
The Villainess Decides to Go Home: OFFICIAL VRSN

**Hiatus until 9/16 due to stomach virus** Theodosia Myrone, daughter of Duke Myrone of one of the most powerful houses in the kingdom of Kitelle, has her life destroyed after being accused of cruelty. She has already lost her family one by one but loses another, meets a grim fate in prison, and resigned to a bitter fate until a stranger offers his aid through her cell’s bars and thrusts her into a life far threatening than the one before.

Camaroonbee · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Warm Queen

I looked around the palace nervously. I was supposed to be in Maliece's chambers for magic lessons, but I had snuck out to search for pictures of the Queen of Robaine. I thought if I could find a picture of her, I could finally put validity to the woman I had seen in my dreams.

I had been searching for hours and had found nothing. I was starting to get frustrated and worried. Although her intentions are good and she is a good teacher, Maliece was not someone to be trifled with.

"I accepted her offer to tutor me in magic expecting her to be soft!" I groaned.

I decided to try one last place. I had heard rumors of a hidden hall on the west end of the palace. It was said to be old and run down, but I was desperate. To if anything, hide.

I hurried down the corridor, my heart pounding in my chest. I reached the end of the corridor and found a hidden door. I pushed it open and stepped inside.

The hall was dark and dusty. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and the floor was covered in a thick layer of grime. I could see that it had once been a beautiful place. The walls were covered in faded tapestries and the floor was made of marble.

I took a deep breath and started to walk down the hall. I could hear the sound of my footsteps echoing in the silence.

I had walked for about five minutes when I heard a noise. I stopped and listened. It sounded like someone was laughing.

My heart started to race. I slowly turned around and saw a woman standing at the other end of the hall.

The woman was dressed in a long, flowing gown. Her crimson hair danced behind her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The woman I remembered from my dream.

The woman smiled at me and started to walk towards me. I stood frozen in place, unable to move.

The woman stopped in front of me and reached out her hand. "Hello, Theodosia," she said. "Is your mother in a meeting at the palace today?"

My eyes widened in shock. "You know my name?" I asked.

Eleanor smiled. "Of course I do," she said. "I'm your mom's best friend. I'd know my godchild's name."

My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mother's best friend was the queen?

"But how?" I asked. "I thought you were dead."

She sighed. "I haven't been able to see you until now" she said; continuing as if she hadn't heard me. "Your mother made sure to keep you cooped up as long as she could. I see why. You're a goddess."

I reached out and took her hand. It was warm and soft.

She smiled. "Look at you, users to me already!" she said.

The two of us stood there for a moment, just looking at each other. I felt like I had finally found an important person.

"Come on," she said. "Let's scare your mother by hiding in the back garden. I'll have cookies!."

She led me out of the hidden hall and into a nearby garden. We found a bench to sit on under a tall, slanted tree that hid us very well and she started to tell me her story.

She told me about how she had been from a kingdom far from here and came here only on her wedding day to meet the king. She had been in a marriage only for power.

She told me about how she was sent to help with political not long after arriving. But she had met mother while on an expedition. They became friends quickly and often exchanged letters.

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you," she said. "But I promise that I'm here now, and I'm I'll make up for not being a good godmother, as well as friend."

She looked saddened by her last few words, but quickly shook it off.

She listened to my young bragging about winning competitions and having friends, nodding her head and smiling. She was so proud of the young woman I was.

So the queen was this type of person. Queen Amarie, you shined brightly, didn't you?

As I heard a loud chime, I realized that I had to go. Maliece would be wondering where I was. I had taken too long.

"I wish I still knew you." I said. "You seemed like such a bright woman."

"Oh!" She gasped. "I can hear your mother's angry stomping. Run! I'll hold her off."

I turned and walked away, my heart full of happiness. I don't remember her, but my heart surely does. Seeing her again, in her full glory made me want to cry.

I hurried back to my, my mind racing. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I seen the queen! Similar to my first time entering the palace. But I didn't faint this time.

Could it be because of what the high magician did?

"You've got some nerve arriving now." Maliece said grimacing at my door. "You had to skip it? You had to skip MY class?"

"I'm so sorry Maliece!!"

She tossed me inside.

Hehehe I’m so excited for the next few chapters. Thank you all for <3

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