
The Villain's Lament

In a world filled with pain, fear, and prejudice, Eleanor faces accusations and judgment from her former lover Gabriel and his lover Alice. As tensions rise, Eleanor seizes a sword and confronts them, defying their expectations. Gabriel pleads for her to stop, expressing concern, but she remains determined to free herself from oppression. She died, and upon awakening, found herself transported back to the age of fifteen. Determined to alter her destiny, she embarked on a journey of transformation, only to discover that everything she had experienced was built upon deceit

Reveries_ · Fantasy
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63 Chs

True False

As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, a sense of weariness washed over me. The vibrant colors of my once beautiful attire felt dull and lifeless against my pale complexion. My face bore the weight of the emotional turmoil I had endured. The maids observed me with concern, sensing that something was amiss. But I no longer cared about appearances or impressing others.

Gabriel, the man I had once considered my love, my soulmate, was coming to see me. Memories of the past resurfaced—the moments when I adorned myself in exquisite garments and adorned my face with layers of makeup to please him. I had strived to present an image of perfection, fearing that any sign of weakness or illness would drive him away. But now, everything had changed. I was no longer that girl who sought validation through external means.

As I stood there, look at the mirror and think what will i do if i go to my parents ,the weight of the impending conversation with my family bore down on me. Anxiety and determination swirled within my heart, creating a turbulent mix of emotions. I was acutely aware that conveying Gabriel's desire to end our engagement would be an arduous undertaking. Especially considering that I had defied my family's wishes and left the comfort of our home to be with him, seeking refuge with my aunt.

Recalling the betrayal orchestrated by my aunt, who had manipulated me into a compromising situation with Gabriel, anger and sorrow intertwined within me. She had deceived me, convincing me that if I slept with him, he would be bound to me. But it was a lie, and the aftermath , without a kiss,had left me humiliated and broken.

Now, my priorities had shifted. I yearned for a quiet, peaceful life, free from the entanglements of deceit and manipulation. The mistakes I had made in the past had taught me valuable lessons, and I no longer sought validation through unhealthy means

" We finished my lady the lord waiting for you in the room" meg said.

Acknowledging Meg with a nod, we commenced our stroll.

"Meg, please ensure that the maid doesn't enter the room under any circumstances," I reiterated, my tone firm but composed. "I don't want any unnecessary interruptions or added tension during this conversation. It's crucial that I speak with the Lord alone."

Meg's shock dissipated, replaced by a look of understanding and determination. "Of course, my lady," she replied, her voice filled with conviction. "I'll make sure the maid stays away. You can count on me

As we walked toward the room, I could feel the rising temperature making me uncomfortable and restless. I knew I had to confront the man who had betrayed me, even though it would be difficult. Revenge burned within me, but I was also exhausted from the emotional turmoil. Perhaps it was time to escape this toxic environment and return to my family, even if they are angry .Meg cast a worried glance my way. Sensing my unease, she leaned in close and whispered

"Are you okay? You're acting strangely," she whispered.

"I'm more than okay, Meg. ," I replied, a sense of liberation spreading through me.As we approached the door, Meg opened it, and I entered

With that, I took a deep breath and gathered my composure, preparing myself for the challenging conversation that lay ahead. Meg left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and emotions, as I steeled myself to face the Lord and address the issues that had arisen between Gabriel and me.

Despite the turmoil within me, I maintained a composed facade as I casually asked, "Would you like some tea?" I pretended as if nothing had changed between us, even though everything had. He began to speak, mentioning my recent fall from the tree and expressing concern for my well-being. I met his gaze, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within me, and replied with a calm tone, "I appreciate your concern, my lord. Rest assured, I am perfectly fine."

His surprise was evident as he asked, "Are you truly alright, Elenore?" A soft smile graced my lips as I responded, "I am just a little tired. But let us not dwell on that. Why have you come here?"

