
The Elixir

Around an hour after I took the first Acclimation potion, empty vials coated the bed of my Crib, and my wallet was 2250 Low-Alpha coins emptier; however, I was finally back to full health. 

In the end, I needed to buy a total of nine Acclimation potions, and after drinking so many, my little belly was so round it appeared as if I had eaten a MASSIVE meal. 

Bloating aside, I was more annoyed than anything about the loss of funds. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, from my perspective, I had more than enough to buy nine potions several times over, but hemorrhaging 2250 Low-Alpha Coins hurt. 

Although still in the Non-Rank, every muscle in my body was toned, and frankly, if you looked at me, you would think I was a miniature athlete instead of a formerly sickly one-year-old child. 

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