
The villain's side of the novel

[ Discord: name : Merciless Clan lien: https://discord.com/invite/2m7XzWyEDQ] In this unique twist on the typical hero-villain dynamic, our protagonist, the villain, finds himself compelled to save humanity from powerful races threatening its existence. Meanwhile, the hero is preoccupied with gathering a harem. The story unfolds as the villain must not only confront external threats but also challenge so-called heroes, proving his perspective and ultimately taking on their responsibilities to ensure humanity's survival. As alliances shift and moral complexities emerge, the narrative explores the unexpected journey of redemption and sacrifice.

Fri123 · Fantasy
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229 Chs

The Golden Emperor Linyar

The spirit gate embodied the essence of a soul, symbolized by a numerical value. The number reflected the strength of one's soul—a higher number denoting greater strength. Numerous factors contributed to the calculation, including the host's resilience, the soul's nature, and even the individual's personality and mentality. An ordinary person's soul was typically assigned a value of 50.

Rin eagerly awaited the revelation of their number, anticipating the necklace's verdict.

The moment arrived, and the truth surfaced before Rin's eyes.

[Your soul strength is 346,] the display revealed.

An array of windows materialized before Rin, presenting vital information for analysis. Amidst the unfolding spectacle, Rin murmured in a hushed tone, "Eighth rank spirit... quite formidable."

Unexpectedly, the man seated on the throne responded, his voice resonating through the air. "Thank you for the compliment, boy," he said.

Startled, Rin queried, "What?... You can speak?"

"Of course, I can speak. Why should I not?" countered the Emperor.

Curiosity lingering, Rin asked, "Can all spirits communicate?"

"Not all of them. Only those possessing sufficient intelligence" replied the Emperor.

"And are you strong?" inquired Rin.

The Emperor's laughter bellowed forth. "Ha-ha-ha! This is the first time I've been asked that question, boy. But yes, I am undeniably powerful."

The analysis of the spirit's information finally concluded, yielding further insights.

[Name: Golden Emperor Linyar Race: Human Spirit Rank: 8 Soul Strength: 324 Spirit Type: Summoning Spirit Short Quote: Linyar, a once-great human emperor from a forgotten era, stood as a warrior at the pinnacle of the Ninth Kingdom during his mortal existence. His reign boasted ten formidable guards hailing from the Ninth Kingdom. Note: With your current power, you can only wield two percent of the Emperor's and his guards' might when summoned.]

Curiosity struck again as the Emperor, his expression grave, questioned Rin, "Tell me, boy, why do you yearn for strength so fervently?"

Rin's eyes brimmed with hatred as they revealed his motive. "For two reasons. First, revenge against those who stole my childhood and forced me to slay my friends."

The Emperor nodded approvingly, his countenance solemn. "That is a righteous cause, boy. In this world, goodness must be repaid with grace, while shame must be met with retribution. But what of the second reason?"

"He possesses a Rank Eight spirit," Morcal revealed.

"A Rank Eight spirit? The Parada family hasn't seen a contract with such a spirit in millennia," Fray remarked, his surprise evident.

"No wonder his Soul Strength rating is 346," Morcal responded.

"346? I expected a higher number," Fray commented.

Morcal countered, "It is a substantial figure, but not everyone can be a monster like you."

Fray, his expression shifting to anger, retorted, "I detest being labeled as a monster."

Morcal's gaze penetrated Fray's soul as he whispered, "I apologize. It won't happen again."

Time passed, and Rin's eyes fluttered open.

"Welcome to the Parada family," Fray spoke with an air of courtesy, his cold demeanor seemingly unchanged. Rin briefly reconsidered their decision but swiftly suppressed the doubt. Echoing Fray's icy tone, Rin responded, "Thank you. I will strive to serve you to the best of my abilities."

Fray's gaze bore into Rin's, conveying an unspoken message. "You comprehend why I asked you to kneel," he stated.

"I understand, sir," Rin acknowledged.

"Find Montaser and inform him to guide you to the Armory Hall. Choose a weapon," commanded Fray.

The Armory Hall housed an assortment of enchanted and rare weapons, collected by the Parada family over countless millennia. Few were granted entry into this sacred hall. Rin held the distinction of being the first person in Parada family history to receive such authorization in such haste.

Under the shroud of darkness, in a desolate alley, three teenage girls stood panting, each gripping a bloodstained sword.

"That explains why he gave us a month," murmured one girl, her voice low, eyes fixed upon the macabre pile of corpses strewn before them.

"What do you mean, Sina?" inquired the girl standing beside her.

"We must make haste to the Parada family," Sina declared with urgency.

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