
The Villain's Lament

In a world filled with pain, fear, and prejudice, Eleanor faces accusations and judgment from her former lover Gabriel and his lover Alice. As tensions rise, Eleanor seizes a sword and confronts them, defying their expectations. Gabriel pleads for her to stop, expressing concern, but she remains determined to free herself from oppression. She died, and upon awakening, found herself transported back to the age of fifteen. Determined to alter her destiny, she embarked on a journey of transformation, only to discover that everything she had experienced was built upon deceit

Reveries_ · Fantasy
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63 Chs

echo ( John)

"Are you not happy, Meg?" I questioned, but she remained frozen, her expression etched with an unyielding stillness. It was as if her very being had turned to ice, devoid of any warmth or life.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I implored, my words falling on deaf ears. It seemed as though she was lost in a world of her own, unresponsive to the outside world. But why? What was the secret behind this paralyzing fear that held her captive?

"Did she recognize you?" She said such ridiculous things but I shook my head

My frustration grew, fueled by unanswered questions and a sense of betrayal. Why had Elenore placed such unwavering trust in her ? And What had transpired to instill such fear within Meg? The weight of these thoughts bore down upon me, and in a moment of anger, my fist collided with the table.

The sound reverberate through the empty room, magnified by the silence that cover us. It was a hollow echo, a haunting reminder of the secrets that lingered in the darkness. The room seemed to absorb the sound, reflecting the emptiness that pass the air.

In that moment, the truth escaped her, hidden within the depths of the shadows. The mystery deepened, and the walls of the room seemed to close in, suffocating us with their enigmatic presence. I was left grappling with the fragments of a puzzle, desperate to uncover the truth that lay hidden within the frozen depths of Meg's fear.

"Tell me now! The truth!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the room. The girl bound to the chair trembled in fear, her tears transitioning from forced to genuine. The weight of my accusations and anger bore down on her, intensifying the atmosphere of terror that surrounded us.

"Why did you poison her? Why does she believe she's fifteen? And why did her aunt prevent her from meeting me? And beat her?" I demanded, my voice filled with a mix of desperation ,frustration and of course anger. The room seemed to absorb my words like a leaf, the sole candle casting flickering shadows as its light diminished in synchronize with the intensity of my voice.

Questions tumbled from my lips, fueled by a torrent of emotions. I sought answers for the bottomless, seeking clarity in the midst of confusion. The silence that followed was deafening, punctuated only by the girl's quivering breaths, her eyes wide with trepidation.

In my anguished state, I couldn't help but query further. "And why did her parents allow this to happen? Did they know? Did they turn a blind eye?" The room held its breath, as though even the walls were privy to the secrets that lingered within.

As the echoes of my words subsided, a heavy silence settled upon us. The candle's feeble light flickered, casting elongated shadows that danced upon the walls. the truth hung in the air like an puzzling specter, waiting to be unveiled from the depths of darkness.

As she slumped, unconscious, in the chair, a twisted smile crept upon my face. "Passed out, how convenient," I chuckled to myself. "Tom!" I bellowed, summoning my loyal soldier who had been patiently waiting just beyond the door. He entered the room, his gaze shifting from the girl to the scene before him.

"I told you to stay calm, not to frighten her," Tom admonished, his voice laced with concern. I glared back at him, bristling with anger. "No, you didn't," I retorted, my frustration simmering just beneath the surface. Tom's puzzled expression morphed into one of disbelief. "My Lord," he stated cautiously, "you do realize that she is a woman, not a man, right?"

Tom's observation hit me like a thunderbolt, piercing through the fog of my assumptions. I had allowed my anger to cloud my judgment.

Tom's voice carried a mix of concern and confusion as he broke the heavy silence. "Will you tell me what is going on? Because you never make this kind of mistake, sir," he implored, his loyalty and friendship evident in his unwavering gaze.

"I don't know. Normally, I am calm, but..." I trailed off, my gaze fixated on the floor, struggling to find the right words to explain my conflicted emotions.

Tom, sensing my hesitation, reached out and playfully punched my shoulder. "Come on, spill it out. It can't be that complicated," he chuckled, his disbelief evident.

I sighed, gathering my thoughts. "It's not that simple," I replied, my voice tinged with a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "Yes, I don't particularly like her now, but she was my dear friend during our childhood."

Tom's eyes widened with surprise. "But sir," he interjected, "she bullied you during her birthday party. I distinctly remember that incident."

I looked at him, a flicker of contentment crossing my face. "I was talking about our childhood, Tom. Before all of that happened."

Tom's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation. "So, let me get this straight," he said, his tone filled with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "You don't like her, but you're helping her because she was your childhood friend. And there's nothing more to it? You don't have lingering feelings for her?"

His words felt like a challenge, tempting me to reveal the truth I had been grappling with. I hesitated for a moment, then met his gaze with a resolute nod. "Yes, Tom. You're right. I don't have romantic feelings for her. My motivations stem from a sense of loyalty and a desire to protect a friendship that was once meaningful. That's all there is to it."

Tom's expression softened, his skepticism giving way to understanding. "I see," he said, his voice filled with acceptance. "Well, then, let's focus on helping her as a friend. Together, we'll uncover the truth and ensure her well-being."

"You're not going to let this go, are you?" I sighed, looking directly at Tom. He met my gaze with an impassive expression. "No, I can't. It's just too much fun," he replied, his face devoid of emotion.

Suddenly, a voice echoed from behind the door, interrupting our conversation. "Should we make a bet?" It was Lucas, who had been silently observing our exchange. Tom's eyes lit up with excitement as he strode towards Lucas. "How much?" Tom called out, eager to engage in their usual games.

"Five Ferrs," Lucas proposed confidently. Tom, never one to back down from a challenge, countered, "No, make it ten." Their banter frustrated me, intensifying my dislike for their antics.

"I really hate you two," I muttered under my breath, but my words fell on deaf ears. They were too absorbed in their own amusement to pay me any mind.

"Fine, deal," Lucas agreed with a smirk. The two of them reveled in their playfulness.

With a heavy sigh, and o Shook my head left to right "Well, at least take care of this mess. I need to get some rest," I stated wearily, my exhaustion seeping into my voice.

"Yes, sir," they responded in unison, acknowledging my request. As I left the room, I hoped that they would honor their words and handle the situation responsibly.