
The Villainess Decides to Go Home: OFFICIAL VRSN

**Hiatus until 9/16 due to stomach virus** Theodosia Myrone, daughter of Duke Myrone of one of the most powerful houses in the kingdom of Kitelle, has her life destroyed after being accused of cruelty. She has already lost her family one by one but loses another, meets a grim fate in prison, and resigned to a bitter fate until a stranger offers his aid through her cell’s bars and thrusts her into a life far threatening than the one before.

Camaroonbee · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The Ride

I can't believe we made it here. Kitelle is in the distance, and it feels so surreal. I know I'm not out of trouble yet, but at least I'm free from those monstrous people.

It's still nighttime with the stars slowly fading out. There was nothing surrounding us, just a never ending field of flowers along the dirt road. They were many different colors; some red, some blue, some purple, some orange. It almost felt like a breath of fresh air.

We were able to escape from the courtroom using a diversion, make our way through the forest, managed to escape the Red Rope, and swam all the way here. My body is tired. My mind is tired. I can't wait until I'm able to sleep. I'll sleep on anything right now.

"We're short of the initial count," Evanil said as we headed off from the river. "There must have been hiccups along the way."

I glanced at him, looking away when our eyes met. I noticed he was dressed in armor, but his was transparent his under armor showing. I reached out unconsciously. He grabbed me, and I looked at him confusedly.

"Oh my gosh!" Maliece squealed, flapping her arms about. "What a moment to witness. The moment a budding love begins."

"This was decided long ago," he laughed. "It isn't a budding love. The agreement made was for us to be together. Father will explain it more to her so don't bring it up now."

"Oh please!" She scoffed. "You two met twice before and you seemed very taken with her even then."


"Met twice?" I asked, puzzled by what she had just said. "I've never met the prince before."

They both stared at me in disbelief. Maliece's face sank into her hands. Evanil suddenly looked defeated.

"Princess, you are skilled in defeating a man's ego," she said, bursting into a fit of laughter. "Princess, you've definitely met his highness before. I was there. We all played together in your families garden, went shopping, and the second time you two even got 'closer'. That's when the marriage was solidified. Before your father took you all to that country following your mother."


"C-Can you tell me more about that please?!"

I looked at them both confused. The memories I have of my parents are completely different. My father is a noble from Kitelle. My mother was as well. From what I remember in my childhood, we had always lived in Kitelle.

Have they mistaken me for someone else?

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm the person you think I am."

"Nonsense," Maliece beamed, a new device appearing in her hand. One was a vial of blood; the other a strand of hair. "It's necessary that all individuals that come in contact with the prince have a DNA sample taken. For security purposes of course. This device tests the DNA sample and gives an instant response. It takes a LOT of mana, but it's worth it. When you two first met, I took a strand of your hair. I was his playmate at the time. My father is the captain of the royal army, so he kept it. I took the blood from you while you were asleep."

"What?! Please don't do that again."

"No," she continued. "I tested your DNA and you're a perfect match. You are indeed the correct person, princess."

That isn't possible nor does it make sense. What I know isn't the same. None of this makes sense. Once I'm free, I have to get away. I still don't know if they would be good enough Samaritans to not throw me out once this is over.

"You may not believe it," Evanil said, jumping in. "But it's possible your memories have been tampered with. It'd take a pretty strong magician to do it, but it's been done before. It's a type of mental blessing. Users are able to manipulate parts of the psyche of a person into their liking. It's a pretty terrifying form of magic and can have long standing effects on the person inflicted. To make sure, we'd have to get the High Magician to evaluate you."

Evaluate me?

"To see if I'm who you say I am? How long will it take?"

They looked at each other before bursting into laughter. I looked at them both confused and angry. What's so funny in a time like this that they can't tell me?

"You're the same as you were before, princess," Maliece said in between gasps.

"She doesn't question anything and just asks how far or how long," Evanil chuckled.

Was I really like that? If the type of magic they're talking about is real, then I wonder what beautiful memories I've been robbed of all this time? It makes me feel even more anxious about the truth.

Evanil and Maliece suddenly became serious as the sun began to rise. I was confused by their expressions. Isn't the sun rising a good thing?

"Princess, remember when I told you the cloak would be useful?" Maliece said, putting a hood over her self "Make sure you have your hood on."

Almost on cue, a bright light enveloped us. The cloak helped to shield my body from what felt like mere warmth around me. Then, a city appeared.

It was beautiful. Like something out of a fairy tale. A kingdom tucked within a vast forest. The trees were kinds I had never seen before and the animals roaming about were weird but interesting.

The city buildings looked a bit behind in comparison to Kitelle, but they had a quaint charm. The architecture melded well into the landscape.

We entered the city and citizens cheered for us upon our arrival. They belted out welcomes to me, yelling "Welcome home princess!" as loud as they could.

Their welcomes felt so genuine. It felt so warm. It made me feel a pain in my chest for when they realize I'm not who they think I am.

I waved back at everyone until a rock struck my cheek. A young girl stood defiantly, her hands on her hips. Her emerald eyes glared at me and her messy black hair fell in her face.

"Imposter!" She yelled. "The princess is supposed to be my sister Luraie now!"

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't know what to say.