
The Villain's Lament

In a world filled with pain, fear, and prejudice, Eleanor faces accusations and judgment from her former lover Gabriel and his lover Alice. As tensions rise, Eleanor seizes a sword and confronts them, defying their expectations. Gabriel pleads for her to stop, expressing concern, but she remains determined to free herself from oppression. She died, and upon awakening, found herself transported back to the age of fifteen. Determined to alter her destiny, she embarked on a journey of transformation, only to discover that everything she had experienced was built upon deceit

Reveries_ · Fantasy
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63 Chs

"Echoes of the Past: A Memory from Age 15.

"I love her, not you," Gabriel's words echoed in my mind, shattering the world we had built together. My heart raced, and I stood frozen, trying to comprehend the magnitude of his confession. How could everything we had planned and dreamed of collapse in an instant?

Fear and confusion gripped me as I struggled to find words. "What does this mean?" I managed to ask, hoping for some semblance of an explanation. Gabriel's gaze softened, but sadness filled his eyes, intensifying the ache within me.

"Elenore, I understand this is difficult for you," he began, his voice laced with empathy. "But deep down, you know that you don't love me either. And, to be honest, I love Alice."

His words crashed over me, leaving me submerged in a sea of bewilderment. Did I truly not love him? Had I been blind to my own heart? And who was this person he professed his love for? Questions surged within me, but before I could voice them, a truth I had concealed spilled out, unfiltered and vulnerable.

"Alice is your sister, Gabriel!" I blurted out, disbelief and shock mingling in my voice. Anger ignited in Gabriel's eyes, his features contorted with frustration.

"She's adopted, and you know it, Elenore!" he snapped, irritation lacing his words. Tension crackled in the room, our emotions colliding in a clash that threatened to tear us apart. Yet, I refused to let the truth fade into obscurity. I couldn't ignore the reality that stood between us, no matter the pain it brought.

"That doesn't change the fact that she's your sister," I asserted, my voice brimming with conviction. Love and kinship intertwined, challenging the boundaries of our relationship and compelling us to confront the complexities of our intertwined lives.

"I want to propose a deal to you, Elenore," Gabriel said, his eyes filled with sincerity. I stared at him, struggling to make sense of his words. "Is this a joke?" I asked, my disbelief refusing to let me accept the situation unfolding before me. Fear gripped my heart as I considered the potential consequences for our families. Could this all be an elaborate prank?

"It's not a joke, Elenore. Please, listen to me," Gabriel pleaded, his voice tinged with urgency. I hesitated, my emotions swirling within me, but eventually nodded, signaling my willingness to hear him out. I hoped that there might be some clarity or resolution in his words.

"No, I cannot hear any of this ridiculous thing," I yelled, overwhelmed by confusion and fear. I turned to run, desperate to escape the turmoil of the situation. But Gabriel reached out and grabbed my hand tightly, preventing my escape. "No, you will stay here and listen to me. Do you understand? Don't make me angry, Elenore," he said, his voice filled with a strange mix of authority and menace.

Fear coursed through me as I realized that something was terribly wrong. This wasn't the Gabriel I knew. Who was this person before me? He forced me to sit down, his grip on my hand tightening, and began to speak.

"I know that our families want this marriage, and we may not have a choice in the matter. But there is a solution. If you marry John, my cousin, it could be a way out," Gabriel explained, his words sending a chill down my spine. John, a half-blood peasant, someone I had known since childhood. My heart sank at the thought of such an arrangement. I couldn't accept this. It felt like a betrayal of everything I believed in.

"No, I'm not going to marry this half-blood. Are you kidding me? You want me to marry a peasant?" I exclaimed, my voice filled with anger and disbelief. The room fell into a heavy silence, and I could see the hurt and disappointment in John's eyes as he entered the room. I could tell he had no idea what we were talking about, but I couldn't fathom the idea of marrying him—a mere peasant. It felt like a cruel joke.

When I spoke those words, I noticed a flicker of recognition in Gabriel's expression. I knew he despised John, but he couldn't possibly hate me. I couldn't allow this situation to unfold. But I didn't care. I couldn't bear the thought of losing Gabriel, even if it meant resorting to desperate measures.

"I love you, Gabriel," I declared, my voice filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability. "I can't marry someone I don't love, and I won't humiliate myself for the sake of our families. I'm willing to fight for us."

Gabriel's expression darkened as I spoke, but instead of rejecting me, he surprised me. In a sudden twist, he pulled me close and kissed me, but not passionately, like he just touching my lips. was a deliberate act to hurt John, to humiliate him as he had intended for me.

As we kissed, I could see John's hurt and disbelief, and he made the painful decision to leave. In that moment, it felt like a hollow victory. But then Gabriel whispered something in my ear, shattering my hopes.

"But I love Alice," he confessed, his voice laced with amusement. He laughed, mocking the sincerity of my feelings.


As I awaken, I am met with searing heat, which adds to the challenge of opening my eyes. In the midst of this scorching environment, a voice calls out, "My lady, my lady, open your eyes." I am immediately flooded with existential doubts. Am I not deceased? Is this place I find myself in some form of hell? I struggle to comprehend why I am unable to perceive my surroundings, despite believing that someone intervened to prevent my suicide. These thoughts consume my mind, leaving me in a state of confusion and uncertainty.

" My lady please open your eyes"

As the voice persists, urging me to open my eyes, I gather the strength to fight against the oppressive heat that engulfs me. With a determined effort, I manage to pry my eyelids open, only to be met with a blinding brightness that momentarily disorients me. Gradually, my vision adjusts, revealing a scene unlike any I could have imagined.

As I try to make sense of my surroundings, I notice figures approaching me, their forms hazy in the shimmering heat. They draw closer, their faces etched with concern and relief. I recognize them as the same individuals whose voices I had heard in that fateful moment before darkness enveloped me.

Their presence raises more questions within me. How did they manage to rescue me from the brink of despair? And why am I now trapped in this scorching wasteland? The confusion within me deepens, the answers to these mysteries seemingly just out of reach.









İf you like this " my second book " Silent Possession (You Belong to Me)

this is my first novel so I'm sorry for mistake. İ know there is a lot. I'm sorry. İ hope you will enjoy this book.

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