little as he looked down on his coworker, a coy smile on his face. He casually traced the name stand on the desk, the word "Axel" on it in big bold letters.

"For Anna, hell no. I'll give you 7 years," the man said, leaning back in his chair a challenging look in his eye. His hand slowly went up to unbuckle one of his buttons, his other arm resting on his chair as he casually sat there.

"I think the fuck not, you trick ass bitch, 4 years," Karma said smiling at the man. He slowly unhooked his belt. His tone was condescending despite the pitch matching the vine perfectly.

"5 years," Axel smirked up at Karma, his lips tilting a little as he smirked.

"Deal," Karma said as he leaned back more, putting both his hands on the desk, watching as Axel signed off on a plea deal sheet. He looked as relaxed and confident as ever. He watched Axel get up out of the corner of his eye and walk over. He could feel his hands rubbing his abs, slowly lowering themselves. The motions caused pulses of electric pleasure to shoot down to his dick. He opened his eyes and barely got a glance at the other male before lips swooped up his own. The kiss was deep, the feeling going all the way to the kiss soul and making his toes curl in delight. His hands tightened on the edge of the desk. He tilted his neck to the side to allow the other male more access, his jaw clenched a little. He took the moment to admire the sight of Axel dropping to his knees. His hands worked quickly to unclasp the buttons, he didn't bother with taking his pants off. Karma cocked his head to the side as he looked down at Axel, his eyes had a condescending, almost challenging, glint to them. There was a smirk on his face, and the shadows that appeared on his face from looking down made him look like he was looking down on the world. Axel wrapped his hand around his shaft, tightening his hand. He felt his dick pulse at the feeling of his fingers pushing down at just the right spots. His hand moved slowly at first, before giving it a long lick to the underside. His eyes stayed connected to Karma's though. Karma groaned a little as he felt Axel take him into his mouth, his throat stretching to accommodate the large entrance.

"That's right. Take it all in," his tone going slightly lower at the word "Lower." He weaved his hands in his hair, the fingers tightening around the strands. He pulled his head towards him a little before returning his hand to the edge of the desk, directly pulling Axel down the rabbit hole of want. He could feel his dick sliding farther down his throat, the feeling euphoric. His gaze was getting sucked into those silver eyes, the sharpness of them pierce straight through his heart. He felt Karma's dick tense up, the appendage getting harder and heavier than before. Karma's knuckles became white as he felt the desk cracking a little, his cum pouring down Axel's throat. A groan came out his mouth as his head leaned itself back. His member slowly pushed in and out of Axel's mouth as he came. Axel licked the leftover cum on his lips, his mind faintly linking the taste to almonds. He made sure to get every drop as he pulled his mouth off his dick with a small pop.

"Tasty," he remarked looking up at Karma as he watched him slide his dick back into his pants and buckle them back up. Even though he had just cum, his appearance was already back to being the flawless image it was before.

Karma leaned forward, running his hands through Axel's hair as if he was petting a pet. "Good boy," he said, smirking, before walking towards the door at a confident pace. His hands easily grabbed the plea deal form off the counter, not stopping in his motions at all;. He turned his head a little, before saying, "See you tomorrow~" in a condescending voice. Axel felt a little lighter inside as he watched the man turn back around in leave with no hesitation.

There were a lot of things Karma hated about this world. Blowjobs didn't make the list. He casually looked over the paperwork in his hand, his wings stretching out a little to keep from cramping up. He enjoyed the stares as he walked, the adoration reminded him of what he used to have. As he walked past a shiny, metal wall, he looked to the left and saw his god form. His smile dropped and he paused for a second, his whole mood plummeting as he was pushed into a flashback.


"Kami-Sama, there's been a disturbance in the Kanto region. They have been praying to you for assistance, apparently, a huge drought is plaguing their lands," Xi lu, his fox servant, informed him as he sat on the foot of his bed. Two guys were sitting on the floor next to the foot of his bed, collars on their necks connected them to the bed via Leash. Karma laid on the bed, a content expression on his face as his face sat upon his head. A fairy sat next to him, running their hands up and down his body.

