

Ruby is a 25 year old self-made millionaire. she was cheated by her boyfriend. she went to her grandmother's village to find peace. At her grandmother's house she found her favourite ancient story book. it was based on real story, more like a history book. there was a hidden room in the house that only Ruby and her grandmother knows. In that room there is was a big machine with a 2 seats. it's a time machine that described in the book. she wanted to meet her grandmother but accidentally went 1000 years back where the story book's year. in the world she met her favourite character and became obsessed with him. she pretend as the girl he admire to get him. will she win his heart? or will she got revealed her identity? who's the guy? who's the girl he admire? why Ruby pretend as another women? the obsessive villainess is the main lead....

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Got cheated

The night was so dark.

Ruby reached home after a week of business trip. Home. Where Ruby and the love of her life live together. It's been 2 years since Ruby and her best friend of 7 years Lucas started dating. He's a smart, cute, and shy guy. Most importantly handsome guy among all the guys that Ruby met.

" I'm glad the trip ended earlier. Now I can spend some time with Lucas. I missed him so much. He must be so surprised to see me since he hates being away from me" Ruby said as she smiled lightly.

A familiar shoe was spotted by her at the door. Her heart started to beat faster. She felt something was wrong. She walked into the house and went to her room.

" That bitch will come back tomorrow. It'll be so hard to meet you in private again. She's an obsessed freak. She always clung to you so much"

" Don't worry Cassy. It's a good thing that she's obsessed with me so she won't believe even if someone tells her about us."

" You're right. She's just a fool with millions of dollars. HAHAHA"

Thud! The door slammed opened.

" Who are you calling bitch while lying naked with another's boyfriend," Ruby said with a cold voice.

" Ruby, what are you doing here? Well, it's not like what you think. Let me explain" Lucas said as walked toward Ruby.

Bang!!! A heavy slap landed on Lucas's face.

" Do you think I'll believe your explanation after all these things? And you Cassie you called me fool. Where do u get the nerve to call me, a self-made millionaire a fool while you don't even know how to do simple paperwork. I gave you this job for the sack of being my old classmate but describe me as a bitch."

" Ah, I wasted so much time on you fools. You guys should pay for wasting my time. You guys are fired. Not only fired from my company but also banned from 30 of my partner's companies. Now get out from my house" Ruby said with furious eyes that could burn them.

"I'm sorry Ruby. You know how much I love you right? It was a mistake."

" Mistake? Did you say Mistake? BHAHAHA!!! Cheating is a choice not a mistake get out NOW!!!"

Ruby's shout made both of their bodies shiver. Within 10 minutes they ran from the house.

Ruby held her hand and slowly sat on the ground. Tears were flowing from her eyes. She ended up sleeping on the floor while crying.

" Hey Ruby wake up. Why are you lying on the floor?" a comforting voice wakes her up.

" Hey Mithu. What are you doing here?"

" Did you cry? What happened girl?" Mitra asked worried expression.

Ruby got up and walked towards the kitchen and said " Lucas cheated on me with Cassy" with a calm voice.

" WHAAAAT!!!" Mitra shouted which almost made Ruby's ear bleed.

" Is he a fool? How can he cheat on you girl? You are a millionaire. Dating you is unimaginable for him. And with CASSY? That dumb girl that everyone hates. She can't even do a proper work."

" Maybe he found her pretty I guess," Ruby said as drinking coffee.

" Well, I admit she's pretty. But her beauty is nothing compared to you. You're way more prettier than her. Not only pretty but smart too. You're brilliant in science and business. Aish… they're the stupidest person I've ever seen. So what you gonna do about them?"

"I fired them. I'm going bane them from our partner's companies"

" That's my girl. Let them suffer. Lucas is a smart person. He'll get another job easily but he'll regret losing you. For Cassy, she'll be homeless for real. But are you okay Ruby?"

"Yes. I'm good"

"I know you're strong but you're a human too Ruby. I'm your 15 years best friend you can pour your sadness into me. I'll take it. so don't hide it" As Mitra said Ruby hugged her and let out a loud cry.