
The villain's side of the novel

[ Discord: name : Merciless Clan lien: https://discord.com/invite/2m7XzWyEDQ] In this unique twist on the typical hero-villain dynamic, our protagonist, the villain, finds himself compelled to save humanity from powerful races threatening its existence. Meanwhile, the hero is preoccupied with gathering a harem. The story unfolds as the villain must not only confront external threats but also challenge so-called heroes, proving his perspective and ultimately taking on their responsibilities to ensure humanity's survival. As alliances shift and moral complexities emerge, the narrative explores the unexpected journey of redemption and sacrifice.

Fri123 · Fantasy
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229 Chs


In an obscure palace shrouded in shadows,

Seven figures gathered around a foreboding table,

"Do we possess undeniable evidence?" uttered a man, his voice dripping with cold malice—the orchestrator of this clandestine assembly.

"Our investigators discovered the corpses with snapped necks or smothered breaths, devoid of any external marks. It is a method of execution all too familiar," murmured one of the seated individuals, his words resonating with a haunting air.

"Are you implying...?"

"Yes, it is highly probable that the Parada lineage bears the responsibility."

"And the children, have they returned to the Parada domain?" inquired the leader, his tone laced with grim impatience.

"We cannot ascertain their whereabouts. Our planted spy within the Parada stronghold remains silent to our missives."

"These children possess immense significance. Dispatch a team to Iskar City, and another to the cities surrounding Turtle Mountain. We must locate them, alive," commanded the leader, his words laced with an ominous determination.

Parada Family Palace, Iskar City

Within the chambers of alchemy,

"At last, you emerge from your seclusion," Fray whispered, his gaze fixed upon the child standing before him.

"You knew of my existence!" exclaimed the child, surprise etched across his features. He had taken every precaution to remain hidden, leaving no trace of his existence.

(Who is this child? Why has he been omitted from the annals of this tale? Could he have perished in the clutches of the malevolent project, the Killing Machine? No, it cannot be. I am certain he possesses a strength surpassing that of Sina... Wait, there was a child who managed to escape. Could it be him?) Fray pondered, his gaze piercing through the enigma standing before him.

"Yes, indeed, but your skills are remarkable. Tell me, what is your name?" inquired Fray.

Fray had not exaggerated when describing the child's prowess. Having spent three days within a palace teeming with warriors and bound spirits, no one save for Montaser and Fray himself detected the child's presence.

The only reason Fray managed to perceive him was when the child ventured too close, his heartbeat reverberating in Fray's heightened senses. The developers of his augmented physique possessed extraordinary acuity.

"I am Rin, and I stand ready to pledge myself to the Parada lineage, should you honor your promise," Rin responded, his countenance resolute.

(This child possesses an exceedingly rare soul), Morcal's voice reverberated within Fray's mind.

(What? A rare soul? Are you certain?) Fray queried.

(Indeed, I am certain, though I am unaware of its specific nature), Morcal affirmed.

(So that explains why none could sense his presence), Fray contemplated.

Soul distinctions comprise three levels. The first, ordinary souls, are possessed by 99.9999% of the world's inhabitants.

The second level encompasses high-level souls, which manifest in a mere 0.00009% of individuals. Such souls bear an affinity for tertiary temporal laws. Should their possessors master these laws, manipulation to some extent becomes possible.

The third level encompasses rare souls, whose probability of existence dwindles to a meager 0.000009%. These souls exhibit profound connections to secondary-degree laws. Similar to high-level spirits, their owners can manipulate these laws through deep comprehension.

Beyond that lies the realm of legendary souls, so scarce that most dismiss them as mere superstition. Within this echelon reside two classifications: the golden soul and the black soul. Such souls possess profound ties to primary-degree laws.

"Very well, Rin, yet know that the Parada lineage is one of spirit warriors. To be accepted, you must forge a contract with a bound spirit," Fray declared, his expression grave.

"I am aware. I possess knowledge of the loyalty contract as well, and I willingly embrace it," Rin affirmed resolutely.

"Then let us initiate the summoning of a spirit," Fray proposed.

"Is that possible? Is there no elaborate ritual required?" Rin queried.

"No, simply close your eyes," Fray instructed.

"Very well, let us proceed," Rin consented.

"Close your eyes and let tranquility engulf you," Fray commanded, clutching the necklace in his hand. "Gate of Spirits, Unveil!"

Rin complied, his consciousness instantly engulfed in a peculiar sensation—a ceaseless cycle of dissolution and reconstruction. As the sensation subsided, Rin found himself...

"What... is this?" Rin whispered, awe resonating within his words.

Rin stood within the most opulent chamber he had ever beheld. Every element of the room exuded resplendence, gilded in gold, even the walls adorned with precious gems. Ahead, on a raised dais, sat a regal figure emanating an aura of majesty. Crowned with opulence, he occupied a golden throne, flanked by ten soldiers clad in shimmering armor, emanating a palpable menace.

In that moment, a message materialized before Rin:

[ Rank Eight spirit... The Golden Emperor ]