
The Villain's Story

"So, I'm supposed to just go along with the flow?" He questioned, his refusal evident. "I'm expected to surrender to whatever destiny has planned? To accept whatever hand I'm dealt by the cursed fate of this vessel?" He rejected the idea outright. "After finally thinking I'd broken free from the clutches of that accursed snake, now this? The transgressions of this vessel's original owners are not mine to bear! I'm not the same; I'm an entirely different entity!" His laughter reverberated maniacally, filling the air. Because, let's be honest, who wouldn't teeter on the edge of madness when the mightiest entities, armed with their colossal power, are relentlessly pursuing you? Those supreme and primordial beings, capable of obliterating galaxies with casual ease... how could anyone endure such overwhelming fear? Could anyone really accept the cursed hand that fate had dealt them? Yes, He would. He had to. "Fuck it." He declared with a fervor. "I don't care...I don't care if it's destiny or fate or whatever! Even if it's the supreme beings...I...I don't give a damn! If they feel the need to dictate my life, decide my ending on sins I am not guilty of...than I have only one thing to say. BRING IT ON!" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/Sgxw6QEsgE

Blazuku · Fantasy
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598 Chs


How does one keep a stoic face?

A complete poker face devoid of any emotion in front of them?

There were a lot of ways.

You could train yourself to do so.

But the Best method was through Memory.

By Remembering an event in your life that was traumatizing enough times.

You would soon adopt a poker face, Devoid of emotion and completely unreadable to others.

Me? I had lots of those bad memories going around.

From childhood To adulthood.

The Entire Memory Gallery of my previous life was filled with them.

Although in this one I had a few good ones.

It was still hard to get rid of 'trauma'.

But I used that trauma of mine to my advantage.

The face I had for most of my life in my previous world was a perfect example.

Unreadable, Until my face got splashed with acid.

Didn't matter what expression I made after that.

I was Unreadable without even making an effort then.

And with this poker face, I kept following Sabrina To literally wherever she wanted to go.