
The Villainess Reincarnates into the Cultivation World

[Notice: Rejoice, the story continues!] Alexander, an unassuming man from Earth, meets an untimely end and is unexpectedly reborn as Seraphina von Schwarzenberg, the nefarious enchantress, in a captivating world of fantasy. Due to an untimely death, he is inexplicably thrust into another realm, transmigrated physically as herself into a cultivation world that defies the boundaries of imagination. In this new world of martial arts, celestial energies, and perilous adventures, Seraphina faces not only the trials of cultivation but also the shackles of her past villainous persona. As she strives to understand her place in this vibrant realm. [discord: https://discord.gg/SQ7wJss2rN]

Nightrice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Internal Tournament (2)

The crowd buzzed with excitement as Elara stepped into the arena for her match against Selene, another skilled disciple from the Rosevine Coven. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as both cultivators prepared to showcase their talents. Elara was currently at Stage 7, and Selene was at Stage 8.

Small differences in the realm of cultivators do not greatly affect their fighting abilities. For example, if someone was Stage 5 and someone else was Stage 7, the Stage 5 person could still win based on skill.

Realm differences between the Essence Attainment Stage and Core Creation Stage are more impactful since cultivators of higher realms gain denser Qi and physique.

Elara's connection to space-related seals had drawn the attention of many, and her training under Elder Lysandra had refined her techniques to a profound level. As the match began, she focused on her Qi, and her aura shimmered with a faint celestial glow.

On the other side stood Selene. She was known for her speed and agility, her movements almost as fluid as water. The crowd knew they were in for a fast-paced match.

As the match commenced, Elara wasted no time, creating intricate space seals with graceful hand movements. A spatial ripple expanded around her, forming a defensive barrier that shimmered like stardust. Selene darted forward like a shadow, trying to find an opening in Elara's defenses.

Elara's eyes remained fixed on Selene, her focus unwavering as she executed her space-related seals. A momentary opening appeared in her barrier, and Selene saw her chance. She lunged forward with a burst of speed. Her fist aimed at Elara's side.

Elara reacted swiftly, spinning to the side and creating a small rift in space that allowed her to dodge Selene's attack. The audience gasped in amazement at her maneuver, but Selene didn't back down. She changed tactics, unleashing a series of quick strikes. Each one aimed at exploiting any weaknesses in Elara's defenses.

Elara gracefully maneuvered through Selene's assaults, using her spatial seals to create intermittent portals that she used to evade and counter. Her movements seemed almost dance-like, and the crowd watched in awe as she displayed her mastery over space manipulation.

The match intensified as both disciples pushed their abilities to the limit.

Selene's frustration grew evident, but she didn't relent. She continued her relentless assault, hoping to break through Elara's defenses. The crowd roared with excitement, enthralled by the back-and-forth battle unfolding before them.

Elara decided to take a more proactive approach. She unleashed a space-related seal that created a localized gravitational anomaly. The arena's terrain warped and twisted, catching Selene off guard and momentarily disrupting her balance. It was a strong move, draining a lot of Qi, and Elara needed to follow up fast.

Seeing an opening, she surged forward, her movements enhanced by her connection to space. She weaved a complex series of seals, intensifying her speed and power. The celestial glow around her grew brighter, and in a blur of motion, she landed a precise strike on Selene.

The impact sent Selene tumbling backward, and the referee declared Elara the victor. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers, impressed by the display of Elara's space-related sealing arts.

Both competitors showed respect for each other, embracing after the intense battle.

[A few moments later]

For the next match, Lyra and Ana stepped into the spotlight. Lyra was known for her strength and formidable elemental combat skills. On the other hand, Ana was renowned for lightning affinity.

As the gong sounded, the match began, and both disciples wasted no time and engaged. Lyra's build and mastery of elemental seals were her most viable assets. She gathered her Qi, and flames danced around her fists, ready to be unleashed.

Ana relied on her speed to keep her opponents off balance. She darted around Lyra, her movements almost graceful, like a ballet dancer in battle. Her swift strikes were hard for Lyra to anticipate and forced her to focus even more on her elemental defense.

The crowd watched in awe as the two disciples clashed. Lyra's fiery attacks collided with Ana's lightning-fast strikes, creating a mesmerizing display of elemental prowess.

Lyra launched a powerful fireball towards Ana, who gracefully sidestepped the attack, allowing the flames to dissipate harmlessly. Seizing the opportunity, Ana retaliated with a series of lightning-quick kicks and punches. Her strikes were precise and calculated, and Lyra found it challenging to defend against such rapid attacks.

Lyra and Ana seemed evenly matched. However, in a decisive moment, Lyra channeled her energy into a stunning display of elemental power.

Gathering all her strength, she unleashed a devastating surge of fire that enveloped the arena. The intensity of her attack caught Ana off guard, and before she could react, she was engulfed in flames.

The referee raised a hand, signaling the end of the match. Lyra emerged victorious, her fiery aura still blazing as she caught her breath.

As the intense battles of the internal tournament reached a brief intermission, the disciples took a moment to catch their breath and reflect on the exhilarating matches. The tournament grounds were abuzz with excitement and chatter, and the atmosphere was charged with anticipation for the upcoming second round.

Seraphina found herself surrounded by her friends, Elara and Lyra, as they huddled under the shade of an ancient tree. The sun's rays filtered through the leaves, casting a warm and dappled glow on their faces.

"That was incredible, Seraphina!" Elara exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. "Your sealing arts combined with hand-to-hand combat were a sight to behold."

Lyra nodded in agreement, her fiery hair reflecting the sunlight. "I must say, I was quite impressed with your control. It's no wonder you made it to the second round."

Seraphina smiled gratefully at her friends' praise. "Thank you both. I couldn't have done it without Elder Nyra's teachings."

Elara leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I have to admit, I'm looking forward to our match in the finals. It's going to be a thrilling battle."

Lyra's competitive spirit ignited, and she chimed in, "Indeed! But don't expect me to go easy on either of you."

In the distance, the sound of cheering erupted as the next round of battles was announced. The interlude was over, and it was time for the second round to begin. The three friends shared a final encouraging glance before parting ways to prepare for the upcoming matches.

Hey there! Today was quite busy, so this chapter is a bit late!

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