
The Villain's Guide To Survival

While they were having fun, I tried to improve myself. I cried alone while they laughed together. When they were together, I was excluded. One afternoon at school, I realized that nothing would ever be the same. I felt freed from the shackles that were limiting me. The world has changed, I will make pay for every wrong done to me!

ByGumiho · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 9: Exam (8)


When Esra collapsed never to get up again, Ahmet breathed a sigh of relief. The heat emitted by Esra caused them great difficulties. Most of them had their bodies filled with burns. Even Ahmed had many cuts and burns.

"He's not dead, bitch."

His body was trembling from exhaustion and the pain of wounds. Had he not been in a dangerous environment, he would have instantly let himself down and take a long sleep.

"This is not the time to rest, friends! This is the opportunity. Circle it and attack!"

The world had changed, it was quite normal for electricity to be cut off. That's why the power outage didn't bother him. He had much more important work to deal with.

"Our ancestors did not say in vain, 'Shoot the shepherd and the flock will disperse.'"

He squinted and focused on the scene in front of him. Suddenly, he stepped forward and stabbed his sword into the chest of a ninth-grader.

After Esra died, she didn't know what to do like a herd left without a 2-B shepherd. They were waiting for the sound that saved them in any situation.

But no matter how long they waited, no sound was heard.

Ahmed's subjects easily encircled a large part of the tenth grade.

"Your overlord is dead. Obey or die!"

He looked coldly at the students. Although most of them were unarmed, they could have been valuable assets after the exam. There were also a few intelligent people in them.

It wouldn't hurt to win them over.

"Wait, please..."

A girl pleaded, but the students surrounding them only narrowed the circle.

"You're running out of time."

[Ahmet Karaman wants your approval, do you approve?]

Suddenly, this window appeared in front of the students. As the situation was, they had no choice but to accept it. When he confirmed, Ahmet's surroundings were illuminated by a red light.

[Congratulations, you have been appointed as a 'Marquis'!]

[You've earned 50 Karma Points!]

His usual smile appeared on Ahmed's face.

He was now the only marquis among all his overlords.

To become a duke, he had to include only fifteen people in his subjects. Once he did that, there would be nothing left that could prevent his rise. His subjects were becoming stronger with the empowerment. They had an absolute advantage over the others.

He was curious about the world after this exam. The desire to be stronger than everyone else triggered the desire to do what he wanted when the doors of the lawless world opened.

He could officially become a king.

Someone served by people...

The dream of this made Ahmet much more ruthless than he should have been. His mind was depriving him of flexibility. He was only focused on becoming king.

His flag was yellow. Only five people with him had the yellow flag. At that moment, a diabolical plan came to Ahmet's mind. He immediately approached the area where the two overlords were fighting.

Both overlords were fourth-graders, and their flags were red, but the conflict between them seemed to be at an impasse.

He could not gain the upper hand on both sides.

But that was true until Ahmed got there. As a team from the fourth grade, they were stronger than in other years. So attacking directly was the stupidest thing to do.

Ahmed led the students on his team and attacked his opponent as soon as he attacked the other overlord.


Attacks from both sides caused the overlord to collapse in a short time. Even his subjects immediately lost their fighting strength and fell to the ground like chickens waiting to be killed.

The only move to the other overlord, who took this opportunity, cut off the student's head.

The red flag above his head glowed slightly and merged with the red flag of his opponent.

He was now one of the yellow flag overlords.

"You grew up like a buddy. I don't know how long I could have endured."

The yellow-flagged overlord approached Ahmed with a friendly smile. Ahmed was scared to beat his opponent with only a few moves.

"Your name was Abraham, wasn't it? But if I don't remember, you should be from the E branch."

"I didn't know you knew me."

Ibrahim approached Ahmet with excitement and curiosity. He planned to ally with him if possible. If Ahmed's strength and his own combined would have no one to resist them.

"I know you."

Ahmed approached him smiling.

"Really? from where?"

"After all, if I didn't know you, I wouldn't have moved to kill you."


Ibrahim's blood froze after hearing Ahmed's sentence. Although he immediately grabbed his sword, it was too late. When the steel sword pierced through his heart and came out the other side, all he could do was hold Ahmet's arms.

"Personal perception please."

Ahmed smiled.

"I do this for all of us."

He drew the sword and kicked Abraham's body.


The yellow flag on Ibrahim's head faded and merged with the yellow flag on Ahmet's head to rise to the next level.

Ahmed's power as the only brown flag could not be questioned.

"I offer you two options, pledge allegiance or die!"

It was a recurring scene. Fearful eyes were on Ahmed. Luckily, a girl came out of them and looked at Ahmed without fear.

"Ahmed Abi, please don't scare them."

She was a very beautiful girl with blonde hair. It was not possible to understand which year it was. Because he couldn't be understood by looking at his body. However, the fact that he called Ahmet brother showed that he was younger than him.

Ahmed frowns and looked at the girl.

He knew the girl.

"Was your name Sude?"

"I'm glad you got to know me."

"I think you came from the same middle school as me. Are you eleventh class?"

"Yes, the person you killed was the brother of our class president."

He pointed with his fingers at a young man in glasses from the crowd. He was not a prominent figure among the hundreds who survived. If he had not been in the hands of an overlord's subjects, he would have been killed long ago.

The youth looked at him with hatred, but Ahmed didn't care about him.

"What do you want?"

"If you bully them, one day they'll turn their backs on you. You have to give them a choice. After all, you are not a villain, it is only the work of criminals to threaten and kill anyone who stands in your way."


Ahmed did not reject him. It was natural for people to look at him with fear, but he preferred respect to them. Sude offered to ease the fear by giving them a choice.

"So what do you want to do?"

A smile appeared on Sude's beautiful face that quickened the men's hearts.

"Of course, we have to..."

He was about to say something when his eyes widened.


Suddenly, he grabbed his stomach, twisted it, and vomited on the ground. Her skin, which was already milky-white, gradually turned whiter and took on a diseased color.

"What's going on?"

Ahmed looked at Sude in surprise. When his eyes fell on his vomit, his head turned. Inside was a large lump of blood, including small pieces of meat. As I was thinking about what had happened, suddenly his legs emptied.

When he staggered a few steps and regained his balance, he saw the students collapse. They were holding their heads and screaming in pain before they fell to the ground.

"It's burning! I am! Help!"

"Water! I need water!"

"Put it out!"

They were screaming as if they were in the middle of a vast forest fire. It was as if the students were being burned alive before they fell to the ground.

Ahmed noticed that Sude was lying motionless a lot. His body was covered in sweat. His breaths were so light that it was impossible to feel.

Looking at it, the brightness of the earth dropped by several degrees. The scorching heat rising from his stomach began to burn first his heart and then his stomach.

The pain of the heat knocked him to the ground and caused him to flutter.

No matter how resilient he was, he could not endure such pain. His previous ambition is completely gone. The pain he felt made him want to die.

"Water... a glass..."

As his eyes closed, he noticed a silhouette walking through the middle of the hall. He stabbed the steel sword he was holding into one of the students who had collapsed on the ground and turned it. The student to whom he had stabbed the sword fluttered a little after screaming in pain but immediately stopped moving.

Without stopping for a moment, the silhouette took over another student and performed the same procedure. This time the student screamed more high-pitched and even tried to resist, but to no avail.

As things went on like this, the silhouette took the lives of fifty people in just a few minutes. The steps he took were quite light, but even the small sound he made tormented Ahmet's mind. His fear of being next door caused his heart to beat faster, but also increased the temperature in his body.

[A constellation reveals its identity.]