
The Villain's Lament

In a world filled with pain, fear, and prejudice, Eleanor faces accusations and judgment from her former lover Gabriel and his lover Alice. As tensions rise, Eleanor seizes a sword and confronts them, defying their expectations. Gabriel pleads for her to stop, expressing concern, but she remains determined to free herself from oppression. She died, and upon awakening, found herself transported back to the age of fifteen. Determined to alter her destiny, she embarked on a journey of transformation, only to discover that everything she had experienced was built upon deceit

Reveries_ · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Carriage ( John)

As I sat alone in the hotel room, the weight of the decision pressed upon me.

I stared at the letter in my hand, the weight of its contents unknown, yet beckoning me to uncover the truth hidden within.

My mind raced, caught in the crossfire of conflicting emotions. Should I open the letter and risk unraveling a web of secrets and complications? Or should I discard it and focus solely on my mission, leaving the past behind?

Elenore's past actions had left deep scars, scars that had festered and fueled my resentment towards her. But now, faced with the opportunity to set aside my personal vendetta, I couldn't help but question if it was worth it. Could I trust her to fulfill her part in this mission, or would her past attitude resurface, threatening to sabotage everything?

I had intended to get a good night's sleep, but my plans were interrupted by the sound of voices outside my room. Curiosity piqued, I went to the door and opened it, only to find the hotel staff trying to prevent someone from entering.

Perplexed, I inquired, "What is going on here?" The staff and my companions seemed taken aback by my sudden appearance.

One of the staff members stumbled and fell to the floor, while a maid, whom I suspected to be Lady Elenore's maid, pleaded for my attention. "My Lord, please listen to me," she implored.

In an effort to calm everyone down, I said, "Alright, calm down. Take deep breaths. Now, can you please explain what is happening?"

The maid took a moment to compose herself before explaining, "Madam locked Lady Elenore in her room and physically assaulted her."

I was astonished by this revelation. Lady Elenore's aunt had always professed her love for her, and this sudden act of violence was completely unexpected. I wondered if it was simply a family dispute, but I felt compelled to check on Lady Elenore's well-being.

"Alright," I responded firmly. "Please stay here, Jimmy. Take care of her." I instructed my companion, Jimmy, to look after maid while I went to investigate.

Filled with concern, I made my way to Lady Elenore's aunt's mansion, accompanied by a couple of my companions. We arrived at night, with only the moon and the glow of fireflies providing light. I observed them for a moment, questioning whether I should be searching for her. My emotions were in turmoil, and I felt lost. As the carriage came to a stop in front of the house, the garden door opened upon hearing my name. We stepped out of the carriage, but the mansion guards instructed us to wait.

Normally, I wouldn't involve myself in a family dispute, but I knew it was the right thing to do. While waiting, I noticed a girl on the balcony wearing pajamas. It was dark, but I recognized her as Elenore. She was gazing at the moon, her beauty evident, yet something seemed amiss. Without hesitation, I began to walk toward her. "Captain, they want us to wait," Jake reminded me. "You wait; I need to check something," I replied, determined to approach her.

Suddenly, Elenore climbed onto the balcony railings and locked eyes with me. Startled, I shouted her name, "Elenore!" She muttered something indistinct and smiled before impulsively jumping. Acting on instinct, I lunged forward and managed to catch her just in time, preventing her from hitting the ground. My breaths were rapid, betraying my panic, and I turned to face her, my hand on her shoulder.

Why, Elenore? Why did you jump?"" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

She trembled slightly, tears welling up in her eyes as exhaustion and despair weighed heavily on her. "I'm tired, John. Tired of both reality and the dreams that haunt me."

Confusion et concern etched themselves onto my face as I tried to understand her pain. "This is real, Elenore," I said firmly, my gaze unwavering.

As I locked eyes with her, feeling the intensity of her tear-filled gaze, a sense of solace washed over me. I held her tightly, refusing to let go, ensuring her safety and comfort. Together, we made our way towards the mansion's exit, where a concerned-looking man stood , I didn't know who he was because I was focused on Elenore. But that person was opening the carriage doors for us.

Without hesitation, I guided Elenore into the carriage, still holding onto her with unwavering determination. As we settled inside, the sounds of voices filled with tension and the chaos of a struggle reached our ears. "What do you think you're doing?" her aunt exclaimed, blocking the path with her companions. "I won't let you steal her, you thief!"

Anger surged within me, and I raised my voice, commanding authority. "If you don't allow us to leave peacefully, I will take whatever action is necessary!"

My declaration hung in the air, demanding attention and compliance. With that, the carriage began to move, carrying us away from the tumultuous scene.

As the carriage started moving, I held Elenore close, feeling a mixture of relief and determination. The chaos and tension outside the carriage seemed to fade away as we left the mansion behind us. Inside the carriage, I turned to Elenore, she close her eyes and sound sleep .As the carriage continued on its path, I couldn't help but wonder about the challenges that lay ahead.