Sensing the need to address the underlying truth, he took a deep breath and spoke with a mixture of apprehension and honesty, "I need to tell you something, Elenore." Deep down, I already knew what he was about to confess, but I allowed him to continue. "I love Alice, not you, Elenore," he admitted, echoing the very words I had seen in my dream—or perhaps it was a glimpse of the future.

I maintained my composure, concealing the pain that threatened to consume me. Gabriel seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation, his voice filled with empathy as he continued, "But deep down, you know that you don't love me either. And, truthfully, I love Alice.she is love of my life " he confessed, his words piercing the air. I held my composure, refusing to let my posture falter, while he avoided meeting my gaze. It was clear that he had rehearsed this speech, meticulously reciting the lines he had memorized. He had come here not to reconcile, but to belittle me, to remind me of my supposed inadequacies.

Our families ,i mean my aunt and his family, driven by their own desires, had arranged this impending marriage. It seemed as though our fates had been decided, leaving us with little choice in the matter. Yet, he proposed a solution, a way out of this suffocating union. "If you marry John, my cousin," he suggested, his voice laced with disdain, "it could provide an escape for both of us. Don't let his half-blood status deter you. Who cares?"

His words cut through me, an attempt to demean my worth, to reduce me to a pawn in their game. But as the door swung open, revealing John's presence, I realized that he had overheard everything. Embarrassment washed over him, mirroring the scene I had witnessed in my dreams or perhaps glimpses of a future yet to unfold. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel sorry for John, knowing that Gabriel, the one who had just scorned me, would look down upon him due to his mother's commoner status.

He was undeniably handsome, with his captivating brown eyes and a head full of dark, tousled hair. Towering above me, his muscular frame exuded strength and confidence. In contrast, I possessed a slender figure, adorned with vibrant red hair that cascaded down my shoulders, complemented by deep blue eyes. Ever since our childhood, it was no secret that he harbored a crush on me. Now, in this moment of clarity, I realized that it was time to speak my truth, even if it meant delivering words that would sting.

"Hey, Elenore," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I know you won't accept this peasant, but let me hear you out." I locked eyes with him, my face displaying unwavering determination. "Okay," I replied, my voice steady. "I accept to marry him."

Both Gabriel and John looked taken aback, their surprise evident in their expressions. "What? Yes, wait, what?" Gabriel stuttered, struggling to comprehend my unexpected response. I met his gaze, a sense of contentment washing over me. "Aren't you the one who wants me to marry him?" I asked, seeking to clarify the situation. "but even if I say yes, John, do you want to marry me? I don't want to force anyone."

As I spoke, John's face flushed a deeper shade of red, his bashfulness only amplifying his charm. "John, are you...?" I trailed off, waiting for his answer. However, before he could respond, Gabriel interjected, dismissing my words as an attempt to make him jealous. "No, Elenore, stop humiliating yourself. I know you said that to make me jealous," he declared, his tone laced with disbelief.

Silently, I looked at Gabriel, devoid of any words or expressions. And then, unexpectedly, the truth spilled from John's lips. "I will accept your offer, my lady," he said, his voice trembling with a mix of excitement and vulnerability. Gabriel's laughter erupted, masking his true emotions with a facade of amusement. "My poor and idiot cousin, she's just joking. Don't take her seriously," he said, attempting to downplay the gravity of the moment.

My words were not meant as a jest. Deep within, I longed for a connection with someone who would wholeheartedly love and cherish me. John possessed both a striking handsomeness and a genuine goodness that resonated with me. I couldn't help but feel that Gabriel, upon learning of this, would be perturbed, and somehow, that realization brought me a strange sense of contentment."I did not joke," I declared with unwavering conviction. "So, if everyone agrees, John, I will be waiting for you on Sunday to discuss the marriage." And with that, I bid them farewell, leaving the room behind,

my heart filled with a mixture of hope and apprehension.







İf you like this " my second book " Silent Possession (You Belong to Me)

this is my first novel so I'm sorry for mistake. İ know there is a lot. I'm sorry. İ hope you will enjoy this book.

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