
The Villain's Reincarnation

To all living beings, Death appears to be the end. But is it really the end or just another beginning ? I have died. I don't remember who I am or how I died but the fact that is pretty clear is that I wasn't that much of a good person. Why else would I be in hell ? But I have a chance to escape, to start a new life in another world of magic. All I have to do is win a little game orchestrated by the devil himself. Can I win ? Even if I do win... what will be waiting for me on the other world.. As the saying goes, ' Never trust the devil.' Cover Credits -@lethihongvan23091979

Carrot_Dude · Fantasy
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23 Chs


The man had no expression on his face, he coldly gazed at the people he considered 'prey', the problem was that I was among the 'prey' that he had set his eyes on.

The name 'Genghis Khan' sounded familiar but I couldn't remember anything about him other than that., so it was a good thing that they provided information about him…even though the source was Wiki- let's stop thinking about useless things and try to think about how to survive this troublesome scenario.

We were all currently sprawled on the ground holding our breath, while he watched us.

That's all he was doing, just staring at us.

'Maybe I should try to negotiate-', but before I can complete that thought the burly man from the other team gets up and says,

"Let's tal-", but he doesn't say anything more… and I can't blame him, talking with a arrow pierced in his head wasn't that easy.

This time, I do see a weird blur, that must have been the arrow.

I'm amazed. How can someone shoot with a bow that fast ?

I didn't even see him take a bow out of his quiver.

After the burly man dies, all hell breaks loose among us. We just get up and start running in various directions. I normally wouldn't do something so reckless but it was my best chance, there's a lot of us and maybe I'll be lucky and he'll just leave me alone.

I'm running in the opposite direction to him, and Frank, Hank and Pat were also running beside me.


I turn my head sideways and see Pat falling down, an arrow in his freaking head !

I can see the panic in his eyes before finally dying a useless death.

I run even faster but the 'swishing' of the arrows never stops and I can hear the screams of people who had been caught. I don't see Hank or Frank beside me…. They were probably dead.

How can a single person be so unnaturally powerful ?

I stop running, I have a feeling that running won't help.

I slowly turn around and look at the man who had surprisingly thrown his bow on the ground. In front of his ever so cold gaze, one man stood up straighter than any other.

It was Eric.

He had raised his longsword and was facing Genghis Khan without fear in his eyes.

This proves it.

There's no other explanation for it, Eric is a goddamn idiot.

I mean, who in their right mind would even think of fighting that monster ?


That's right, no one would think of it… not even Genghis himself.

This was an opportunity… you're a goddamn genius Eric !

I'm going in for a sneak attack.

I slowly start running towards the duo who was silently observing each other.

Genghis Khan takes out his longsword as well.

They both yell something and start running towards each other.

By now I had reached a lot closer to the scene of action.

I run slowly so that they wouldn't notice me and slowly edge closer and closer to them.

Now all I had to do was jump and strike him with my spear.

I jump in… but at the wrong time.

I don't know how this happened… but it seems that I jumped in between them instead of jumping behind Genghis Khan. How was that even possible ?

I was pretty sure that I had jumped correctly… but why did this happen then ?

At the exact moment of my jump, Eric and Genghis run towards each other, Eric stops but Genghis Khan strikes me in the abdomen with his longsword.

I look up to face him and find that he has a stunned expression on his face.

I couldn't even feel the pain due to my shock…. just how did I mess this up ?

Am I the idiot in my team ?

I slowly feel myself blacking out,

' So, this is how it ends huh ?', with that thought I drift into a realm of dreams.


I'm lying down in a field of flowers that felt strangely familiar.

I don't notice the sound of a train passing through behind us because I was too distracted by the person lying down beside me.

That's right. I wasn't alone.

I was lying next to the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.

She was smiling at me playfully… something about her purple eyes enchanted me. I can't look away from them… untill I notice her silky black hair.

I feel it in my hands, seeing me do this, the women lets out a little laugh and takes my hand towards her lips and gently kisses my palm.

I…. feel weird, but not bad weird. Good weird.

" !@#*&", woman says lovingly.

What was that ?

Huh ?

The women had a pained expression on her face.

She starts coughing out blood that was black in color…. A lot of blood.

I try to get up, help her…. Do anything at all. But my body refused to move.

The entire field was covered in the woman's blood…but she still doesn't stop coughing.


I'm drowning in her blood, but I don't mind the pain. I just want her to be…. Alright.


I wake up.

I remember something about a dream but that's about it. I don't remember what happened in the dream, this seems to be happening to me a lot lately.

I gasp.

I was in a completely foreign room.

The reason I gasped wasn't because of the unfamiliar room, it was because who I was in the room with, Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan was tenderly [ ? ] touching my cheek with one of his fingers.

What the fuck's happening ?


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Carrot_Dudecreators' thoughts