"What time is it in the human world?" Karma asked bored, his wings fluttering at the prospect of getting to fly. The fox summoned a small clock that showed the time of 1:43 PM. Karma traced a hand down his favorite fairy's bare chest, enjoying the feeling of the muscle. He sighed, while he didn't particularly like the human world, he did like that he could fly freely there. He stood upon his bed, his favorite fairy moving to cloth him before walking off the bed. He changed into a small childlike form, descending into his Kanto shrine in the human world. It was always so tedious trying to please the little things, but at least it got rid of his boredom.

As he descended, he flew about the shrine. The veil concealed him from the eyes of regular humans, but that wasn't the main problem. He flew straight towards the middle of the shrine, seeing one of his vessels lying there peacefully. The small child was sleep, his hair being combed by the shrine maiden who helped keep his shrine clean. He phased into the child, the body gaining his wings and silver eyes. The child's hair grew longer, and his body morphed into the child-like karma of before.

"Hello Kioko," he said, his bell-like voice smoothly running over the walls. The woman looked up quickly, her eyes widening at seeing her Kami in front of her. She immediately fell to the floor in a bow. The god perched down patting her on the head, a soft smile on his face. "I have heard prayers directed to me from here," he said simply, sitting down in front of her. The woman stayed bowed down but talked quickly.

"A drought has ravaged our food and water, our people are dying. We pray to you to help because we have no other options," she spoke softly. She didn't want to offend the powerful being in front of her, it was said that the last shrine maiden to offend him was crushed by a thousand invisible hands. Karma patted her on the head again, before standing up and walking to the center of the room.

"Perform for me an extravagant ceremony and I shall bring you rain and a river," he spoke looking up towards his home. The shining forest where his palace resided. He looked towards the west where Mount Olympus was, the roman and greek gods resided there. A large palace of clouds could be seen by him, though no human would ever see it.

The woman was elated upon hearing this, tears running down her cheeks. Her Kami cared for her people and her, he was going out of his way to help them. She looked up in time to see the child revert back to its normal form before collapsing on the floor. She would make sure to do her best.


The next day, Karma flew above his Kanto region watching as people paraded the streets. People sang songs he liked, danced for him, and a group of Shinto priests performed a water ceremony for him. He felt happiness upon seeing all these people perform worship for him. He flew over the large crowd, granting everyone who passed below him some good karma before flying back up towards the sky. He flew to the mountains next to the villages and pulled the water in the air. As he worked, clouds formed in the sky. He dragged them with him over the village before cooling them down by blowing on them. The villagers were mid-ceremony when the rain started falling, the cool water feeling wonderous on their dehydrated skin. The people of Kanto started cheering while performing. Karma flew up to the highest point, grabbing all the water, the liquid trailing behind him. He carved into the earth, going down the mountain and to the side of the village, dropping water as he went. Villagers watched as a river was made by an invisible force right in front of their eyes, the crowds cheering for their beloved god. As he finished, he flew upward. He stopped for a second to admire the sight of so many people cheering his godly name, kids running around and playing in the rain, and women dancing happily as they ran the rain through their hair. He clutched his chest at the fuzzy feeling that went through his chest, before flying to the shrine and back up into the world of the Gods.

~End Of Flashback~

Karma sighed getting called back into reality. He had lost that a long time ago, and he had no time to think about it now. He'd get it all back somehow, and it didn't matter who had to pay for him to get there. He walked back towards the room his client was waiting in, his eyes holding a renewed look of determination. The silver glinting in the light with unknown desires.

Overdrive POV:

There were only three things in this world that were important to her. The first was her freedom, something she had learned the hard way about taking for granted. The second was her revenge, something she would do anything to achieve. The third was simply her sleep. Her mind was constantly on blast, the neurons running at high speeds due to her power accelerating the electrical pulses in her brain. It was exhausting and quite annoying, the only break she ever got from it is when she slept. That's why she was currently in her car, a light blue chevy, getting all the sleep she could before work. An alarm blared out of her phone, disturbing her sleep and causing her to curse the invention of phones.

