
The Villain Who Dreamed

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be born into the most powerful clan and be the son of the strongest king in this era? Well, Marcus didn't have to imagine. He was born into a family where strength meant everything, but he had none. Instead of the life full of roses he was told he would have, he was told he had no magic in front of his father. He still had hope that he could be talented with a sword like his father, but to his dismay, the man who was trying to discover his talent laughed and said, "You have no talent with the sword either, but you do have talent in cultivation. In making pills..." Silence filled the room. Marcus knew he had talent in making pills to make others stronger, but his family already had people who did that, so he was just unneeded. Despite this, he just needed someone to love him, so he went on a journey to find a lover. Finally, he found someone who loved him and he loved her back, and they even started a family. By this point, Marcus was 25 years old, and his siblings had made names for themselves. Although he was unlucky, he was born into a great family and knew that others had less, so he couldn't complain. He decided to help the sick villagers in the village, but to his surprise, someone else was already helping them. It was one of the cadets to become king, known as the hero, who was most likely to succeed. Marcus, who wasn't even worthy to be in the line of succession, couldn't do much but walk away. He returned to his hut and noticed that his wife was gone. She had probably gone to gather herbs to help him make pills, so he went to the castle to meet his father, the king. On his way, he heard moaning and saw that his wife and sister were having sex. He screamed at the sight, but he couldn't do anything. His sister was many times stronger than him, even though she was younger. Feeling angry and helpless, he walked to the largest room in the castle where everyone in his family was waiting for him, except for his sister. To make matters worse, he was told that his own 5-year-old child wasn't even his. He felt like he had been slapped in the face. His son was sitting on his older brother, the only one who had been kind to him and who he loved. They said that his. At the age of five, your own son hit you and said that you were unworthy of him. However, as he struck you again The shock and pain of the moment caused you to snap, and you broke down, cursing the world. You felt a deep sense of betrayal and anger towards your family, who had never appreciated your talents and strengths. This event made you realize that you needed to take matters into your own hands and seek revenge against those who had wronged you. hey this is my first series

ogre_5582 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

. . .

"A demon" are the only words that could describe what Marcus looked like. A smile that reached ear to ear, and a towering figure - it was a horrifying sight to say the least.

Four steps, that's all Marcus took. Just four steps and the girl began to run as she heard the noise. Marcus walked into the cave that would remain his base for the majority of the challenge, with a weird aura around him. He seemed too happy for a survival challenge, the pink-haired girl thought.

But Marcus was on cloud nine. He thought back to what the girl looked like, and his smile that reached ear to ear grew even wider. His sharp teeth could be seen now. The girl shivered at the sight.

She was well hidden, as long as she didn't move. She was safe, right?...

The pink-haired girl stayed hidden and watched as Marcus made himself at home in the cave. She couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her as she thought about what he was capable of. She had seen the way he had killed the other person with such ease and brutality. She knew that if he found her, she wouldn't stand a chance.

Without a second thought, the pink-haired girl plunged out the cave deeper into the forest, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of a safe haven. Her heart pounding with fear and adrenaline, she kept moving until she stumbled upon a small cave nestled behind a large boulder.

Cautiously, she crept inside and was relieved to find that the cave was filled with supplies and weapons. It seemed that someone had left them there . She couldn't believe her luck and began to gather the necessary tools for survival, all the while remaining alert for any sign of danger.

As she rummaged through the supplies, the girl couldn't help but feel weary

Suddenly, a noise outside the cave disrupted her thoughts, and her heart skipped a beat. She knew without a doubt that it was M. She quickly armed herself with a weapon and steeled herself for what was to come - the fight of her life.

10 minutes earlier, Marcus had been getting comfortable in the cave, relishing the thought of tormenting his prey. But to his surprise, she ran out of the cave. He had expected her to be smarter than that, especially since it was night and who knew what dangers lurked in the forest. Marcus picked up a strange mask with a horn sticking out, covering half his face and his other eye. He even changed into a suit with white gloves, complementing his pale skin.

Deciding to let her think she was safe, Marcus paused time and followed her just a few meters behind. "Pause," Marcus commanded in a demanding, arrogant, and rough tone.

After ten minutes for her and twenty-five for Marcus, she came to a stop at a weird rock. She noticed a small cave and entered it, surprising Marcus since he was sure he had checked that area. He assumed that the instructors must have added it after he left. Due to his blunder, he made a small noise, but she would have had to be a monkey or something to hear it.

As Marcus paused time for the last time and entered the cave, he saw supplies, a small amount of food, and a ton of weapons. Overwhelmed, Marcus did not want time to resume while he was in awe, so he slapped the spear she was holding out of her hand and sat on one of the crates behind her. Time resumed in the nick of time, and she was standing in front of the entrance, looking around and saw nothing. She assumed she was safe, so she turned around only to see a man with a strange mask on his face that only left a little bit of his mouth sticking out on the right side of his face, but the left side was fully covered, leaving a small room for his eye to see.

He soon pulled down his pant and gave a choice suck or die Ur choice Marcus said a smile appeared as his 25 inch man killer rose then dropped so what's Ur choice.

Hey, author here again. As I mentioned earlier, this story is going to get darker, so if this isn't your cup of tea, feel free to skip ahead to the next chapter. Unfortunately, this chapter is about 300 words shorter, so my apologies for that. I'm here to fill you in on my update schedule: I will be posting a new chapter every Monday, Friday, and Saturday, though there may be some Saturdays that are shifted to Wednesdays. That's all for now, goodbye! And if you're looking for a great novel to read, check out "Villain Retirement" - it inspired this chapter a bit.

give me power stones like damn i need them help a boy out ive yet to sign a contract so its a fun way for me to see my progress bye

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