
The Villain Is Invincible (English)

A man suddenly enters the world of novels and becomes the villain, luckily he gets a system to steal the protagonist's fortune. Making love to a photogenic woman and destroying her family would be her duty ....

KibaZed · Urban
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42 Chs

Liu Qingcheng

After closing the door for a while, seeing Liu Qingcheng who was so seductive to Qin Feng immediately jumped up and kissed him on the lips

"Mm… M-Mister Qin, wh-what are you d - Mmph!"

I stopped Liu Qingcheng's words with a kiss on his lips. He opened his eyes wide, trying to make sense of what was going on, but only saw mine look directly into his.

I used my tongue to force Liu Qingcheng's lips open. Liu Qingcheng is still in shock. He couldn't believe his first kiss went away like this.

As he felt my tongue licking his teeth, he unconsciously opened his mouth. I took advantage of the moment to stick my tongue in, causing him to groan in surprise.

My hands explore her body, grope her buttocks and hug her waist. Liu Qingcheng twisted her body uncomfortably, but it only served to rub her breasts against my chest, causing her to groan with joy again.

After a few seconds like that, I parted my lips from hers.

"Huu, huu…" Liu Qingcheng breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath after a long kiss. His face was completely red and his body was very hot. This was the first time he had felt this way, so he was a little scared.

"Y-Mister Qin, p-please…" Liu Qingcheng pleaded pitifully with tears streaming down the corners of his eyes. I smiled mischievously and caressed his face. "You like him, right?"

"… Mm." He nodded shyly, like a little deer. I can feel my inner wolf roaring with joy.

Taking advantage that Liu Qingcheng was still a little confused, I kissed his lips again.

This time, my tongue did not find any barrier to enter his mouth. Perhaps trying to imitate my actions, Liu Qingcheng greeted my tongue with his. His movements are a little awkward, but I don't mind guiding him.

Little by little, he got lost in pleasure. His teeth rubbed against each other and his body twisted and moved with joy.

Quickly, a wet stain formed on her dress. I continued to play and tease her body gently, teach her the pleasures of men and women, and hug her body gently.

Finally, I moved my mouth and licked his ear.

Instantly, Liu Qingcheng's entire body shivered.

He groaned with pleasure and closed his eyes. Her body twitched several times in my arms as she enjoyed the first orgasm of her life.

I was a little surprised that she climaxed with just a hint of teasing, but at the same time, I was very excited on the inside. I can already imagine the feeling of the tight cave wrapping around my cock.

A few seconds later, Liu Qingcheng finally regained his senses.

He looked at me and put on an embarrassed expression. Liu Qingcheng couldn't believe that he did something so embarrassing to me.

But at that moment, he felt something hard piercing his leg.

"Hah?" Liu Qingcheng tilted his head curiously and moved his hand to grab it. I groaned in satisfaction and stared at him with a smile.

Liu Qingcheng immediately understood what it was.

"I-s-s-sorry!" She blushed to my ears and let go of my wand with a confused expression. I grin evilly and patted his head after finally kissing his lips. Liu Qingcheng finally realized I was teasing him and hid his face in my chest in embarrassment.

"Y-Mister Qin?" Liu Qingcheng stuttered doubtfully.

"call me husband"


I grinned and took off his clothes quickly. Liu Qingcheng was so shocked that he only reacted when almost all of his clothes were gone. Instantly, he moved his hand to cover his private parts.

"N-No!" He exclaimed with a pitiful expression. I just grin and let go of his hand gently. "Dont worry"

Liu Qingcheng looked at me with a panicked expression. He wondered how things got to this point.

I use my hands to separate the legs. Liu Qingcheng tried to close it instinctively, but I caressed them gently and gradually lessened his nervousness.

I then crouched down and brought my face closer to his crotch.

"Hnfff… How fragrant…" I whispered, feeling the smell of Liu Qingcheng's secret cave. She shivered slightly feeling my breath on her crotch and closed her eyes to escape the embarrassment.

Then, I stuck out my tongue and licked her clit.


A shiver of pleasure passed through Liu Qingcheng's body. He subconsciously closed his legs, pressing my head against his crotch. I continued to gently lick her crotch, using my tongue to part her lower lip and gingerly attack her. Before long, Liu Qingcheng started to pant and groan in joy. He grabbed my hair and began to twist his body, trying to escape the strange sensation he felt.

I didn't stop and instead intensified my movements. My tongue protrudesexplore the cave, lick the entrance gently and storm it a little. I felt something block my tongue every time I stormed his cave, but I didn't mind it and continued to lick him gently.

I could feel Liu Qingcheng's body spinning and shivering non-stop. He let out a long moan of pleasure and pressed his thighs against my head, immersed in the strange sensation he was feeling for the first time.

But before long, a feeling of pleasure overtook him.

"Y-Young Qin !!!" Liu Qingcheng exclaimed loudly and grabbed my hair. A fountain poured from her womb and splashed my face. I licked her pussy one last time while Liu Qingcheng was still twitching in pleasure.

Finally, when her orgasm ended, I stood up.

Liu Qingcheng's eyes were completely blank. He lay on the bed shuffling from time to time because of the sudden pleasure that assailed him.

I grinned and quickly took off my clothes. Instantly, my proud weapon stood tall in all its splendor.

Then I put it at the entrance to the cave.

Liu Qingcheng's vagina twitched slightly as she felt my wand, but she didn't have any other reaction. Her mind had not yet recovered from her last orgasm.

But I won't wait anymore.

Rubbing the entrance several times, I began to gently enter the damp cave.

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