
The Villain Is Invincible (English)

A man suddenly enters the world of novels and becomes the villain, luckily he gets a system to steal the protagonist's fortune. Making love to a photogenic woman and destroying her family would be her duty ....

KibaZed · Urban
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42 Chs

Penguin Company

Qin Feng put on his clothes quickly.

Liu Qingcheng sat wrapped around himself in a blanket, looking at Qin Feng with a complicated expression.

The man who took it first, will it leave?

He hesitated, and finally he said, "Qin Feng, are you leaving?"

Qin Feng glanced at him.

When she saw the blood on the white sheet, she smiled a little and said, "Why, you can't stand me, or do you want to do it again?"

"No, of course not."

Liu Qingcheng's eyes were confused.

He still had the feeling of being torn apart. From a girl to a woman, she couldn't stand it.

Qin Feng deliberately looked him up and down, causing Liu Qingcheng to cling onto the blanket subconsciously.

"Are you still embarrassed after the two of us have sex?"

Qin Feng spoke, but measuring the Penguin Company, he did not have time to accompany Liu Qingcheng to talk about love!

"Liu Qingcheng, you are now my woman!"

"I have more important things to do now. I'll find you when I get back and here's 50 million checks for you!"

"Also, you can only be my woman, the trash husband in your family, you have to make it possible!"

Qin Feng spoke dominatingly.

Even though he didn't have much affection for Liu Qingcheng, as a man, Qin Feng's possessive nature was very strong.

The woman he has touched, naturally cannot be touched by other men!

It was only after Qin Feng left that Liu Qingcheng recovered.

Thinking about the exiled partner at home, he gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Perhaps, only a man like Qin Feng is the perfect match for me!"


Qin Feng exited the hotel quickly.

Lin Ziqi, the flower policeman, hadn't even left yet, crouched in front of the hotel door.

Seeing Qin Feng coming out, he immediately stepped forward angrily to pay attention to him, and asked with a cold face, "Qin Feng, where is Liu Qingcheng?"

Qin Feng frowned: "Move!"

"No, unless you tell me where Liu Qingcheng is!"

"I just put him to sleep, are you satisfied?" Qin Feng said impatiently, and at the same time passed by Lin Ziqi and headed for his red Ferrari F355!

"You ... did you really sleep with him?"

"She's a woman with a husband, you bastard, you must have forced her, right ?!"

Lin Ziqi gritted her teeth and said.

In his eyes, Qin Feng was a criminal who had committed a criminal crime!

"What's the matter? I just know that he enjoyed it a lot during the process." Qin Feng got on his Ferrari and made a car.

"you ...!"

Lin Ziqi, get in the front of the car.

"Am I lying? When I put you to sleep in the future, you will know if you will enjoy it!"

Qin Feng, start the car.

As soon as you step on the gas pedal, the Ferrari engine sounds, and immediately retreats, then quickly shifts forward ...

[Ding, villain points +10!]

Lin Ziqi saw Qin Feng leave with a Ferrari, he didn't value it that much, he also took an off-road vehicle and chased him!

"What a little lying cat!"

"However, I don't have time to play with you today!"

Through the rear view mirror, Qin Feng saw Lin Ziqi chasing him in an off-road vehicle.

But because he was in a hurry to the Penguin company, he didn't have time to upend. He raised the gas again and his speed shot up again !!

Red Ferrari, speeding up the road.

As for the Lin Ziqi off-road vehicle, of course, this is no match for Ferrari, and in a flash only the rear lights of the Ferrari will be visible ...


After half an hour.

Qin Feng's red Ferrari stopped in front of the new and old half building.

This is the address of the Penguin Company, in 1999 it was still a small company, and Ma Teng had very few employees.

Moreover, Ma Teng plans to sell Penguin this year, looking for funds everywhere!

4th floor.

This building doesn't even have an elevator.

Qin Feng climbed the stairs, and when he reached the fourth floor, he saw the sign of the Penguin Company ...

"Ma Teng !!"

Qin Feng is very excited.

In 2020, the penguin company will become one of the biggest in Kyoto!

Penguin Company.

Wearing glasses, the gentle-looking Ma Teng panicked at this moment.

In the group, a group of people crowded around the company and took control of it and the others without a word's order. They were all as if they were acting in movies!

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Ma Teng calmed down, looked at the person who was starting to take the lead, and asked.

And beside Ma Teng, there were several men with normal arrangements, this time frowning, and asked calmly: "Who are you, why did you prevent me from contracting with the Penguin company?"

The man with the scar on his face grinned and said: "I don't know if I broke the law, I only know, Qin Shao said, no matter what method. If you use it, you can't let someone else sign the contract! "

"Shao Qin ?!"


At this time,

Qin Feng, step into the office!

"Shao Qin!"

Many men in black suits shouted respectfully.

[Ding, villain points +5! ]

[Ding, villain points +10! ]

[Ding, villain points +20! ]

Ma Teng and the others looked at Qin Feng together.

In their eyes, Qin Feng was undoubtedly a great criminal who would do bad things!

Qin Feng walked away, listening to them shout to Qin Shao all the way, which made him feel like a criminal ...