She grabbed her purse and her tablet, getting out of the car slowly. Her curly hair framed her face, falling into a bob that ended at her chin. Her face was bare of makeup, she still looked just as sharp as any businesswoman could though. The bags under her eyes, and slumped down posture, made her seem easy-going and nonthreatening. Her power was carefully concealed, no visible traces lingered on her. As she passed one of her workers who was walking out to smoke, her power felt that his phone was dead and automatically charged it up. She blamed that habit on Siren and her bad habit of never charging her phone. She looked up at one of the places she called work, a club she owned that had recently opened. She owned a fair share of clubs and even a few little shops here and there. She walked in, nodding to her workers. She lazily pushed her hair out of her face, going towards her office. She was caught in a bunch of interviews today. She flopped in her chair, placing her tablet down in the corner and pinching her nose as Kai, a bouncer at the club, came in. He placed a coffee on the corner of her table. She glared at his presence but reluctantly sipped the coffee. He always got her favorite coffee drink exactly right, one the few things she felt he actually tried with. He pulled the chair out, casually sitting in it with his arm over the back of the chair and his back against it.

"What's up Overdose," he casually remarked at her, enjoying the heated glare that was sent his way. Anyone else would've felt death upon seeing those cold, brown eyes glaring at them, but he knew she wouldn't kill the one person who got her coffee right.

"Nothing much Killian," Overdrive countered, sipping her coffee. She looked at the time before sighing. "Go make sure the others are doing their jobs." She beckoned him out of her office, seeing as she only had an hour to prepare for the interviews. Kai stood up walking out while mumbling something that sounded like "you just wanna take a nap." He closed the door behind him. Overdrive now being alone, placed her coffee at the corner of the desk next to her tablet. She stared at the wall for a second, before falling asleep her head landing on the desk with a loud thunk.


Overdrive officially hated her job. She had already been through 17 interviews, and she didn't like any of them. She was just relieved she only had to put up with one more interview for the day. She couldn't take any more idiots today. She looked up as someone walked in, her mood already soured for the day. As she looked up, however, her whole mood changed. In front of her was a lithe man, dressed in all white with pure white hair. His eyes were black which contrasted all the white. Seeing so much of the color on someone reminded OD of unpleasant memories, but she forced the feeling down. Her power automatically shocked her brain's emotional center, disabling her ability to feel fear, anger, or any other emotion. She lazily beckoned the man to sit in the chair across from her. He followed her instructions instantly, sliding into the seat with a grace that told her, he must be some type of fighter.

"Hello," a small voice left his mouth though his posture seemed confident. There was a tiny blush on his face, and Overdrive could see he was distracted. She picked her tablet up, looking for his resume.

"What's your name again?" she asked him, her hands expertly weaving through emails.

"Mitrofan, but most people just call me Min," his soft voice said. Overdrive liked him so far, he wasn't loud, and based on his resume he was organized.

"What's your favorite movie?" she asked him, her eyes quickly skimming his resume.

"Shouldn't you ask about my experience or something?" Min asked, his face portraying confusion.

"That's why I have your resume. What's your favorite movie?" her response was frank, bored, and to the point.

"Um, probably white chicks," he answered, his face thoughtful as he examined the woman in front of him. He found himself blushing at the knowledge of him thinking that she was out of his league. He knew that if he was hired, she would be his boss. He is actually looking forward to spending time with the female.

"Interesting, You're hired. I'll see you on Tuesday," Overdrive said, marking something down on a tablet. Min looked shook at the woman's decisiveness. She sighed as he nodded slowly and walked out hesitantly. She really just wanted to hurry up and go to sleep. She slowly fell into another nap, her posture slumping over.


"Initiate test 1. Seeing how the test subject reacts to the electric chair under medication sample 457.B.12, the subject is strapped down but alert," the words came from above her as she tried to look around. Men in white suits surrounded her, probing and prodding her.

She watched as they stepped back before a large sparking sound ran through the room and then pain. It was excruciating. It caused her absolute agony, her brain getting fried in certain places and rehealing itself. With the pain came the power. She felt it coursing through her veins. Her restraints broke, and as she stood up, she screamed. The next day she woke up in the facility she had grown up in, except while everyone else was dead on the outside as a result of her new power, she was dead on the inside.

~End of Flashback~

Overdrive opened her eyes, sighing deeply. She felt nothing from that dream, how could she when her emotions were turned off. She sighed before switching them back on, rage and angst filling her body in heeps. Her eyes glowed blue as she thought about her plans. She'd get to the top of the food chain and when she did, they would all pay.