
The Villainess is Back to Life

After learning the hard truth of how her twin sister Dalilah brainwashed and manipulated her mind for thirteen years, turning her into a ruthless assassin who killed hundreds of innocents including her youngest brother and best friend Valerian, twenty-seven-year-old Princess Natasha Nicholai, is executed in front of the Imperial Palace. Somehow, she gets sent back to the past right before Dalilah started putting her evil string on her mind, to when she was about to turn fourteen, and uses that as an opportunity to not let the past repeat itself, by getting her revenge on her sister and all the people who backed her and saving her younger brother as well as protecting the innocents she knows will be Dalilah's targets. But while also going after the truth about who stole her magic when she was 4yo, who sent her back and why did they do that, she will cross paths with Ethan Theodore, a dangerous and full of secrets guy, with ruby red eyes and whose destiny is directly linked to Natasha's. ※ The Villainess will be a novel of three volumes/books, and it's currently on the 1st one. We still have quite a long way to go, I hope you'll stay with me on this ride! ※ IMPORTANT! Pay attention to the trigger warnings chapter ※※※※※※ Sneak-peek of the beginning of the 1st volume: Back to Life! ※※※ Natasha's POV ※ I'm so scared of death... And I know I shouldn't be when I became so familiar with her, but I fucking am. I don't find my death attractive at all. It scares me more than anything. As I saw Dalilah going back to Christopher's side, I finally let the tears fall, falling them and getting mixed with the blood on my face. When I turned to meet the cold and shining ruby-red eyes of the executioner under his pitch-black helmet, I saw the ax dangerously close to my precious neck. He held it higher. And when he was about to behead me, I swear that I sensed him smiling at me. Not only that, but by the look in his eyes, he seemed amused by what he was going to do next. And the strangest thing was that even tho he was overflowing with bloodlust, I felt as if none of that was directed to me. But if... it wasn't, why did he seem so delighted? It gave me goosebumps. My body trembled in fear with his creepy and unexpected reaction. I swear that I felt as if his eyes could see through my soul. As if... he could see me in a way no one else ever could... if he could see everything that happened, the truth. Shit. What the heck is happening to me? What kind of feeling is this? Why am I so conscious about this man? And who the fuck is he? Why does this guy feel so strangely familiar when I have no memories of him? I closed my eyes waiting for my death. Cursing Dalilah and the perverse 3rd Imperial Prince Christopher, my damn brother-in-law, who was a stone in my way and who organized my execution together with my nefarious twin. Cursing each person present who's happy with my death. Preparing myself for the upcoming feeling of, literally, losing my once beautiful head. And at that moment, a freezing wind surrounded my body and entered me through my mouth. I gasped blood once again. I felt the inside of my body freezing little by little, as a familiar feeling filled me at once as well as the pain, and when the pain became unbearable, it got worse. And then, it finally happened. I felt my flesh and my neck being torn apart and my head getting slowly separated from my body when the executioner's ax hit me. His moves were fast, I knew it was by the sharp sound his blade made before touching me, but it felt like it took him hours to cut through it. Unexpectedly, after a second that felt like a billion torturous years, my eyes opened out coldly and the executioner with his stunning bright ruby-red eyes was nowhere to be seen. As well as I wasn't in front of the crowd, being executed in front of the Imperial Palace anymore. I was somewhere else.

AnnGuslavia · Fantasy
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239 Chs

001. The True Evil, Part I

DALILAH ISABELA LUDWICK CASPIEN (born Nicholai), my twin sister, who I thought was the only one I never wished to harm. The only one I thought I cared about in my whole life. Who I helped and killed to protect.

I used everyone and did everything in my power to make her the 3rd Imperial Prince Christopher's fiancee, so no one would dare to harm her and she would have a lot of power. She's the one who was born with the magic that made her able to brainwash and manipulate others' minds, between us two. The Saintess, guarded by the Goddess herself.

Then how could she do this to me?

I gazed at her blankly and she laughed at my face. Finally showing her true colors.

"I don't know how such a naive and stupid person could be my twin sister! Seriously, it's pitiful. Do you even imagine since when I've had my magical strings in your little mind, dear Natasha?" tears appeared in my empty eyes and I let them fall. "Since we were about to turn fourteen!" she said with a snakish smile that only I could see.

As if doing that to me was something to be proud of. Making everything hurt more than before. If that was even possible.

"You were such a beautiful child... way more beautiful than me! With your long and wavy glossy hair inherited from our father when my own was simply straight. So more clever and selfless than me. It was disgusting, honestly. You loved and cared for me way more than I did for you, poor thing."

'Then why? Why did you do all of that to me?' I wanted to ask her, but I couldn't after becoming tongueless for all the lies I'd told.

"But you always had a deadly flaw, Natasha... You weren't born with any kind of magic power, but I was! And as you already know, sis, magic in our world is like the air you breathe so you can live. It's beyond necessary. The ones who don't have it will never grow in life and will die like good-for-nothing. And that's your case here, darling. Having such a pitiful death as being executed in public. It's a disgrace that you're my sister, the daughter of the late-late Grand Duke Nicholai."

She couldn't be more wrong about the magic.

The thing is, I was born with magic! Not only one but two types of it. I remember it as if it was yesterday. Telepathy and ice magic. I was born to be as powerful as Dalilah, or even more than her, and someone stole it from me when I was a little kid.

But they'd never believed me when I told them the truth, and I couldn't remember who did it either, which didn't help me at all. Everyone acts as if they've never seen me using ice magic when I was very little, pretending as if their memories of it had been erased, which is absurd! Always saying, repeatedly, that I didn't have magic at all, that this thought of me, was just a mechanism that I had created as a way to accept my unlucky situation and to digest the fact that my twin sister had magical powers and I didn't.


"That's why you never had anything you could call yours. No matter how beautiful, skilled and smart you were, you would never have what I had. That's why everyone always favored me, but you didn't care about this, right, Natasha?" the resentment in her voice was undeniable.

And I did care about it actually, I just didn't show it. It wouldn't change anything if I had shown, would it?

"But this wasn't enough for me. I couldn't let the opportunity pass, so I manipulated your mind and I made you selfish, evil, and arrogant. So I could make everyone deeply hate you," she has completely lost her mind. "Not only that, of course. The goal was to make everyone hate you and to get you killed in the end, but why stop there when you could be so useful to me? And indeed, the fact that I smartly used you is what made it possible for me to be where I am now."

How could I be such a fool? Sir Thorin Meelany, the one who thought me how to use a sword and fight with it, always told me not to be fooled and not to trust people even if they were family. I should have heard him. But, no! I had a weak mind and that made me an easy target for Dalilah.

"I made you steal, lie, betray, and kill," yeah, you made me break all of my principles forcibly, no need to keep reminding me of that. "You were so clueless before... Naive enough to think that I would never try to harm you. What a joke!" Dalilah laughed once again, dryly.

That hurt, because she's right.

Although I don't remember myself being good like she's saying anymore. 'Good' and 'Natasha' don't seem to fit in the same sentence anymore, in my mind. Maybe she shattered my naive self 'till it was impossible to recover, with her manipulations.